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Everything posted by mac123x

  1. Rather dull episode, but I really enjoyed the Red Door callback. I can't remember exactly where we've heard that before - I think it was when Esther was fucking with them and locked his mind behind it because that's where he keeps his horrible memories and she wanted to torment him? Something like that. I appreciate a show that respects continuity across seasons, and they've been doing that pretty well this season. ETA: wow is the Hollow actress bad. Super bad, like "didn't get a speaking role in Theater In The Park's production of Our Town" bad. Just awful.
  2. Someone completely off the wall bonkers and nonsensical, in keeping with the general nonsense of this past season - Ella or Grandma Marin or Emily's S1 boyfriend. "Why did I do this? No reason, it just seemed fun". Now that I think about it, that's the same rationale they used for Mona and CeCe -- the game is addictive and so much fun to play.
  3. Broswatchplltoo discussing the book launch thing where the woman asked if the next book would continue Ezra and Nichole's "journey". Benjamin Light: What journey? What happens in the sequel, does she get kidnapped again?" Apparently the Nichole book is titled Then and Now. What the hell does that even mean.
  4. With no guarantee that AD won't screw her over anyway. She really is eight kinds of stupid. Well, we don't know, that could very well be the plot of his runaway first hit Ostenatto. Incidentally, what kind of book is this new one? Autobiography, Current Events, novelization, fiction? When Liam confronted him about his predatory nature, Ezra said, "you mean the character in the book?" which implies it's fictional. The one sycophant at the book event in this episode asked if his next book will continue his and Nichole's love story, so that sounds autobiographical. (Who would want to read that anyway, sounds worse than airport novel trash. Just post updates on Facebook Website Page like normal people.) I just realized that Ezra's books keep getting ruined when the victim resurfaces: 1. Ali book that went unpublished because (among other things) she returned 2. Ostenatto, probably about some other missing white girl case like The Runaway Bride[/url] 3. This book, soon to be in the discount bin / pulped because Nichole is back and he dumped her
  5. My headcanon on that is: 1. Lucas bought that empty factory near Rosewood for Hanna's new sweatshop design facility with his own money (all of his assets apparently). So he had 100% equity in the factory 2. He set up that meeting with the Japanese investors in hopes of off-loading some of that equity (by selling them part of the company) in order to reduce his risk. 3. The meeting flopped due to Hanna's absence (and would have flopped due to her outfit), so Lucas is left holding the bag. He should be solvent after he sells the factory, assuming he can sell it. It's been sitting idle for a while, so he might lose some money on the deal trying to offload it. Then again, he shouldn't have paid much to begin with since it was sitting idle.
  6. Yeah, I'm guessing there's a Twincer, but I'm still not sure if it's a separate entity or a multiple-personality or Real!Spencer. I'm leaning towards the latter, since PLLs answer to most mysteries is "the villain is insane". Retconning Charlotte's motive once again. In 6.10, she said she wanted to torment the girls after Mona told her about their lack of remorse that Ali was "dead". Now, she tortured them because they were passive when Ali bullied Lucas. These motives are way thin. Oh, right, I forgot: "the villain is insane" plasters over all the holes.
  7. As soon as Ali got knocked down I thought "conveniently timed miscarriage" would be the next cliche out of the writers' room, so I'm glad they skipped it, at least for now. That and "oh, I missed Ezra's big book thingy and now he's gonna be mad at me!" I hope the cut on her arm gets infected and swells to the size of her waist.
