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Everything posted by mmecorday

  1. In a flashback to an earlier episode, when the Duggar girls were still in their "Let's Look Like Pilgrims" phase, Michelle was shown teaching her very young children about bankruptcy law. Yeah, that's something that's definitely useful to a 12-year-old. No wonder someone has to downsize the recipes for Jill - she never learned basic math!
  2. I'm thinking Daryl's water drop was a blooper as well that just sort of worked because the actors just went with it. Kind of like in "It's A Wonderful Life" when a crew member dropped some heavy equipment and Thomas Mitchell as a slightly inebriated Uncle Billy just pretended to walk into something and ad-libbed "I'm all right" so that the scene would not have to be reshot. This is a show that needs light moments. Also, the characters in this show must often wish they had never been born.
  3. At least Bob's meat looks more appetizing than poor old Dale's, which looked like cat food.
  4. Did the scene at the food pantry with our heroes battling the wading walkers remind anyone else of the trash compactor scene in "Star Wars?"
  5. I feel like I've already seen "The Best Of Me" because A.) trailer airs during every commercial break and B.) it looks like every movie based on a story by Nicholas Sparks. And the actors who play the younger versions of the star-crossed lovers look nothing like James Marsden and Michelle Monaghan.
  6. Wow, how did John-Boy ever come up with the title for his novel "Walton's Mountain?" I just wonder what his second novel was called. "Druscilla's Pond?" "Ike Godsey's Store?" "Papa's Recipe?"
  7. Can all the Swiffer peeps who are not Lee and Morty go the way of the dinosaur? The Seattle woman with her "Buh-BAM!" makes me stabby and the folks with all the animals are just lying to you. The Swiffer dry cloths are no match for pet hair. You need a shop vac when you live in a multiple pet home. And I don't mean to be insensitive, but whenever the commercial with the one-handed man comes on, I can't help thinking of George Costanza.
  8. Great, of all the things to survive the ZA, why did chewing gum have to be one of them? And why did the douchiest douchebag to ever douche stumble upon some to make him even more uniquely annoying? This was a terrific episode from start to finish and I hope it bodes well for a stellar season five.
  9. I'm not sure why someone thought that a Queenesque rock aria would sell Bacon Bowls, but here you go:
  10. If you Google her, one of the suggested searches is Georgia May Jagger teeth. For the record, I think she's pretty. :)
  11. Every time I see that commercial, I expect the dispatcher to follow up with, "We suspect the presence of an Indian in your cupboard."
  12. I was watching MeTV this weekend and there was a commercial for the channel's morning lineup. I could have sworn the announcer said "The Gonorrhea Show." But when I looked at the screen, I was relieved that she had actually said "The Donna Reed Show."
  13. The Nature's Path commercial had me all kinds of confused because I was under the impression that granola can only be enjoyed in the outdoors, especially by hikers and rock climbers.
  14. Yay! It's the first day of October! Only one month more of those obnoxious Party City commercials EVERY.DAMN.COMMERCIAL.BREAK!
  15. Of course! I don't intend to be caught unawares when the dead feed on the living! Number one on my ZA agenda is finding a guy who rides a motorcycle and knows how to use a crossbow. I cannot wait for "Annabelle" to be released. Not that I want to see it, I just want the commercials to go away.
  16. This was a mess! Why are the writers actively campaigning to make me hate these people? Alex already feels like the odd Dunphy out. So let's make her feel even worse by suggesting that her mere presence throws off the family mojo. Even when she tries to look like crap and takes a chapter from Robert Smith's "How To Apply Lipstick," Gloria is gorgeous. Lily was funny, though.
  17. Joy really is going to be "Joyless Anna" once Jill leaves the compound. Michelle claims that her boobs make skim milk. Do her eyes make skim tears? Because there doesn't seem to be much substance to them. Ben acts like such a Spicoli sometimes.
  18. All of those Liberty Mutual commercials suck donkey balls. I keep wishing that the Statue of Liberty will step off her pedestal and crush those jackasses under her sandaled feet.
  19. Where were those restrooms located? Were they on the Duggar's property? They looked like filthy gas station toilets. I thought they were just going around cleaning random restrooms. Those windows they installed in Ben's prison cell -- erm, guest room -- didn't appear to open and one of them looked broken.
  20. Did anyone else notice Josie holding on to Boob's arm during the derby car construction? And he was totally ignoring his "precious" youngest daughter. I have to admit I was totally jealous when they rearranged the furniture and there was absolutely nothing under the sofas. Jeez, try that at my house and you'd find dust bunnies, cat toys, nail files, Q-Tips, and maybe even a Teamster or two.
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