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Hangin Out

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Everything posted by Hangin Out

  1. The ring, the ring, the ring. It’s nobody’s business. I truly didn’t want an engagement ring and opted for a Diamond wedding band instead, and have worn it everyday for years and years. A lot of my friends have put their engagement rings in the jewelry box and wear simple bands.
  2. Joe Gorga is old school “ keep the woman at home barefoot and pregnant”. Plus the sex talk and wanting sex every five minutes is getting stale. He’s full of shit. He has to keep up the viral persona. All the other husbands are probably getting it more than Joe, but don’t talk about it.
  3. I watched specifically so I could see Louie. I didn’t. Did I miss something? P.s. Theresa really messed up her face real bad. Just because she has the money doesn’t mean she has to follow the leader and get plastic surgery. She was prettier before. IMO.
  4. I just LOVED when Jennifer’s husband, the Doctor said “She gave me five kids, I gave her a Black Card”. I haven’t watched in a long time, but now it’s quite interesting, and I like the husband stuff that’s going on such as Dolores and Teresa's boyfriend, wherever he is.
  5. I’m not a fashionista, but doesn’t Leah dress weird? A white blouse with black things on it with a plaid skirt? WTF?
  6. I would just LOVE to see Beth take that show away from Jamie, haha. Jamie would blow the place apart. She’s the Queen of MAFS, she thinks.
  7. Me too, for about a week now. Now I have to type in the search bar on top every time. Do they want us to pay to go on the threads or what?
  8. Why does she need an intern in the first place? For show? It’s not like she has a big job to go to. Maybe she’s reliving her past as a Morgan.
  9. That too. The pain across my grass let’s her two dogs poop on the common grass, not in the street like she’s supposed to, BUT, she complains about a dog barking next to her, her new fence, the landscapers, the light going up the stairs, the sprinklers, etc, etc. She always has a complaint about something, but doesn’t see how annoying she is. Nobody is turning her in either. We all don’t want to be the bad guy.
  10. What a waste of time. Three previous couples stating their opinions on who will stay married. Milking it. No Unfiltered tonight.
  11. I don’t think Leah was drinking tonight. Maybe she was warned not to scare the new girl.
  12. Leah is acting very proper. Is it because Ebony is there?
  13. I hope there’s no dog crap in Sonja’s backyard as usual.
  14. I’m happy Sonja is back in her old Townhouse, even tho it’s falling apart and next to a parking garage.
  15. My favorite show. I haven’t been in my favorite city in a year and a half because of Covid. My first stop is the Wax Museum, when it’s safe.
  16. One by one, I got that on all my shows, even Wendy Williams Show. I just put the show on the search bar and N.Y. Housewives came up. I have all my shows from the “Favorites” that I clicked on when watching a show, so I just click on my favorites, if you get what I mean. Hope we don’t have to pay to go on the threads.
  17. Is anyone doing something about it? My neighbor across the common area grass let’s her two dogs poop on the grass and pee. This is a common area where people walk and kids could play. Nobody wants to report her to the HOA. If I tell her, I’ll make an enemy. What to do? Dogs are supposed to be on the street to do their business. She doesn’t care. ?????
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