  8. I'm shocked that Lucas was just a red herring, said no one ever. What a tweeeest! Also, dude lost all his money because of his unrequited feelings towards Hanna. Man, she's just not that into you. Hopefully this wraps up the Lucas plot, for lack of a better term, and we won't see him again. I enjoyed Spencer's phone call with Marco, basically calling out his conflict of interest. Not that it would mean anything for the Rosewood PD. "You're fucking one of the suspects in a murder investigation that you're leading? So? That's standard operating procedure. In fact, I think I read in our policies manual that it's mandatory". Why would it take the police so long to get those paper receipts if they were readily accessible by Hanna and Caleb? With the probable cause they had (Wrollins' card was used there that night) a judge would give them a subpoena right away. Doesn't matter in the end -- Hanna couldn't find it in the correct box, so therefore AD already stole it. Aria can die in a fire. Sure, she felt remorse about trashing the baby room, but she'll still do whatever AD says just to protect Ezra. I thought Jillian was going to trot out Nichole at that book event.
  9. Regarding Killer Snow / Caitlin Frost, I kind of liked what they did with that character. Okay, "liked" might be a bit harsh, but I appreciated that they didn't forcibly cure her. They left her some agency and gave her the choice. As far as people wondering why she's suddenly not evil any more, they've been showing flashes (npi) of her non-villainy for several episodes, so it wasn't an out of the blue change of heart. Barry gave that saccharine speech about how they should try to save Savitar by working together instead of fighting him. It failed with Savitar, but it actually worked with Caitlin. Took a few episodes, but they showed her what they were willing to do to help her, and I think when Cisco gave her the cure and told her it was her choice, it finally broke the ice (pun intended that time).
  10. I was thinking of that episode also, but Buffy's lament, and that's the direction they'll go with for season 4 angst. Team Flash will discover (over the summer) a way to free Barry, and he'll be all "There was no pain, no fear no doubt, till they pulled me out... of Heaven. I think I was in Heaven".
  11. Plumbing the depths of the weirder theories: apparently some people think A.D. stands for "Avery Drake". My reaction was "is that supposed to mean something?" Well, waaaaaay back in 4.14(?) "Who's in the Box", detective Hanna was researching girls who went missing at the same time Ali disappeared, because she was trying to identify who was actually buried under the gazebo. She discovered that Shower Harvey vanished the same weekend. She and Emily had coffee with some of Shower's former friends. Two of Shower's friends showed, but the third girl from that posse didn't come because she was still too upset to talk about it. Her name was Avery. The theory is that Avery is Twincer. Avery wasn't at the meet-up, otherwise Em and Hanna would have reacted "wow, you look just like our friend Spencer". Spencer wasn't at the meet-up so Shower's friends didn't have the same reaction. I think the speculation is that Avery had been working with Charlotte (her half-sister) for some unspecified amount of time, probably before the Dollhouse, and is now persecuting the girls for revenge / justice for Charlotte's death. I think that's a bit outlandish, but at least I'll give the theory credit for giving A.D. a rational motive other than "she's crazy". It also gives a connection explaining why Shower would work with Charlotte other than "she's crazy".
  12. Not swan stuffed with dates, veal cutlets blanched in almond milk, bashed neeps smothered in butter, jellied dog brains, and lamprey pie, washed down with persimmon wine? Shocking.
  13. Charlotte, Noel Khan, Lucas, Wrollins, Peter Hastings, Byron, Pastor Ted, Jason, Kenneth, Cousin Nate, Riley the guitar playing hipster Aria banged in Syracuse, Zach the baker, Ezra, Wren, Lorenzo... the list of awful goes on and on. I suppose Noel (he was working with AD) or Jason (possible donated to a sperm bank prior to going to Africa) or Charlotte (again, donated earlier) make the most sense, for a broad definition of the word "sense" ... I'm having a hard time figuring out who fits this category. Caleb or Toby I suppose, though how did AD get a sample?
  14. Throw-away line about why Caleb and Toby weren't on this episode: they were off at a cabin "fishing. Or not fishing". Yea! Fodder for the slashfic writers! #TeamTalebOTB
  15. The doctor would need a fetal DNA sample to compare to Ali and Emily to determine maternity. I'm not an obstetrician, but that sounds like an invasive procedure, and Em would be there to witness it.
