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Everything posted by AuntTora

  1. Thanks for cluing me into Pluto! I'd forgotten how much social media (and asshole ex-boyfriend) drama there was years ago. Maybe candidates have wised up a little? I'd also totally forgotten Karissa -- that scene where she's getting ready in her car made me sad, esp. since it didn't work out. But happy for her now. Looking at some of these women with very different eyes now. Knowing Jenna's full arc...hm. Cassie still grates though.
  2. I adore this show! It is terrrrrrrrrrrible. It is wonderfully reminiscent of ancient genre shows like The Tomorrow People, with the modern version of cellar-budget production. They even somehow brought back John! Sure, call yourself "Oliver Dench", or whatever -- I know you jaunted directly from ITV in 1973. And I am HERE for it!
  3. I just saw the promo -- thought for a minute it was an advertisement for "Botched".
  4. Around the time of Chernobyl, my ex was a big proponent of nuclear power, for this exact reason. I hadn't made up my mind -- I could see his points but something about it just felt really creepy, and the issues around storing spent fuel, which is still dangerous FOREVER, seemed insurmountable. After Chernobyl, and after the information about what had caused it started to come out, I came down on the side of "nope". Not that he was wrong, but that the human animal was not (and is still not) mature enough to handle it. The profit motive makes commercial exploitation extremely iffy, and authoritarian regimes couldn't manage it. It's a technology lacking an appropriate civilization.
  5. Exactly. Global climate change will be exponentially more destructive to humanity than Chernobyl, and yet we're STILL told "it's a Chinese conspiracy", and people believe this because accepting the alternative is terrifying. Despite what the vast, overwhelming majority of climate scientists say -- they're dismissed as thoroughly as the people in the control room were dismissed by Dyatlov. If we continue to ignore the clear scientific evidence in front of us, if we vote for people who (like the Soviet functionaries) either are in denial or think other things (constituent jobs, their careers, money) are more important than the inconvenient truth of climate change (to quote someone who might have prioritized doing something about it before it was too late), we're no better. Well, we are no better. Humans haven't changed much in my years of observing them. The "exclusion zone" associated with climate change will be a lot larger than 2600 square miles.
  6. That was "Jurassic Bark" levels of un-re-watchability.
  7. The faces the actor playing Nandor makes KILL me. At the very end of this ep, when he turns to the camera with a sort of abashed and giggly "shit" is on repeat on my DVR. I love this show!
  8. He's a viking elf princess. Which is...a lot of look.
  9. Awesome wink at Galaxy Quest. And put me on the "happy to see Deke" train.
  10. This was the most enjoyable Olympics that I can remember. It was mostly covered as a SPORTING EVENT with little incidental profiles, instead of "OH THAT SPEED SKATER'S SISTER DIED LET'S TALK ABOUT IT EVERY NIGHT FOR AN HOUR (here's some scores)" . No holding the top event until midnight (even though it actually ended 18 hours ago) so they could TALK MORE ABOUT THE SKIIER WHO LOST HIS DAD (also here's some results). I'm sure the summer games will be back to usual, but at least there's no Matt Lauer looming.
  11. Here's an actual transcription of the Alpine announcers: Mikaela Shiffrin Mikaela Shiffrin Mikaela Shiffrin Mikaela Shiffrin Mikaela Shiffrin Mikaela Shiffrin Mikaela Shiffrin Mikaela Shiffrin Mikaela Shiffrin Mikaela Shiffrin Mikaela Shiffrin Mikaela Shiffrin Mikaela Shiffrin Mikaela Shiffrin Mikaela Shiffrin Mikaela Shiffrin Mikaela Shiffrin Mikaela Shiffrin Mikaela Shiffrin Brief Mention of Other Skiier Mikaela Shiffrin Mikaela Shiffrin Mikaela Shiffrin Mikaela Shiffrin Mikaela Shiffrin Mikaela Shiffrin Mikaela Shiffrin Mikaela Shiffrin Mikaela Shiffrin Mikaela Shiffrin Mikaela Shiffrin Mikaela Shiffrin Mikaela Shiffrin Ways in Which This Skiier is Similar to Mikaela Shiffrin Mikaela Shiffrin Mikaela Shiffrin Mikaela Shiffrin Hey a UFO Just Landed on the Slope! How Will This Impact Mikaela Shiffrin Mikaela Shiffrin Mikaela Shiffrin Only Eight Skiiers Until Mikaela Shiffrin Mikaela Shiffrin Mikaela Shiffrin Mikaela Shiffrin Mikaela Shiffrin Mikaela Shiffrin /vom She may be the greatest thing on earth, but I devoutly hope she lays an egg in all the remaining events. Of course that won't change the narrative. Aside from this, I'm finding the coverage a lot better than it's been in past years. I've actually seen SEVERAL events with no Americans in medal contention. FYI, Mikaela Shiffrin is five skiiers away as I type this, and I just counted the times her name was spoken in the last three minutes: eight
  12. I was actually on the backlot tour a couple of years ago when it was set up with the yogurt shops. (It's where they stop for a bathroom break -- fun fact!) This was long before the show was on of course, and we were all -- what's with all these frozen yogurt shops!!?!
