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Hangin Out

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Everything posted by Hangin Out

  1. Ebony’s grandmother was dying too, but I didn’t see her carrying on about it. Then again, she doesn’t have to prove she’s so relavent to this show as she has already proved her worth in many aspects.
  2. What ????? They’ve never seen a penis before? Give me a break.
  3. Lu is like the Holland Tunnel. Everyone goes in and out. You would wonder why two men dumped her as she’s always so horny and ready for sex. Young men, bald men, Pirates, big noses, all of N.Y.C. Waiters, yoga instructors, vibrators. Never gets enough.
  4. Yeah .. the stranger at the winery, haha. He was definitely planted there or else Sonja would have jumped on him right there and took him on a tour of her fabulous winery in the woods, then pissed her pants in front of him.
  5. Leah would do anything for attention. I’m sick of hearing about Garth too. He’s just the flavor of the season. Shut up already. I agree with Ramona about Leah always talking about sex. Ramona should hire an Uber and tell Leah to get the hell home. I agree with Ramona about Avery and the unnecessary sex talk from Leah. I also don’t think Ebony brought much to this group. She preaches too much. Here we go about race. I’m out of here. Bye all. Luv yous. Me too.
  6. If Leah is so upset about her Grandmother, why doesn’t she be with her Mother at a time like this instead of annoying Ramona in her own house? Leah is getting worse with the dirty talk. It’s getting old. Get a car and go back to the City. You don’t belong in the Hamptons talking about di..s.
  7. It’s time to do something about Sonja. She is getting like Dorinda when drinking. Does anyone here think LuAnn is acting silly always going after much younger men wherever she can find them? She is being used for sex, or the other way around. Is there a shortage of men in the City and Hamptons?
  8. Seems to me that Mike and his Mother are the same. They make it their business to torture people. Both very ignorant people. The apple don’t fall far from the tree. Natalie has more class than the two of them put together, and I don’t even care for Natalie.
  9. It must be so exhausting to keep up with style, makeup and hair everyday like these women in that part of the world. Why do they have to have a makeup artist at hand for every little thing? Because they can?
  10. Maybe Jake was the first guy who told her off and saw through her indifferent attitude. She had to win at all things .. dress him, pick out her own jewelry, win at everything. I would have laughed at his clothes and his man cave. That was his thing. Kevin didn’t even touch all that stuff. Pussy. Jake saw she was controlling and a downer, so was finished on Day 4. How did she try? She didn’t even live with him.
  11. I tried that .. getting to know a person which would turn to love. Did not work for me. Before marriage, my friends fixed me up with about three or four real nice guys. One an Engineer .. all good looking guys with good jobs. I tried, but it didn’t work. The night I was introduced by his Cousin, I knew just by talking to my husband, he was the one. You just get a feeling. I just don’t know this learning to love him bit. It’s like you are missing out on the thrill of liking someone you just met not on purpose. Anyone get what I’m saying? I don’t get this getting married first without picking him first and getting to know him. It’s backwards. Whatever. Now, you’re really mixed up, right @ilovepie? Lol. Guess what I’m trying to say is I would rather do the picking than someone else. Bet if Haley met Jake at a bar, she would not like his humor, nor he with her. Now they are branded as annoying and too picky.
  12. Jake not blocking Haley? I wonder why? I can’t see it.
  13. First, Natalie has to learn how to talk with her mouth more open, instead of through her teeth. Unless she has a jaw problem. One can hardly understand her.
  14. My dear Mother was Ukrainian. Hard working people, great cooks and kept immaculate houses. Russian, Ukrainian and Polish are quite the same when it comes to customs. They worked hard and drank hard. I remember going to their dances when a child. Polka dances. My Father used to walk home crooked and bombed. I still have hand painted Wooden Easter Eggs from the Ukraine. Mike’s mother is nowhere near these good people. No class.
  15. Kevin wasn’t true to himself and I for one will not watch him again. Pepper was probably pissed that Pastor is the star now, and she wasn’t asked back again. Out of everyone that has been on this show previously, I’m really interested in Jake and what he’s up to ... for some reason. I just think he was misunderstood, and the majority here did like him. Maybe he wouldn’t have had a pissy face if he were matched with someone else.
  16. Yes. Fast Forwarding is the key for this shit show. Can’t stand Kilani and husband, Tiffany, Brandon, Andrei, Trish and Mike. Now, we have the Twins coming from Connecticut. Good Lord.
  17. I think Natalie was pretty nice to even go to Trish’s house after she tried to stop the wedding. I don’t know if I would have done it so soon. Natalie doesn’t even owe it to Mike after he left her that way. But, it’s a show .. so. Now Natalie has to smell the Turkey cooking all day. She’ll probably throw up.
  18. Two major surgeries in one day, and now thinking of a face lift? Is this woman crazy or what?
  19. Yeah, like a surgeon has the time to talk about your boobs with your husband across the world. To boot, he shows them to Mikul through the phone. What kind of doctor is this? All my doctors come and go in less than five minutes tops. What a crock.
  20. No live chat? Why are they repeating what happened last week? Asulo is golfing with the Father again. ??? I can’t stand Tiffany and her whining. Boring.
  21. Or, maybe Andy has designs to bring her Sister and all their edgy friends into the mix. Then, the rest might go. It could be the start of a new younger show. I hope not. Like another Vanderpump Rules. For the younger edgy types. It seems like LuAnn and Sonja are struggling. Ramona is keeping up the pace for now.
  22. How about “ The Yearling”. I could never watch that to save my life.
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