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Hangin Out

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Everything posted by Hangin Out

  1. Sorry. My I pad on fritz again. Anyhow, Leah probably doesn’t even know Audrey from Breakfast at Tiffineys. Audrey was a classy lady and actress. She wasn’t “edgy” like Leah. Her parents even know she’s whacked, and keep their distance. I hate the way Leah talks to her Mother ..no respect. She must have been a handful growing up. The poor parents.
  2. Answering the last post. As we all know, Ebony is very accomplished. Wondering why she lowered herself to be with some of these disgusting morons, especially speaking the way they do. I would think she’s above this.
  3. Yes to everything. Leah has to go. Just because she has sex every which way, doesn’t mean we have to hear it and agree. She is a slob and a half. Her Grandmother who she loves so much is dying and she’s out in the Hamptons annoying everyone,especially with her mime. What the hell was that? Who does she think she is? She comes into Ramona’s house and takes over. She’s knocking Ramona while going in her refrigerator. She’s eating her food. Throw the bitch out. I’m sure by now Ebony is sorry she paired up with Leah. I just hope Heather straightens the troublemakers out.
  4. Erika is a self centered Woman. With Tom’s money, she became famous, sort of. A housewife on a show and a soft porn dancer, sort of.
  5. I don’t think she did. Looks like she wouldn’t want any company anyhow. Too much work for her. SHE wants to be catered to and served, looks like. Extremely private too.
  6. Look for Natalie cooking Ukrainian food on u-tube. She’s all decked out with lots of makeup and pretty dresses. She acts very sexy too. Just type in “Natalie makes pizza” and everything comes up.
  7. Take Julia with you. I have a feeling Yara will be joining them soon if they go back. Nobody is happy. The three of them have no patience. What did they all expect? Beverly Hills right off the bat? Or New York City where the action is? The world is in limbo. Calm down all of you. At least your men have jobs which are scarce right now.
  8. Good Lord,so many things. Angela upset her boobs were too small for Michael. Screw him. She went home too soon after all that surgery. The friend is too nice. Kalani with these sex toys. I can’t picture it. Yara, don’t complain about his job. You didn’t have to get pregnant so soon. Julia has become a pain in the ass. Nothing pleases her. Her jealously is ridiculous. So are her manners. She has none since married. Everytime Natalie meets up with his Mother, she wears no makeup. Why is that? I don’t think I would have went after Mikes Mother tried to stop the wedding. Who dusts her house? All those pigs. On every shelf in the house. Tacky. Mike is a doofus. Zero personality.
  9. Theresa signed the papers too and went to jail. I doubt they could get anything on Erika. She’s smarter. Then again, I don’t know how things work. Are Erika and Tom speaking or what? Didn’t she file for divorce?
  10. In a few scenes, Dorit looked like a Scarecrow. Two big round balls of flesh on a skinny body. Especially in her red “bathrobe”.
  11. I’m laughing. I always say “every man should have one period and one baby the natural way like I did. They would all be dead. They could never take it. Why are they always cold? I don’t get it. Mine went to bed with flannel pjs and wool socks and a quilt. I slept with a light nitegown, no covers.
  12. Haha, thank you. I was boiling ravioli steaming up the kitchen while doing laundry. He was lying down watching golf all weekend. He knows I have high blood pressure and run hot. Same thing, different year. Even in the car, the ac has to be on low. Now we have duel ac in the car. I do what I want. They just don’t understand.
  13. One bathroom? What new building downtown has only one bathroom? Guess she came to the conclusion that there would be no man in her life. She wouldn’t let anyone near her bathroom,I’m assuming. Where would a guest pee? She’d probably tell them to just hold it.
  14. Suzanne too. A huh, yep, a huh, a huh. yep. Don’t need her acknowledgement while sucking her mints.
  15. I’ve often wondered where Wendy gets her information about everyone she talks about everyday. Is it from the celebrity magazines or from a real good source? I remember her sayin she read the mags every morning when Big Kev drove her in from Jersey. I wouldn’t believe those stories. Maybe Norman finds out all the information for her. I don’t think she does.
  16. OMG, when I saw Rinna in the black wig .. she looked about 85 yrs old.
  17. Haha .. I have it on 75 to shut him up. I stay in the living room on the sofa with the big t.v., and he’s on the bed with the same big tv watching the golf. About 9 pm, we switch. I go to sleep, and he watches until about 2 am, then comes in the bed or falls asleep on the sofa. But, tonight, we watch 90 Day Fiance together. That’s about the only show we have in common.
  18. I’ve been thinking. Isn’t there some kind of service, being you have health problems and can’t get out, that can pick you up and take you to a store, doctors, drug stores? I don’t know what state you are in, but here in N.Y. they have a service for this sort of thing when it’s hard for a person to get out. If that helps. It just feels very hard for you to navigate alone.
  19. Yes. I don’t even know how she has the nerve to be on this show again .. with an attitude no less. She’s walking around like nothing is wrong. Where’s Tom, the other crook.
  20. I didn’t care for her. She treated John like dirt, then got nasty with the cast. I only liked her house in the Beserkshires.
  21. Erika is nasty. That face she makes like everyone should be afraid of her. She should be shamed for showing all her unnecessary clothes and jewels on t.v. When people were robbed of their law suits, women, children, etc. And those lips that she keeps licking as they probably bother her. Where’s Tom BTW?
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