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Hangin Out

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Everything posted by Hangin Out

  1. I’ve never even heard of Burning Man until now. What is it ? Maybe I’ve been in the house too much.
  2. Ramona came from nothing and should not act that way. Being a N.Y. Housewife and especially living in Southampton went to her head. There are people who are more accomplished than her. I love her, but sometimes she talks out of her ass. I agree with you about Ebony. I always liked Ebony on the news. On this show with Leah, not so much. I think Ebony is too classy to hang out with Leah.
  3. All this was months ago. Does anyone know anything about these couples now? I don’t do SM, and all the other up to date things. Anything about Haley & Jake and the others?
  4. Now that I’m watching all these shithead husbands, I don’t have it so bad with mine. Thanks shitheads!
  5. This show cracks me up. Jess and what’s his face meeting up while the others are sitting at the ceremony. Nobody is interested in where they are?
  6. My boss always called me his girl. In those days you said nothing. They especially loved when us girls turned red after a sexual remark, which was like everyday, especially after they went to lunch with clients and came back plastered. Their poor wives should know what dirtbags they were.
  7. Why go to a salon? I hate sitting in a salon just to get a cut. I’m a light blonde since I was 13. I use “Nice n Easy” #100. I put it on my hair, wait 30 minutes, then rinse in the shower. The color is a gorgeous shiny light blonde. Been using it forever. I find sitting in a salon boring and a waste of time. Unless you like it.
  8. I’m just going with what everyone is saying about this ring like underneath she really wants one. I myself don’t have an engagement ring either, but I do have a gorgeous Diamond wedding band. All of them seem to think Delores really wants one underneath. Maybe she told David she didn’t want one, so he got her a car instead. Only the shadow knows, haha. Who gives a shit anyway .. she probably still loves Frank anyway. And Frank loves her. Why is she such a plastic surgery fiend? Her ass .. now her thighs? WTF?
  9. Let me get this straight. Dolores now loves David and half lives in his house too? I saw her clothes there in the closet. Does she live in both houses at will and go back n forth? How could she care for Frank when he cheated on her while pregnant? Why is David not giving her an engagement ring? She’s a good woman, but a door mat. She’s too easy with both of them. It’s their business and works for them I guess, but it’s very weird.
  10. I just started watching again after a few years, and compared to N.Y.’s first two episodes, I thought these last few episodes were great. I liked seeing husbands in the mix for a change. Please, NO to the Manzos.
  11. Joe is so jealous that Melissa will meet a guy at the store or when buying clothes for the store in the city. Maybe she’ll meet a tall handsome guy with lots of Curley hair who doesn’t wear a t-shirt everyday to show off his muscles. That’s what he’s afraid of. He wants her in the house tied to the stove.
  12. I just knew he was a player from the minute I saw him. Too smoothe and complimentary. Now, they bought a property together? Bad move.
  13. I haven’t read all the comments yet, but does anyone here think Louie might be a player? She’s selling her mansion, getting bucks from the show, etc.etc. Plus, he’s now on the show too. He’s doing all the right things, flowers, nice dinners, kisses in the restaurant, saying she’s beautiful. Is this guy for real?
  14. Well, that’s it then. I remember at one time Haley did say she loses interest fast, and it was a problem to her with other men in the past. Maybe she just isn’t the type to be married to one person forever. She loses interest fast. I’ll bet her girlfriends know exactly how she is with men Asa few of them had made remarks about Her at the wedding.
  15. I could see the show giving them extra money to stay a few weeks more not to look like they can’t pick partners for shit. Experts my ass.
  16. Oh, I get it. You just keep fast forwarding. Great idea, thanks.😀
  17. He will now. I read he was this seasons favorite. Someone would love to slip into a house with a pool. They’ll have to love steak tho, on the bbq.
  18. He did say he wasn’t much into dating all those years. He was busy with work and fixing up his house. Some guys go to bars to find girls, dating sites, etc. I don’t think he was doing all those things. Maybe he just wasn’t looking. Now, he got an opportunity for someone who would find him a partner, experts no less, so it was easy. Maybe he would have hit it off with Clara. Even if she didn’t like him, she wasn’t the type to be mean. She would have been honest with him.
  19. Who sleeps with a guy once, twice or thrice when they are not attracted to them? Was Haley horny or what? It was so nice of her to send him the wrong signals. A real sweetheart.
  20. I pay for DVR too. Do you watch the next day or after the show? The damn commercials are getting to about twelve a clip. I always watch the next day too, and fast forward Chris & Paige.
  21. She came off very low class and bitter .. he came off a gentlemen.
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