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Everything posted by mmecorday

  1. Why do this to a beloved Cole Porter song? Why? WHY? http://www.ispot.tv/ad/AZaH/discover-it-miles-card-travel-posters
  2. I loved the couple on last night's show! The wife especially. I smiled every time she said "Yes, ma'am." Someone raised her right! Chip should have known that a house that has been pretty much a nature reserve for 10 years would have some structural issues. He should have told the couple to have some funds in reserve just in case the foundation was cracked and in need of extensive repair. That's just a given with older homes that have been sitting idle for a while.
  3. Because audiences can only take so much of Christina screaming about bugs and complaining about odors?
  4. I only hope this ring comes with a little countdown clock to tell you when you can expect it to turn your finger green.
  5. There's a commercial for a Bosch dishwasher with a convenient third drawer so that couples would argue over how the dishes should be arranged. What gets me is the dishes and silverware are already clean.
  6. I just want to know what the purple stuff was in the refrigerator that was passed over for Sunny D! Grape juice? Pinot noir? Grimace's urine? It could have been so many things.
  7. It sounds like Chewbacca is trilling at the end of the song. :)
  8. The NutriSystem ads with Dan Marino are from the devil. Each time he says, "Put down that pie!" I want to hit him with a frozen leg of lamb.
  9. I am not a huge Julia Roberts fan either, and I have a feeling this commercial is going to be her White Diamonds, in that we're going to see it every Christmas even long after she's dead.
  10. I knew when this episode started that it wasn't going to have a happy ending. It is frightening what mental illness can do to a person. Judy's issues were so severe there was no way that she could have been helped in three days. OCD, germaphobia, hoarding disorder, not to mention the mobility problems linked to her circulatory issues. I certainly hope that things get better for Judy. A lot of times I watch this show and think these people are just being jerks, but Judy is very clearly suffering from deep-seeded mental problems. I hope one day she gets the care that she needs.
  11. Because of this commercial, I now randomly go around saying, "It's mah knees!" My coworkers LOVE me!
  12. Soon to be joined by the "Get your taxes done now, stupid!" commercials. Man, I hate this time of year.
  13. I saw this movie on Friday and I'm still walking around saying, "It was so good...it was so good." What a relief! I had convinced myself that it was going to be "Attack of the Clones" level horrible, but I was pleasantly surprised. I also thought that I'd be so happy to see the trio of heroes from my childhood that I'd be resentful of the newcomers' time on the screen. Well, they were pretty terrific as well! Especially Daisy Ridley as Rey. What a find she is. Halfway though I did, however, start to wonder where Luke was. Even though his time was limited, Mark Hamill did some of his best acting ever and he didn't even say a word. The way he looked at Rey ... his eyes held such sadness.
  14. Nope, it's not just you, WescottF1. Now that I think of it, the songs are strikingly similar. Funny story about one-day-only sales. My mother and I were having lunch at Dead Lobster adjacent to a mall shortly before Christmas one year. Judging by the number of cars in the parking lot, we feared there would be a long wait for a table, but we were almost immediately seated. When my mother expressed surprise that the restaurant was so empty when the parking lot was so full, our server said, "Oh, this is Day 465 of JC Penney's one-day-only sale."
  15. I was nervous that Sheldon and Amy's first time together would be a tawdry affair, but it was handled very sweetly, I thought. And I'm looking forward to my own post-coitus feel after watching "The Force Awakens" Friday night. No wonder I love these guys so much.
  16. Dear Santa, How are you? I'm fine, thanks. I have been a good girl all year. All I want for Christmas is for those Stelara commercials with that nitwit CariDee to go far, far away. Your friend, mmecorday
  17. Zaldamo Wilder (love your name!), that commercial has been disturbing me for some time now. What exactly was on that dog? Was it dipped in gravy? There's an ad now for an Alzheimer's drug called Namzeric. The first time I heard it, I thought, "Why name a prescription drug after the keyboard player from The Doors?"
  18. I just can't even with this commercial: How is faster Internet speed going to help this kid make actual food with a 3D printer? And someone please get this kid to Supercuts soon, mkay?
  19. I have also seen a commercial for a drug that lowers blood sugar. One of the side effects was low blood sugar.
  20. Now there are Tamiflu commercials with oversize kids suffering from the flu. These commercials look like the weirdest TLC shows I've ever seen.
  21. Did you get a puppy when your father brought home a new car for himself? Because the car may have been originally intended for you. ;) Because we were treated to Black Friday commercials all through November, I would not be a bit surprised if we see ads for after Christmas sales show up around Dec. 15.
  22. Well, good call on putting The Talking Dead back on at 10 p.m. next year. That "Kill Bill" Meets "Game of Thrones" nonsense can go. How appropriate that Jason Alexander was a guest as the Wolf in Captivity No More has teeth just like George Costanza's high school gym teacher.
  23. At some point are we going to find out that Carol is originally from Krypton? After being struck by a speeding vehicle she just took a little nap and she was just fine. Morgan's body slam was pitiful in comparison. This episode was a let down. Lots of action, but lots of characters taking actions that they shouldn't have taken. Walkers taking over and Carol and Morgan decide to have it out. Rick leaving Judith with an infected person about to turn. Carl and Porchdick Jr. having a rumble in the garage. Are these people secretly snacking on lead paint chips? All this and Supercuts bemoaned the loss of her sculpture. And I always thought "Tiptoe Through the Tulips" was creepy because Tiny Tim sang it. Turns out, its got a creepy factor all on its on. Now to find some brain bleach to get that song the hell out of my head.
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