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Hangin Out

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Everything posted by Hangin Out

  1. I wish today was tomorrow. I CANT WAIT for Decision Day! Any bets?
  2. Yep .. totally mismatched. Vinnie is the home type. Wants kids and have the whole family together to eat, drink and dance around the place. Brianna wants to see the world. I don’t blame either of them.
  3. I actually didn’t like to see him bare chested on the first night. He should of had a t-shirt on. Bare chested, bikini underwear, strippers don’t phase me at all. Ive always liked a man in nice clothes, shoes, no facial hair and clean cut hair. For a wedding, a black tux, white shirt, and white bow tie. Good cologne too. Guess you could say conservative. To each his own tho.
  4. I did see it .. ep. 9. He showed the house .. a man’s cave, pool, etc. A labor of love. I doubt Haley would have liked it.
  5. I was waiting for Brandon to suggest that Julia go on the pole if she wanted to live there. From Russia to the farm was the only place she’s been to, and Vegas. She has no idea of all the other beautiful states. Florida, N.Y.C. Etc. She will flip out. No nite life on the farm. Not a place for a young girl like her.
  6. “Vedding bends”. I can’t stop laughing. Maybe if she opened that mouth a bit, we could understand her. Hope she can open it enough to stick a toothbrush in. Or anything else. Lol. ( don’t think dirty now). Lol.
  7. Mike and Natalie are not in love. Cut the shit. Besides you dumbbell. A ring on Mike means nothing. Women are not knocking the door down for him.
  8. I just asked the hubs the same thing. Why do they need the visa when the Mexicans are walking over and getting money besides?
  9. There’s still confession? It’s been awhile .. a long while.
  10. Splitsville right after the wedding .. I think anyhow. She moved to Seattle, then Florida. She probably wants a Sugar Daddy.
  11. He’s a DUD and she’s a wannabe actress. She’s so talented. Me either. She thinks she’s sooo sexy. Does she have a speech impediment? Why does she talk thru her teeth? Open your mouth bitch.
  12. I heard that too. More millionaires there. She’ll put it on them.
  13. In answer to the above where I screwed up, wasn’t it always Haley who said something first? Then, Jake would reply. If she would have just shut up, there would not have been any altercation. As I recall, she always had some wise ass thing to say to him. He then answered honestly and she would eye roll him and be mad. She always has something to pick on, plus she did things that the other brides didn’t do. Go for drinks without him, sleep at Page’s place, not wear the bracelet, etc, etc. It was always her way or the highway. The guy couldn’t win. She’s nice as pie with the girlfriends, but not with him. She’s a liar when she said she tried. She didn’t try, and the shirts she bought him was a dig on him. It was not a nice gesture. She insinuated he dressed sloppy.
  14. It’s only one thread and it continues on that thread every week. No headings of episodes either. Thursday’s on Lifetime 9 pm. If you can get Lifetime. Don’t they all have to go to the reunion whether they want to or not?
  15. I am DYING to hear Jake and Haley’s answer Wednesday night. They should write the answers on a card, then show them at the same time. What if the first one says stay married, then the other says Divorce? It makes one look stupid. I think we all know the answers tho. If she was a little nicer, I think he would want to try again. She rather be with girlfriends. It’s so obvious. Then again, he said it was like one long bad date. He took lots of crap from her. Some men would have told her to fuck off, but at least he was a gentleman. She had an answer for every little thing he said about things. All to her advantage, as she just has to be the winner in all things. P.S. I just can’t picture her as a Mother for some reason.
  16. I went back to episode 9. It started with Haley buying Jake the shirts. They, or should I say Jake, started talking calmly about her sleeping over at Paiges the night before. As usual, she gets very combative whenever he brings up a point. She just cannot let the guy talk about anything. She challenges him at every point. She was very nice and bubbly with the girls, but it doesn’t look like she’s comfortable talking to men. Thanks @crazychicken. It was at Jakes house. Good episode.
  17. Production probably made her look indifferent throughout. She’s all over him now. Trickery I say.
  18. I loved Jacklyn Tito’s and basement Ryan with the fake teeth? She wound up liking him, but he married someone else. The good ole days. Dave, the sweating guy? Hahaha. Loved them all.
  19. Thanks so much. I’m going to look right now.
  20. Does anyone remember what episode Jake had them all over to his house?
  21. So she made a dinner. So what. It gave her another thing to bitch about. Boy, she really enjoyed killing those crabs. I’m surprised she wasn’t jumping up n down with joy.
  22. But remember he said he was done on Day 4. Right after they slept together , he was done. The million dollar question .. what exactly happened that night? Either she was not satisfied or he wasn’t satisfied. Or, what else can it be for him to say “Day 4” ?
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