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Everything posted by mmecorday

  1. mmecorday

    S06.E05: Now

    It occurred to me during last night's viewing that before Rick and the Gang moved in to Alexandria, all of the residents dressed liked they had access to outlet malls with J Crew and Talbots stores. Now they all dress like Elaine Benes' Communist boyfriend Ned. Olive drab: the official color of the Zombie Apocalypse.
  2. mmecorday

    S06.E05: Now

    Regarding the blood seepage through the walls, I thought it was coming from the skulls of the Walkers whose skeletal systems are becoming so fragile their bones break easily and their heads explode from being pressed against the wall by the horde. On that note, the sewer walkers were decayed at such an extent they shouldn't have been able to move, right? A body needs muscle in order to move. Are we eventually going to see "Jason and the Argonauts" skeletons fighting the living?
  3. Opdivo is such an odd name for a drug to treat lung cancer. It sounds more like the name of a quartet of fresh-faced European men singing arias.
  4. I'll wear my Converse All-Stars because that's pretty much what I always wear. :) Regarding the Swiffer commercials, I have often wondered if the Tobin family ever leaves the house in the winter. Do they just stay snowbound until spring? And somehow keeping the house clean during the winter months just isn't a Tobin thing.
  5. See, that's why I rarely eat there. I feel like the people working there are judging me because I am not eating like a caveman. I feel so sorry for the diabetic woman who can't eat anything at Sunday supper. It's too bad this is a reality for so many real Americans (not actors.) It's even worse that the drugs available to treat high blood sugar also have such horrible side effects (kidney failure, liver failure, heart failure, inability to distinguish one Darrin from the other on "Bewitched" etc.)
  6. I knew the minute that Eastman perfected goat cheese that Tabitha was a goner. This show hates animals!
  7. The tall Asian woman in the tight-fitting skirt in the Liberty Mutual ad ruins my day every time she appears on TV. Especially when she gets all bug-eyed saying, "Then you drive your car into a ditch. Yeah." In the immortal words of Prince, "Shut up already! Damn!"
  8. A few thoughts: - That pet store must have stunk to high heaven. Pet stores are already pretty stinky with living animals in them. - A girl hurts her ankle AND a character can't get a vehicle started? Well, somebody on the writing staff has been to Horror Movie 101. - If Glen is dead it sucked that he died that way. No character is safe. Yeah, I get that. But those of who have been with the series since the very beginning and have real feelings for these characters feel like someone just tore our insides out in front of us.
  9. Oh, I just sit around eating Yoplait with the rest of the yogurt bitches. :D
  10. On this day, Oct. 21, 2015, being "Back to the Future Day," if I had a time machine, I'd go back in time and do everything in my power to keep Montell Jordan from selling the rights of "This is How We Do It" to Dish Network for their earwormy commercials.
  11. God bless COZI TV for showing "The Munsters" when I get home from work. I grew up watching it in reruns and it still makes me chuckle! I still like MeTV. I just hope that the network doesn't take a page from the TVLand playbook and start airing original programming. I need my nostalgia, dammit! The Decade channel aired reruns of "Celebrity Bowling" from the 70s a few weeks ago. The announcer said, "Stay tuned. Your favorite episode might be coming up." It's sad to think that someone has a favorite episode of "Celebrity Bowling."
  12. I'm right with you, Tabbyclaw. Whoever cut that trailer knew how to push all the right buttons.
  13. mmecorday

    S06.E02: JSS

    This one really scared me! I haven't been so scared since "Toy Story 3." (Come on, that scene where it appears Woody and his pals are about to be incinerated? Yikes!) Also, is that stick that Morgan carries around what's left of the Wicked Witch's broom? Because he sure did get back to Alexandria fast. I really don't care for angsty Enid. Tough that she lost her parents that way, but they were really dumb to ignore her warning that they were about to be lunch. How did she not get salmonella from eating raw turtle? I did not know that on the inside, turtles are full of chicken bones.
  14. Well, they did say lettuce should be dirty, so ...
  15. I know it's a commercial and time is limited, but I'd like to know how sending Domino's a pizza emoji automatically translates as Sarah's favorite pizza. Is Domino's expected to know what her usual order is?
  16. Is Rich Little trying to look like every celebrity he ever impersonated? Yikes is right!
  17. Call me crazy, but wouldn't it have made more sense to try and find a way to keep the walkers in the quarry contained? Or at least use the farming equipment to mow them down since their skeletal systems are so fragile now all it takes is a slight rub against a wall to cause their skulls to explode?
  18. Poor Ethan Embry doing that thing you do in a ZA -- getting his face bitten off while screaming like hell.
  19. And be sure to tell your doctor if you're pregnant, have liver disease, or have been to a region where certain fungal infections occur.
  20. Man, one of my Facebook friends mentioned Etch-A-Sketch in her status and I just had to go looking for the commercial from the 1970s. The jingle is simply irresistible. I've listened to it about eight times in the last hour. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jqa9dON2Dpk
  21. Does this make her the Tyrese of the group? I was really confused by a lot of what went on. I've never been to LA, but from what I understand, it's a pretty big area. But it seems like Maddie's subdivision and medical station/holding cells for undesirables were about ten minutes away from each other.
  22. I am completely baffled by these commercials. I was unaware that there's some sort of razor crisis going on. I was home quite a bit over the weekend and saw that awful DraftKings commercial dozens of times. I looked for the disclaimer "for douchebags only" but I guess the commercial does more than imply that.
  23. Wow, so in this episode, Daniel embraced his inner House Bolton, Travis went on a ride along with some soldiers and couldn't shoot a former donut shop employee, Grizelda died and died again, Madison looked pained and Nick was smooth-talked by a guy who looks like he just left the blackjack table at Caesar's. Did I miss anything else?
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