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Hangin Out

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Everything posted by Hangin Out

  1. O.k. I see Haley makes a lot of mistakes and doesn’t take accountability for them. Bracelet, not inviting him down for drinks when all the others were there .. men too, leaving him alone and going for drinks at least four times, sleeping over Paige’s while on honeymoon, etc, etc. She didn’t try once to be nice to him. He knew it, therefore didn’t bother to ask about her past. Always criticizing him about his clothes, shoes, 80’s, house, steak, etc. He was never mean to her, but she was mean to him and expected everyone to be on her side. Pepper saw through her and she was furious. IMO.
  2. She didn’t want it? Why not? She was getting married. Only a little brat with no manners would refuse a gift at that time. Seems she gets off hurting people.
  3. I’m sure he asked the jeweler what was appropriate for his situation. The jeweler probably suggested a bracelet, as a necklace doesn’t go with every bridal gown. A bracelet goes with anything. Plus, an infinity bracelet could have had some diamonds on the design making it $800. A smart woman would have thanked him and put it on right there. It would have taken five seconds and probably was intended to wear at the wedding vows. He would have been very happy. My hubs gave me cultured 16 inch pearls that I wore on our wedding day. I love them and him for thinking of me that day. Jake must have been very hurt that she didn’t even take the bracelet out. She robbed him of the joy of giving it to her. My husband would be very hurt too. Haley doesn’t get embarrassed. Haley doesn’t seem to have feelings except for herself. She reminds me of Molly on seasons past. COLD. Her ex husband wound up marrying the sex therapist.
  4. I could see Jake going on this show either because of a whim as I don’t think he’s dated too much, or because of a dare from someone who suggested it as a dare, and Jake saying “why the hell not”. Haley on the other hand, who thinks she’s the cats meow, is surprising to be on a show of this sort, as she thinks she’s amazing. Why would she subject herself to this crap?
  5. Haley got busted by an expert. If looks can kill. She was probably busting everything in her house while crying to Mama. How DARE Pepper not side with her as a woman. In front of Jake no less. Loved it.
  6. Absolutely. I know couples who married for the first time in their forties. 38 is not abnormal. Personally, I find him cute with a personality. He spoke very nice on Unfiltered and looked good. Repulsive is a very strong word. Bet he’ll have plenty of dates after this show. I wish him the best of everything.
  7. Jake has been pretty nice considering she’s been a horror since day one. At least he has respect and feelings. She won’t be happy until she gets the final dig. The bracelet. Maybe she preferred a necklace. Of diamonds. If my husband gave me an infinity bracelet before going down the aisle, I would have put it on immediately. It takes two seconds. It was a beautiful gesture on his part. This is a person who is never satisfied with anything. Never mind his shoes, house and the eighties. This girl needs a shrink ASAP.
  8. Yes to a lot of things. The thing I don’t agree with is thinking someone has a relationship problem because they are single at 38. Some people have hobbies that keep them busy, or are concentrating on their job, or taking care of an elderly family member. It doesn’t necessarily mean they have a problem because they are 38 and not married. It may just mean they didn’t feel the need for someone yet. Lots of people are very content staying single. Less haggles. Some may suddenly realize they want children after all and look for a partner.
  9. I’m watching again. Wherever they are, she is pissy. He’s trying to talk nice to her. At the put put golf, she was mad that he was winning. She made fun of his hair in his pictures. This girl knocks him at every turn. I’m surprised he doesn’t just tell her to go F herself. How much shit does he have to take? She thinks who the hell she is. Cut it already. She is one nasty woman, and a phony to boot. Like she says .. if she doesn’t like something or someone, she walks away. Nice. Now walk away from your marriage., and pity to the next guy.
  10. I may have said this before, but I’ll say it again. Haley belongs with Erik. She could sit shot gun and fly with him and travel all over. He’ll entertain her with his bullshit as he’s smarter than her. Everyone here should watch Unfiltered. Haley is a different person. She smiles and laughs the whole time. So charming. On the show, she’s crabby, rude and condescending when around Jake. Always criticizing Jakes clothes, hair, shoes, shirts, everything.
  11. I love, love Halloween on a crisp day when the colored leaves are falling, it’s cloudy out and you need a coat. So cozy. I love snow and the winter too. Four seasons are the best, for me anyhow.
  12. When I moved to the new development in Florida, 98 per cent were from N.Y. , Jersey, Philly, Ohio. All northern states. I felt at home with the New York accents.
  13. If Haley is such a catch, why is she on this show? Why didn’t some nice good looking intelligent man not snap her up and marry her. Jake is a quiet guy that loves his house and is satisfied. Haley likes to drink at bars and hang with her girlfriends . To each his own. A quiet guy is better than a big mouth blowhard braggart like Chris. I’ll bet she found fault with every date she’s had so far, so resorted to the experts. Getting married was a bad idea. She should have went to a Matchmaker and saw the person first. Amen.
  14. We found out while living there, the houses are beautiful and less expensive. No state tax. The food and gas was the same as up north. Clothes the same as here too. If you can take heat, it’s fine. I was in the house or car or mall most of the time. I’d rather be cold, but that’s me. My husband could live in a tree, as long as he could play golf. But, “ Happy wife, happy life”. We moved back up north in the woods. My development has a golf course. He’s happy.
  15. Love this post. In the beginning I like all of them. Then their personalities come out. Haley made mince meat out of Jake in every area. The bracelet was the final straw. It was a beautiful gesture on a wedding day. She could have put it on right then and there for the ceremony. Instead, she cast it aside like it was nothing. She has no heart. She proved it every step of the way. I noticed Jake was still wearing his wedding ring .. she is not anymore. The look of disgust on her face when with him says it all. He didn’t deserve that. Does any man she goes with have to change his whole persona to her liking? Seems that way. She is nothing special. That look on her face when with him looks like her head will explode. The look of indifference and hate.
  16. He’s like a little girl. Very thin skinned. That’s what you get when you match a car salesman and an Engineer.
  17. The apple doesn’t fall far from the tree. That Mother sounded like she spoiled the shit out of Haley. Now she’ll probably throw the bracelet in Jakes face and make a big production out of it. I’m afraid for him, lol.
  18. What about constantly touching her hair and face. She’s a wreck. Erik makes her worse.
  19. I agree. WOW Haley. If looks could kill. Her blood pressure must have been over 200 when Pepper gave her wrong. I thought they would have to call 911. Nobody puts Baby in the corner.
  20. And her fiancé dumped her and had a baby with someone else. Now, she’s untrusting and making other men miserable.
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