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Everything posted by zoomama

  1. it has solidified my thoughts about moving to texas...i think that's a no-go for sure. my weekend there in april during this season of storms was enough to make me rethink all those ideas. it was really stressful to be on guard all the time. its enough for me to keep up with the weather there and worry about my grandkids from out here in 'safe' cali (use that term loosely). to literally live that way every minute, nope.
  2. i have had to do the 'further testing' and it was all benign. that didn't really make up for the worrying i did although of course it was a relief. when i did my further work-up, they told me that very day that i was fine. i hope you will have the same experience.
  3. mercy - that had to be scary. on our recent trip to texas, there were storms all weekend and watches all around us. there were tornados in the greater area but not close enough to us to be in shelter. i was a wreck the whole time.
  4. they are in a very nice house. the twins were a surprise, natural not ivf, are identical boys and they seem happy although jamie was a bit disappointed they weren't girls. doug seems to be in a good place now.
  5. truly, i agree. is it more fun to die from a coma induced by too high or low blood sugar or suffer as you slowly suffocate during an asthma attack? no right answer and i dont want to do either, thank you very much. and since i have actually had a code blue from an asthma attack, i can speak with some authority on this subject.
  6. yes i have. you 100% want sedation. i was not given that option (it was done in a doctors office). i was sore for a bit after, but i think that's because i had only a local anesthetic and so i felt most of it happen. trust and believe, when that local wore off, ugh!
  7. i have a larger suburu and love it!
  8. well, i am pleasantly surprised to see you all here. i have been sick and remain so. i was in hospital for a few days trying to breath again and haven't been online in about a week i guess. so i am just checking this page for the first time and you are all still here! yay!!! 😘
  9. Salacious Kitty, sorry for your loss. Mindthinkr, you are a good person! 'Balto' friends, that bridge situation was incredible to see. i believe i have driven that bridge, many years ago. very sad situation. as we near the end of small talk, i have realized that i am unsure about finding a new group -- i rather like THIS one. i will probably still be on the bates and the MAFS threads but i am a bit fearful of getting too chummy on chit chat. i hate reddit or to be more truthful, i just dont get it. i am sick as a dog...again! its Easter weekend and i will likely miss all the services. i know some of us here are Believers (and some are CLEARLY not). i tend to keep my faith on the quiet side but stepping out now. Since this forum is likely ending and no one will care if i am gone or banned or not, i want to say that, in light of the holiday, Jesus died for ALL of us on that long ago Friday. He suffered to save us from eternal damnation. He returned on Easter morning as He promised! Hallelujah!! its not just bunnies and candy.
  10. as much as i love rainy days, i was sad to see it yesterday as my pastors son was getting married in an outdoor ceremony yesterday. i dont think they had a back-up plan.
  11. saw this over on the bates page.....not sure what to make of it yet....and dont know where to put it either.
  12. i am thankful for Zest that this group of people has given my days. i come here to see whats happening in your lives and to tell you a bit about mine. unfortunately, i am pretty trusting and honest so you could all find me in real life if you wanted to based off of what i have shared here over the years. i am not a good liar so i dont even try (not saying anyone here is being dishonest but sometimes the stories dont match up over time). that said, this group of friends has been the sunshine on some pretty dark days for me. thank you all for that. i do hope the threat of canceling our group is just that, a threat, and not reality.
  13. i m just sad to see the whole duggar forum dying off. since this notice was posted, the comments have dropped off to almost no new posts at all. i hate to see it go, for exactly the reason above...the social value and connections made here on small talk after all these years. i dont really like reddit and will likely not be there and i did join chit chat but its not the same. i hope those in charge finally reevaluate and recognize this forum has kept growing even after the show was cancelled and has a strong following here.
  14. i understand now. thanks for spelling it out for me.
  15. i am sorry, i dont understand this post. can you explain further?
  16. hello everyone, this is my first post here in this forum. i too think about what my kids will have to go through when i am gone. i have started purging stuff now so it will be easier for them later on. that said, it is a big job!!!
  17. i went to bed early with a headache, got up for coffee and cereal and then returned to sleep for 1.5 more hours before getting ready for church. i am still tired this afternoon! i cant seem to get enough sleep ever. have we decided for sure where we will meet up on april 2 if this forum disappears?
  18. if you are all on FB, we could make a smalltalk group there?
  19. k, i did it. my name is still in my screenname so you will know me. but i still feel weird over there so may not show up much. i like it here- i at least understand this place a little bit.
  20. i am saddened by this because this place is truly my guilty pleasure and fun spot. if it goes, i will miss the interaction with ya'll. i dont reall understand reddit although i can try
  21. i am currently watching the weather channel now and it is moving up and over into michigan now. also, northern texas has a massive wind driven fire that may take out several towns - 250,000 acres last i heard. weather is scary.
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