  16. Thank you all for articulating what grossed me out about the whole situation. Emily's behavior comes across as "this is how I guarantee that Ali and I wind up a couple." If Ali has an abortion, then they're back to the ambiguous situation they've been in since 10th grade - Emily wants Ali but Ali is unclear on her feelings. Are the show runners going for some twisted version of the Baby Trap trope? Way to make me hate Emily, Show. I wonder if Ali will have a convenient miscarriage followed with "This whole fiasco has made me realize just how much I love you Emily! Lets get married and have babies together that weren't conceived by a psycho!" It's trite, but at least it isn't quite as offensive as the current plotline.
  17. So I guess the Twincer theory got a big boost tonight with that out of character random meetup with Wren. Either that or the editing was horrific, and that scene at the airport was supposed to occur prior to Spencer's tense encounter with Marco.
  18. It wasn't as jarring as young Princess Leia in Rogue One, probably because it was so bad that is didn't fall into the Uncanny Valley. Actually it reminded me of Max Headroom (showing my age there). #AriaHeadroom
  19. Pretty "meh" episode. Spencer: "I'm meeting with Wren because he helped Charlotte sneak into Radley in a huge continuity error considering she was a fucking patient at Radley the entire time and was actually sneaking out, but since I acknowledged it IMK can now handwave away the audience's complaints." I may have paraphrased a bit. Good call to everyone who thought Spencer probably used Wrollins' credit card at the bar when she was getting hammered with Furey. I actually said "don't apologize to that asshole, Aria!" when she told Ezra that she was sorry for dropping some much needed truth bombs on him. What a prick. "Maybe Lucas is AD!" yeah, not in episode 15 he isn't.
  20. The actress who plays Sofya-Hollow is grating on my last nerve. I don't know if she's a bad actress or just doing a bad job, but her scenery chewing wasn't entertaining. At all. Too bad she had so much exposition. Ugh. I wondered if there was a vampocalypse. But as that would mean the death of all the remaining Strix vampires, I say good riddance.
  21. Brenda Strong and Teri Hatcher in the same episode -- felt like a Desperate Housewives reunion. What characters will Felicity Huffman and Eva Longoria be playing next season? I almost didn't watch the episode just because of the ham-handed episode title. Okay, we get it, Show, you don't like Trump. No need to beat me over the head with it until I stop watching. Brenda Strong is quite tall, 6 feet according to the Googles. She's going to tower over most actresses and quite a few of the actors.
  22. They were already stretching the guest star budget, what with having Snart, Lyla, and the actors who play Savitar and Harry... wait...
  23. I enjoyed this episode but it did feel a little lacking after last week's tremendously good one. I think it was a little rushed trying to wrap up too many story lines at once so none of them got adequate screen time, particularly the final fight with Ophelia. (Though I'm really glad they skipped the "you thought the bad guy was dead but she rises for one final attack" cliché.) I need to keep an eye on IMDB for Mallory Jensen's next show / movie. She was just fantastic. I enjoyed the eye chatter between Daisy and Robbie. I don't remember them having that much chemistry in the first part of the season, but this season has been so great that I really need to do a rewatch.
  24. I was a little confused with the werewolf origin story. Is that how all werewolves started, or just the packs that live in the New Orleans area? Also, did the Hollow include "btw, you have to kill someone before the curse actually hits you" in her dying wish, or was that a fuck up on her part? No Vincent and no Josh makes for a dull episode. And I really dislike the actress playing Sofya. She's possessed by an ancient malevolent spirit but her acting barely changed. Has it been renewed? I find that surprising. Friday night timeslot is where shows usually go to die.
  25. Their theory is that Jessica did it to get away from Kenneth. Doesn't really seem like a valid reason considering they were getting divorced anyway. I think that if the show actually goes with this twin-swap story line, they'll use their usual excuse for why a villain does something nonsensical: she's mentally ill. "Crazy" covers all the plotholes, right Marlene?
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