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Hangin Out

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Everything posted by Hangin Out

  1. I worked for a very big company in the City, and was surprised not one of the many people I knew aren’t on Facebook. We were all about the same age, so maybe they weren’t interested in going on for some reason.
  2. Yes I know .. if I really want one of the kids will help, but it’s always something with me .. my I pad, my phone, our new smart TVs. I just hate to bother them as they have their own problems. I think my seven yr old grandson can help me .. he knows everything, the smarty pants, lol. All my friends are of my age .. stupid too. Thanks for the advice tho. Maybe I’ll try again. 😀
  3. Excuse me everyone, but truthfully, what are Leah’s accomplishments.. I truly want to know since she’s calling everyone a Ho. She had a child with an olderman who won’t marry her, she doesn’t get along with her parents and makes fun of them, and she makes ridiculous t-shirts “Married to the Mob”. What is that supposed to mean? Just being attractive doesn’t cut it. Why was Bravo so enamored with her? What was it about her that fired backwards and ruined the show?
  4. I still don’t know how to navigate on Facebook, and none of my kids will show me. To boot, I see Facebook changed around some things, so now I am totally lost. I’m just on in case somebody from school or my job is looking for me. None yet .. maybe they are dead .. I don’t know. Plus, if I look someone up, I’m afraid they will know it’s me being nosey? Can they see me?
  5. How did you just watch N.Y. and already you are on here? After the N.Y. disaster, I had to take to the bed .. not kidding. I love the way these housewives eat .. their lips do not touch the food. Such a hardship. I guess Connecticut Dorit became British. What a crock.
  6. I’ll bet she was told not to come. She causes too much commotion. The parents are old and can’t take her anymore. She could cause a heart attack.
  7. I don’t watch these shows for political or race issues either. We have enough of that all day long. These shows are for entertainment only, or are supposed to be. We weren’t allowed to talk politics .. why this race issue now? We are aware and don’t need anymore lessons. We have seen it on tv all year long. I love Ramona. Only once I saw her breakdown when they went to her home town. She has a strict Father and was brought up strict. She went to design school, made money and married Mario. I’m pretty she bought her own beautiful house too. I didn’t see her whine about her divorce or being alone .. maybe once. She’s strong, does her best and carries on. She gives nice parties and is a good hostess, and is sympathetic to those who are down. She didn’t need Leah and Ebony to come into her home and disrupt all her nice work and intentions. She stood for Leah wrecking her backyard last year. She didn’t need that shit again this year. I guess Bravo made her do it because of Covid. Her and LuAnn got stuck as they have houses. It’s Bravos fault. They let things unravel one by one. Enough with the sex talk too. It has gotten boring. Leah especially. When the ratings go down, they will see. It will hit their pockets quickly. Most people have had enough of it all. Plain and simple. (and lots of errors, sorry). Can’t fix them.
  8. As housewives ourselves, we want to be like Calgone .. take us away. (If you all remember the commercial). Take us away from all the crap of these hard days.
  9. So sorry you couldn’t get to see your Mom as much as you wanted. It wasn’t your fault. I’m pretty sure part was filmed in the fall, then the rest this spring. Out of three of us sisters,I did the most for my Mom, but to this day, I feel I should have done more. I think lots of people feel this way. Moms understand you did your best.
  10. I can’t imagine her having sex with Jake. She must have been semi unconscious, or was thinking it was somebody else.
  11. This show is aired 9 p.m. eastern time .. repeats of last week 8 p.m. Children are watching Leah saying “if I was a man, I would be sucking ass”. What is this doing to children? It’s too much already. Get her off.
  12. Ramona made it nice and once again Leah ruined it with the sex talk. You could see Ramona’s blood pressure rising. Leah is one rude ignorant infant. Andy knows shit about women. The worse they are, the better he likes them. That’s why I don’t watch WWHL. It’s a filthy show that belittles women at their expense.
  13. Yes .. I remember Lu just saying Ebony was an angry woman, period. It was very clear.
  14. She might have not been able to see Grandma because of Covid, but she could have been with her parents at a time like this. Yes, we all went threw it .. sometimes worse, and I’m sure Bravo would have let her off for a week or so. We all have suffered losses, not only her. Ebony is suffering also, but you wouldn’t know it.
  15. Do tell. I remember her on Fox, but there was a scandle. My husband told me what he thinks it was, but I don’t know if I should say. There were some firings at the time and one very good newscaster was fired, which caused quite a stir.
  16. Thank goodness N.Y. Is not pretentious like Beverly Hills. I would never watch. N.y. Is real and they show their faults. BH is all designer clothing, jewels, etc., even if stolen. Erika’s closet is ridiculous. It’s a store in its self.
  17. I don’t think we all needed the nude male model as we’ve seen one or two or one hundred before. I’ve only seen one in my life and that’s enough. Not bragging by all means .. maybe regretting I wasn’t more of a slut. Did I miss anything?
  18. Me either. Different generation. Actually, my husband turns red when he hears them talking like that. We are definitely Old School. I still talk with girlfriends I’ve had for many years, and we never talk about sex. Then again, it’s all over the tv now, and we can’t control it. It’s too much and personal. Leah talks a big game, but I’ll bet she doesn’t get anybody for sex. I think she’s a bullshitter. I’ll bet the baby daddy doesn’t even want her sexually.
  19. I never thought white people as fragile. I don’t get that at all. It’s the first time I heard that. Ramona was pretty patient throughout the whole tabacle. I would have thrown Leah out right in the beginning, but it’s a show. I wouldn’t entertain anyone in my home that was nasty and un appreciative being invited in the first place.
  20. Just goes to show ya. Two pages of comments. There should be at least eight or nine by now. Everyone is bailing, Andy. Listen to the fans. We all know what’s best.
  21. Bravo probably asked everyone and Heather was probably the only one who agreed to come back. Let’s all face it. Bethenny could save this show. Maybe for a billion dollars. I watched the old shows. They were brilliant. Laughter galore.
  22. My daughter went to her show for $100. Said the place was jammed with mostly gay men. The place goes wild. She sings three songs, talks, then her friends come out. One drink and dinner, but was worth it. Everyone there loves her as she does have a nice presence when on stage. She can’t sing, only talks through the song, but nobody cares. They just love her.
  23. What has been bothering me this whole time is Leah. She’s invited to the Hamptons to Ramona’s house that has all the bells and whistles. Drink and good food galore. Yet, she is the worst guest in the world. Fights with everyone, insults everyone, complains about everything, has temper tantrums, screams at everyone, you name it. The worst guest in the world, yet everyone pacified her. Shut the fuck up you filthy pig and go home and stop wasting everyone’s time with your constant whining. She is the worst guest I have ever seen. No wonder her parents can’t get along with her .. even her baby daddy. She is NUTS, plus the worst slob I’ve ever seen. I feel sorry for her daughter and parents. What was Andy thinking? What is wrong with him? He should invite her to his house in the Hamptons if he loves her so much. See how that works out. Let her play with your Son why don’t you? I’m not watching anymore just because of her. Poor Ramona, a great hostess that has to put up with this shit just because she has the house. A beautiful house that the maniac ruined in her backyard because she is edgy. Screw her and her stupid edgy t shirts that nobody would buy.
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