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Hangin Out

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Everything posted by Hangin Out

  1. The only thing that would perk Sonja up would be an old geezer with lots of money to marry her.
  2. Like I said awhile back,they will probably film in the Hamptons because of Covid. We went through the North Fork yesterday from the ferry. There’s just so Much you can do out there. Wineries, shopping, Greenpoint, Montauk and Block Island. I’m sure they will go to LuAnns house in Sag Harbor for lunch. Otherwise, back to the City. Or, they could visit Andy, Anderson and all the stars in the Hamptons if they can get through the traffic on a two way road. Lots of people go to the bars where there is dancing, like when Bethenny met Jason. Others have big parties in their houses.
  3. Speaking about dogs, I hope Leah doesn’t have or get a dog. She’s so flighty, she would probably to forget to feed or let the dog out.
  4. Yes. There comes a time when your brain is so full of your life, it can’t take much anymore. It happens that for a minute you forget or don’t remember things .. then it comes to you after a minute or two. Lately, i am forgetting Birthday dates. We were three Sisters. My Mother used to call us three by the wrong names all the time, even when she was young.
  5. Credit Card. She still has to pretend she’s Mrs. Morgan. The way she still talks like she’s still somebody is pathetic.
  6. I know. I feel the same way, but I loved seeing Dorinda’s house in the Bezerkshires at Halloween. They all had some good times up there. She was nasty and jealous too. She ruined it for herself. You are right.
  7. Sonja is still living in the past. She has to get over the fact that she is not important anymore like she was. Morgan remarried and that’s that. Sell the house, get another job and start over. It’s been over ten years. Stop floundering in what was.
  8. Not everyone does social media. I do not. I think this show is more for an older demographic than Leah’s edgy younger viewers. It was going great with Bethenny and Dorinda and Tinsley .. the best ever. Bravo should really look into who watches. Dorinda was great on the show before things went South. She and Bethenny were smart, funny and brought a lot to the show. Now, the show looks strained. There’s nothing going on but knocking each other. Put some love interests on . . MEN. .
  9. We all know that Ramona gets mixed up. That’s part of her charm. Leah is making a big deal out of nothing to make Ramona look stupid. Ramona was a business woman, made her own money, was married and has a beautiful daughter . What exactly are Leah’s accomplishments? She’s edgy and lives in a small apartment.? Ramona bought her own beautiful house in one of the best towns in the State.
  10. Well, Andy better put on his glasses. She was never a housewife. She slipped from craziness to a know it all overnight. She might be a favorite for the young edgy audience, but she’s not appropriate for a show like this. I could see him dumping Sonja, Ramona and LuAnn next season for more of Leah. I can’t see him proud of last nights episode. What is he thinking. zBTW, WWHL is very raunchy. Do people really like that show?
  11. I think LuAnn was taking sips of the sauce. The whole show was horrible and Lu was mortified. Bring back the original NewYork City broads. My favorite show down the drain ANDY.
  12. Sonja’s new nose is too thin, and she is behaving very stupid . It’s not cute or funny. Maybe if she was 19., but at this age it looks stupid.
  13. Who the hell knows what is proper and what is not anymore. Leave Ramona alone. If anyone needs a doctor,it’s Leah. A head Doctor. Yes Leah, you are the enemy now. Now, sit down and SHUT UP. Countess LuAnn looks very uncomfortable. Oh Good Lord, someone said Sonja has an amazing body, and Leah is watching how many drinks LuAnn is having. What next?
  14. So are Leah and Ebony the voices of reason now? Leah especially? Leah who runs around naked, drunk and screaming? All this “ constructive criticism coming from Leah and Ebony SUCKS.
  15. Maybe you’ll see ole Tom, LuAnns Ex husband at the Regency bar, or Rocco. If you are a Wendy fan, you could see her new wax figure at the Wax Museum. 45 th street off Broadway. Have a great time.
  16. Thanks. He goes one way to the slots, and I go the other way to the Tanger Outlets.
  17. Over fifty years for us. I have a bottle of “Air Febreeze “ sea scent near my bed. Sometimes the smell wakes me up and he insists it wasn’t him. Ain’t love grand? Tomorrow we have our first date since Covid last year at the Foxwoods Casino in Connecticut. Haha. It’s really for him as usual since I don’t gamble. I go for the ferry ride. I have to bring all my sleeping aides.
  18. Thank you for the info. Not surprised Leah would be interested in that. Russian Baths, BurningMan, etc. etc.
  19. Storyline. Plus, she’s hot to trot. I had to laugh when Louie had to get up from his chair to kiss her in the restaurant. Btw, what was holding that blouse up? Geeze.
  20. OMG, I am dying. It’s so good to hear how everyone sleeps. I need a sound machine on loud, a mask over my eyes and my little pillow to hold. Husband needs those socks from the hospital, heavy flannel pajamas even in summer. I make him face the wall so he doesn’t breathe in my face. Half the time, one of us winds up on the living room sofa.
  21. I told my husband, I’ll be Yara and you be Jovie. (Role playing).
  22. No way would I stay on that farm. They should move to Richmond and she can go to night school to learn English for starters. By then, the Green Card will come hopefully and they could get an apartment. I would go bonkers on that farm. He doesn’t care .. he’s playing video games and Mama still has her Son. Screw that.
  23. None of these stupid broads use birth control. Then they complain. I don’t feel sorry for them at all. Kilani goes on vacation, has unprotected sex and now is stuck with a guy that can’t even show her some affection. There’s no love in that marriage. Now suck it up and stop whining.
  24. Ugh ..Natalie. She thinks she’s irristable, dancing around that big goof and acting like a whittle girl. Can’t stand both of them.
  25. Nothing. Just normal chit chat .. nothing of substance.
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