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Hangin Out

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Everything posted by Hangin Out

  1. I know .. they were matched too perfectly, but I’m hoping. Jakes date loved everything he loved. I cracked up when she went in the hot tub. Does she usually go on a date with a bathing suit in her bag? And her nose .. not too perfect just like his, haha. Everything he wanted. I hope someone here follows him on Instagram or wherever. Haley too.
  2. Are they all going to be on all the time .. or just some of them? I don’t do Social media, but would like to know what’s going on with them from time to time, especially Haley and Jake. She’s going to be a bridesmaid again and he had a date supposidely, in his house. It looked too good to be true. The girl had everything in common with him. True or false. Wonder if Haley found someone. The rest seem solid, except Paige. I love Keith and wife too.
  3. I am surprised that Shawniece can live like that from day to day without feeling loved. She must be miserable inside. That’s why she’s always lashing out and crying. I did watch Couples Cam on the Lifetime App ( thank you),and today found last weeks episode of where they are now with Haley and Jake, and a nice new guy for Paige on the Married at First Sight site from June 9 th. Supposidely, Jake was fixed up for a date from a friend, and Haley looked very relieved after the divorce. Paige’s new date is gorgeous and looks like a great guy. Good for her. I can’t see Virginia and Eric lasting at all, but you never know. Rocky looks like trouble. At last she got a trainer.
  4. Haha, love this site already. You have everyone pegged perfectly. I did see Jamie and Dougs walk thru the Sarasota preserve. Bugs and mosquitoes flying all around what looked like a dump. They ran out of there fast as the had the baby in the stroller getting bitten up. They moved there because you can buy a big house for a song. We moved down there for over a year, but paid thru the nose to come back to the Big Apple. I’ve never been happier to see snow again. Ten months of living in an inferno and stuck in the house with the air conditioner. But the new house was gorgeous. I’m now in a condo and have four seasons. Shawniece loves Jepthe, but he does not love her. I couldn’t live like that. She’s cheating herself for the sake of Laura? Not good.
  5. Oh great. I have something to look forward to. Thanks a lot. I never thought of that, duh. I usually don’t watch Couples Cam. Dying to see Jakes girlfriend.
  6. Yeah, and heartbreaking for her. He doesn’t want to be an absent Father, but this situation is not good for her. How could she stay with a guy who doesn’t love her? That’s torture.
  7. Damn .. I missed this episode (( June 9). I was watching BH, waste of time and forgot about this show. I read somewhere Jake had a girlfriend with him? It’s not on demand yet, so I’m dying to see that. Where else can I see that episode? Too much on at the same time.
  8. Well, that’s interesting. It seems like there is not much effort in the shows anymore ..like they are just coasting. P.S. I just read an article in my weekly t.v. Guide that said tv shows will be changing .. they will be going to streaming, whichever one we pick .. Peacock, Hulu, etc. They said tv will become very confusing for people.
  9. My kid said when you watch it live, it records the ratings, but not if you record it on the DVR. So, that’s what I do .. record it. Yep. Jersey seemed unchanged because they had the men on, went to the ocean, etc. All N.Y. had were wineries and two houses. Also, LuAnn sneaking drinks. She is struggling. Looks like anyhow. I had my first outing in a restaurant yesterday after over a year. Had a big Bloody Mary too. Boy, was that good, as I don’t usually drink.
  10. If I was Dan, I wouldn’t trust Jess with a ten foot pole. She’ll flit from one guy to the next. Besides, there’s a child involved here.
  11. BTW, where is this twelve year old during all of this. With Rob? The kid must be watching and mortified.
  12. BTW, this was @ Film Noire’s post and it was fantastic. Does anyone think he reads this?
  13. I don’t know .. maybe it’s me, but after the last two episodes, WWHL comes on automatically. To me, Andy had a different look to him. It looked like embarrasment to me. Maybe he realized the show went too far and the viewers didn’t like them?
  14. Yes, why is Ebony on this show? You don’t need a brain. She is lowering herself. I think Leah’s family didn’t want her there. She would have started trouble with her dramatics. As for Andy, who knows how or what he thinks. Talking filthy and making a fool out of ones self is not funny. Falling in the bushes is. Bring back the slapstick humor .. no politics or race issues. Viewers do not want this from what I see.
  15. OMG .. I was just thinking the same thing as I’m watching BH repeat. It’s on tonight, and here we go again. I can’t take the stress.
  16. Leah should start drinking again. She was louder and destructive, but amusing in a strange way. I hate sober Leah. Kidding. Not kidding.
  17. Ebony comes off as a “ know it all”, just because she was a news correspondent on Fox and her education and Law degree. She’s also lowering herself for being friends with Leah, unless Bravo told her to come on that way. To me, she is not likeable. Has nothing to do with race either. I don’t like Leah even more. I just do not like the show anymore since they both came on. Judy my opinion. I rather see LuAnn make a fool out of herself singing, or Sonja and Ramona squabbling about nonsense, like who has the prettiest dress on. Stupid stuff as we have more serious things going on like the country and pandemic in our heads.
  18. Lu threw her out, then kissed her ass. I’m surprised at Lu and disappointed. Everyone sees differently.
  19. Me too. They are all full of shit. They are taking direction from the boss. The best show down the tubes.
  20. The ONLY funny thing in this episode was Sonja stuffing her mouth every minute she could for FREE FOOD. I don’t think she eats at home.
  21. Maybe she has a “ hickey” from someone. You never know. That’s what we wore in the day, lol.
  22. Maybe the Count is helping the kids out. Yes, the Countess is still a snob, but I like her for some reason.
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