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Hangin Out

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Everything posted by Hangin Out

  1. I guess better Disney things than something illegal, right? We took her at 3 yrs old and she insisted walking the whole Magic Kingdom. Worked there thru college in costume. Now, they bought a timeshare there. I should talk as I bought a Haunted Mansion Dooney & Burke bag. Cost a bundle, but I just had to have it. Haha.
  2. I know, haha. Anything she makes is all veggies that don’t even go together. I couldn’t eat half of that shit. The way she presents herself with the sexual movements, the smiles, her clothing slit up to her who ha is hilarious. Can’t take her seriously. I really don’t know what she was thinking.
  3. The shirt he was wearing. Think “House on the Prairie”. That’s the print the women and Andre wore.
  4. Because she’s lazy? Mullet acts like a tough guy. Not feminine at all. Even with the long mop.
  5. OMG, I am so sorry. She is the one who lost out. You are the winner ..a sweet little boy. They should have a special thread of Mother’s in law from Hell. I had a doozy too. I feel bad for your husband and mine. They are more sensitive than we think.
  6. Once I asked my husband “didn’t your Mother ever teach you anything”? He replied, “no, she was only interested in my sister”, I went to school, was always playing ball, went in the Army, got a job and got married. He said he never remembered having a conversation with her. Sad. Some mothers are too much .. some too little. I never butt into my Sons business. If he wants to talk, I listen.
  7. Smart. My husband bought me big rings with big stones fashionable in the day to wear at weddings, parties, etc. Now, my girls don’t want them as they are too Gaudy. They wear small silver earrings and chains. One wears everything with Mikey Mouse on it. In fact her whole house is Mickey Mouse. She’s a grown woman too. I have to zip it too. Not my business, lol. Her birthday was last week. What did she get? A Mother necklace in silver with a Mickey Mouse head on it. Good Lord.
  8. Mike is a pussy and Mamas boy. Him and what’s her face .. Trish have a pact to stick together at all times and berate Natalie. She wants her son to herself, and a baby to boot. No .. just no. Natalie better get the hell out of Dodge before it’s too late. They are tricking her and just wanted the money from TLC and buy more stupid piggy banks to keep Moma dusting those ridiculous pigs. Does she think they are like Lenox? An heirloom for the Grandbaby? Geeze .. and Skyler works too. I have no idea where.
  9. I’m wondering where Angela’s money is coming from. Can’t all be from the show. Rings on each finger, nails always done, smoking at least two packs a day adds up. She might stop smoking for the surgery, but will be back at it in no time.
  10. Most men can’t survive on salads. They love meat. Whoever Natalie winds up with will probably eat meat. She has to learn to cook it. Butter and paprika on the bird would have made it tempting and nicely browned.
  11. So true. My first ten years of my marriage my husband worked nights. I cooked a hot meal every afternoon before he went to work. I had no second car, two babies and no friends in the new neighborhood. You can’t have everything. He seems like a responsible worker and has a dangerous job. I feel bad for Yara, but not that bad. She wasn’t responsible with the birth control. At least she has his lovely Mother to help her.Stop whining already. People have it worse. Learn how to cook while he is away. I was lonely at night so did arts n crafts. Husband slept most of the day, so I was on my own. It was hard keeping two toddlers quiet while Daddy was sleeping, so I had to take them out most of the time. That’s life. Things get better.Yara shouldn’t make Jovie feel guilty. He has a job to do.
  12. Natalie didn’t really need the parsley. It’s only used as a garnish on top in the end. I’m very surprised they all ate it. Has anyone here seen Natalie cooking on U- tube? No meat.
  13. Well, she’s odd. Who at that age has that longhair hanging? Does she think it looks sexy? Was the boyfriend hiding? He should of been stacking the wood, not Natalie. I’ve never seen guests in the house do the work like Natalie. Mike is a piece of work. Zero personality. All he wants to do is eat. Ukrainian people are proper. He’s a slob. No stuffing? That’s the best part.
  14. I’ve never seen a purse or a crossbody on her. She puts everything in her uppers. Cigarettes and lighter in her bra .. phone in her bra strap .. keys who knows where. What a mess she is. Now that she has herself beautified,she’s more obnoxious than ever.
  15. She forgot the Gravy Master. The gravy looked putrid white.
  16. Tiffany on for the money and that’s it. She should invest in some new clothes. Who wears a winter scarf with a white summer cheap blouse. Too much air time for a person who’s not too bright. Her poor kids, and Father who’s sticking his neck out for that loser.
  17. I made borst for the first time since my Ukrainian Mother died. I was the only one who ate the whole pot. A few days later, I peed red in the bowl and almost had a heart attack when I saw red in the toilet bowl. Then I realized it was the soup. It’s very healthy tho. Real beets are good for the blood. Just beware.
  18. So does Tiffany and Kilani shop at the same store and wear the same off the shoulder blouses to look sexy? It ain’t working. Fat shoulders are not sexy no matter the blouse. Her poor Father should have said no. A leopard doesn’t change its spots. The guy is a loser. I can’t wait to see Trish's room mate. Probably a derelict who should of stacked the wood. Someone up thread was right. Mike and Trish wanted the money .. not Natalie.
  19. And I’m seeing why her baby daddy didn’t marry her, even tho she would in one hot minute.
  20. I’d love to know what men would think about that ass thing Leah says. I can’t ask mine as I know he doesn’t like the show or Andy from what he’s seen. I doubt he would even answer me.
  21. That’s just the beginning. Friends, parties, clothes, they want to go out and have a smoothie, sleep at someone’s house, etc. Driving and the list goes on. Each stage is no joke, but they are worth it. Two and a half are adorable tho.
  22. I’ve said this before, but what the heck. A nude guy with his schlong hanging out does not phase me, but, give me a clean shaven guy in a good suit, shoes, tie, shirt, nice watch, and I’m his. Like a doctor or lawyer would dress. That’s sexy and classy to me.
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