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Hangin Out

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Everything posted by Hangin Out

  1. Before the Pandemic, my husband and I went downtown in the village many times. I’ve never seen those t- shirts or hoodies on anyone or anywhere around there. I can’t imagine anyone wearing them.
  2. Omg .. all the guys are the same. Mine is thrifty with the air, lights and the half cup of coffee I throw out. But, he buys golf balls that cost $50 and golf shoes for $100. Now, after any years, I do what I want and don’t give a shit. I give money to my grandkids and buy them stuff too. My mother always gave my kids a few bucks for their pockets and they were thrilled. My father never knew. The less they know, the better. Life is short.
  3. Is Kevin delusional all of a sudden? If Jake would have made advances to Ice Queen, she would have called the cops. From “Hangin Out”, formerly “Silver Bells”.
  4. Yes. I don’t think I could watch next time. Doesn’t look too inviting. Kevin Frazior turned into a wimp. All bullshit. Xo to all Hangin Out .. formerly Silver Bells.
  5. Her earrings look like those street scrubbers that go on a street cleaning truck.
  6. Loved your post. Everything. I don’t know if I can go through this again. Too dragged out, too many commercials, etc. Too overdone. We are not experts, but I think we all could do a better job matching. Degrees in psychology my ass. Truthfully, I think Chris and Paige just wanted to be on t.v. and collect the money. They both were too over the top. I wouldn’t have matched the rest either. We will see if they last. I’m not crazy about Pastor Cal either.
  7. Yes, absolutely. If I were Haley, I would have worn the bracelet, went along with his 80’s stick, played and laughed with him, acting silly and having some sex. That is trying. She didn’t play with him and laugh. She had a stick up her ass from the beginning. She was in competition with him at all times. Her mother must have told her from Day one she was the greatest thing ever. She had to win all the time. She wasn’t soft for him like a woman should be. She did not try. She wants a man who kisses her ass all the time and goes along with her concerning everything. A real brat.
  8. The 2 women experts agreed that Haley was “COLD”. The bracelet was telling. When a man goes out to pick a gift for his bride, he expects her to wear it for the vows. She put it away like it was nothing. That was rude and hateful. She had a fuck face on the whole time she was with him. She is not marriage material. She’s too in love with herself. P. S. I always liked Kevin Frazier, but not the way he totally threw Jake under the bus.
  9. Was Theresa ever in that position of having an important job like Margaret? What were her jobs before marrying Joe? If she didn’t, she can’t make a comment like that. Years ago, women took comments from men and bosses in the work place. That’s the way it was. Not today. Thanks. A rain storm was overhead, but I recorded it at 1 a.m. and just watched it this morning.😀
  10. What just happened? I recorded it, it went for a few minutes, and went off. Is it my cable Optimum in N.Y. Or everyone’s?
  11. Enough of Paige already. I think she’s a wannabe actress. I love, love Brianna’s new hairdo. She should wear it that way all the time.
  12. As of today, has Mr. “ fer sure” do the deed yet?
  13. What the hell. Kevin was blatently on Haley’s side. Why didn’t Jake bring up aHaley flying from Vegas in another seat, leaving him to go down with the others, going to Paiges all night? Anyhow the look on Haley’s face when sitting with Jackie disgust. Kevin totally overlooked the bracelet thing also, as he agreed with her. Like it as no big deal, when it was to Jake. I can’t fix the errors.
  14. One thing I can’t stand about her show. Too many rappers I never even heard of. She needs a good guest that we all know once in awhile, cooking segments, selling stuff we like, etc. Maybe she likes rappers, but I think the majority of viewers don’t. The downfall was that she has talked badly about a lot of stars, so they won’t come anymore.
  15. That’s bullshit. If you like someone, distance does not matter. You find a way and the time. He let her off easy, like a gentleman.
  16. She would be an embarrassment to his uppity friends. Plus some of them have little children. Benjamin for instance.
  17. That’s right. Leah uses Ramona’s home for that whatever mombo jumbo thing in the backyard, then comes back for another three days, then picks on her all weekend. If this was real, Ramona would have kicked her ass out. But, the show pays for everything. Plain and simple, Andy likes Leah.
  18. Did you ever see what they eat, especially Sonja. She fills her mouth like she’s going to the chair. Ramona eating oysters and drinking the hard stuff. No wonder they are always in the bathroom. Plus taking water pills every day for weight issues is dangerous. I don’t thin Sonja eats well at home. Ramona with the ice cubes to the top. Maybe it’s just for the camera. Sonja wears Depends when going on the Jitney. If I ate and drank like them, I’d be in the hospital.
  19. Don’t go ..we all feel the same. The other housewives shows are no better. A couple of people just have to go. They have to keep the favorites and get some new ones. Andy has to lighten up on the slobs as it’s not working. Maybe to him it’s funny, but not to us. Yes, vacations, homes, maybe a trip to Europe for a change or some other country if this Covid goes away. I just knew they would film in the Hamptons .. not the city.
  20. And what was wrong with Ramona having a private conversation with LuAnn about Sonja? Leah went ballistic she wasn’t included , so went into the refrigerator and helped herself to a drink.
  21. I love Lu, but she is one horny woman. She goes for younger too. Remember the Pirate she brought to the rental down the Bahamas when Heather went crazy that Lu brought him back to the house? Now I hear she has another boyfriend .. an ex football kicker from Miami or something.
  22. She has the money for that, or gets it done for free? It looks horrible.
  23. I guess after three lousy episodes, they had to bring in Troop Heather to bring some sensibility back to the show. They must have paid her a bundle. This just might be the demise of Edgy Leah. Speaking of, Ramona did a bang up job of setting the scene of Breakfast at Tiffany’s with the beautiful pearls, dishes, candles and all. Time for some nice chatter. Then a moron named Leah, whips out her phone and proceeds to devalue Heather with her pod cast fodder involving LuAnns supposidely drug problem during the nice dinner. The girl is batso crazy. Somebody should have took her phone away and put her ass in Uber back to the pandemic City. Maybe newly Ebony. Crazy Leah was supposed to be better this season, but turned worse. I don’t know how Ramona didn’t let her have it after she ruined her backyard last year and now ruined her weekend this year after going out of her way to make it nice. I only hope Leah’s daughter doesn’t see this show. Even if she doesn’t watch, her friends will tell her. Poor kid.
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