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Hangin Out

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Everything posted by Hangin Out

  1. I’m so jealous. Wish I was on the road in California right now. I live in New York and will be on the road to Walmart. Whoopi. !!!!!!!!! Lol. Enjoy.
  2. Side note: My Mother was going to name me Francesca, but opted for Frances instead, dammit.
  3. Damn .. the three I can’t stand the most. Bring back Yara and Julia who make the most sense. Smart cookies, those two.
  4. I believe Mikes Mother. Some sons confide in their Mothers. Mike was unsure before the wedding and asked his Mother if he was doing the right thing. He probably was telling her things all along. Why would she lie? She knew Natalie was trying to change him, which she was. I’m sure his mother wants him to be married .. just not to her.
  5. I read she wants to go to Hollywood and be an actress. An actress who talks thru her teeth.
  6. Getting two paychecks. They are ecstatic. My husband noticed Betty got her hair done, but not for the wedding. Haha.
  7. Zied sits there like he doesn’t understand what’s going on. I don’t think he knows the shit that goes on before a wedding, or zAmerican customs.
  8. Oh good. The “Tell all” tonight. The ONLY ones I like are Yara, Julia, and Jovie’s Mother. I wonder how long they’ve been married.
  9. My Mother was Ukrainian, my Father Polish. My Mother made everything from scratch. Honey cake, jelly donuts, soups, perogies, stuffed cabbage, etc. lots of work. The other day I made borscht with fresh beets. Delicious. My husband and kids wouldn’t eat it. It’s the healthiest thing. Things were tough in those days. They made everything they had from the ground. Potato soup is next on my list. I’ll have to make macaroni for them.
  10. Most of your people have your landline number. Most of them do not have your cell phone number. It’s not much more money if you put it together with your t.v. and computer in the same company. There are times when the power will go out and you won’t have your landline, but will have your cellphone. It happens quite often, where I live anyhow.
  11. I have both no matter the cost. I find it easier to talk on a landline. My cell is when I go out. Sometimes the power goes out .. the land line too. I still have the cell phone with another company and can get calls. Also, people usually don’t know your cell phone number.
  12. All I remember in each apartment was grey marble and white all over. Too sterile .. not homey. I lost track of how many homes she’s had. I did like the Hampton house tho.
  13. Ha. I can see already where this marriage is going. Down the tubes. If he wants to sleep, leave him alone. That’s his prerogative. This is only the beginning. She is controlling. He’s not going to like her rules. He should be comfortable in his own home.
  14. I’ve always liked her wit and humor, but her constant need for attention all the time is getting boring. This is a person that needs to be top dog with everything. Can’t she just calm down a bit and relax? Did her Mother ever write a book yet? If she didn’t ..why not? She would make millions. I would love to hear her side of everything. Maybe Bethenny paid her off to shut up? I did love her shenanigans tho with “Red Scarf” guy and everybody else.
  15. I am just so sick of both the Bethenny and Megan stories. Anything to stay in the press. The money just keeps on flowing in for these two. I just feel sorry for the fathers of these children. Megan’s split will come in time. Harry will be up shits creek, and go back to the U.K. With his tail between his legs. Both women will go on to the next victim.
  16. New York City unfortunately has gone down in the last year. People are moving South. Many have gone to the Hamptons, which is getting very crowded now. For these reasons, Bethenny just might move to Boston. What will happen with Bryn will be interesting. Does she need Jason’s permission? I don’t know how that works. Do they have fifty fifty?
  17. How many rings does one person need? They get bigger and bigger. All for show. Waste of money.
  18. I started watching Jersey again from boredom. Their faces are all puffed and cut up from Botox and surgery. Not a good look either. Theresa is now selling gigantic colored vibrators with Joe in Italy. She’s so proud. Anything to make more money. They are all fugley imo, and still wearing outfits that are too revealing and sexy for their ages. Everything is still F this and F that. Classy.
  19. When was this half hour preview? After the show last week? I probably turned the channel when it was over.
  20. Cyrell is dangerous. No telling what she will do, and it’s only the beginning. When I want to talk privately, I wait until my husband goes out somewhere.
  21. So apparently, the dinner parties are a dating pool. If you see someone you like better, go for it, and to hell with your partner. Wtf kind of show is this? No wonder there are few posters. All these shows are turning to shit. And then, the new bride goes and sits on her husbands lap like he’s her property. Hahahaha. Best part of the show .. so stupid and laughable.
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