  13. I guess I didn't realize it was the HoF induction? game? where Erica -- allegedly -- left the locker room to sit in the stands. Aside from any drinking, insubordination, sneaking, whatever -- pretty lousy of K&J to make her stay in the locker room. I mean, once in a lifetime.... Even though I personally think JJ is a loathsome toad and VERY bad for football, I appreciate that the women in the DCC have a different perspective, and it probably would have meant a lot to Erica to be able to see it live. If they really told her to stay in the locker room? What was the purpose of that -- couldn't she have been out on the field with K&J?
  14. Best ep so far this year! LOL'd several times. The actor playing Chidi killed it this week -- showed me things he hasn't before. This is just a delightful thing and very special.
  15. I thought the actor looked incredibly like Misha.
  16. I thought Tahani said something last year about, "gave my life to save others, such fun!" Hm. Going to have to check the Tivo....
  17. Last year Tasha bugged a little bit, not sure why, maybe a hint of inauthenticity. I certainly don't know her so she may very well be the most authentic and genuine person on the planet. One thing I DO know, however, in the comparison pictures, meant to demonstrate how she'd gotten "bigger" since tryouts last year? She looked about 5000% better this year. Last year, in the picture they used, she looked skinnier, certainly, but also haggard and ten years older. I get it if the organization thinks "she won't look good in the uniform" if she's carrying those few extra pounds, but the example picture they used could hardly have been a worse one, as it seemingly was saying -- this skeletal look? this is what we want.
  18. The wives on "Evil Lives Here" all seem painfully dumb and passive. "I just couldn't believe it was him. I told the police they'd made a mistake." "It was just really important to me that my kids had a mother and a father." "To find out that he was actually guilty was upsetting." "A lot of these signs I just didn't see." "I should have left many years before." I guess they get points for being honest but for crying out loud, open your eyes and take some ownership of your life! Critical thinking! Argh!
  19. If they lost their wings why were wings burned onto the ground when they died? I'm with MysteryGuest; I just haven't been feeling it this year, not sure why.
  20. Can we start a "Worst Grandparent's" thread? Dad, Stepdad and Grandma all just threw up their hands and left these kids to deal with the mess the adults in their lives, most especially their wife and daughter, created. Inexcusable, and gross.
  21. T'Resa was clearly F'D UP during the entire show. "I'm beautiful!" Corey's a paramedic also? Be still my heart....
  22. Assuming there were no piles of poo, or tubs full of urine, or sad animals or children, or rotten floorboards or toxic mold, or spiders or rats (or skulls), I think I would LOVE to be involved in a hoard cleanout. I would have paid my own way to fly to NC and go to work on some of those rooms. Hmmm, reading that first sentence back, maybe I'm not cut out for The Life after all.
  23. Wasn't there discussion of some "sovereign citizen" style beliefs? Something about Fannie Mae and the gubmint and "invalidating" a loan? Those people make me craaazy.
  24. This sounds veeeeeery familiar to another hoarder on this show or the other one: I think it was a lady in Florida (whose daughter was hoping to take over the house) who blamed the mountains of trash on break-ins? I just paid a thousand dollars to have a security system installed after an attempted break-in...I WISH I'D THOUGHT OF JUST BRINGING IN GARBAGE! /not Edited to add -- people keep describing her as a little old lady, or elderly. According to the article she's 73. That's not all that elderly! I mean, I know my perspective has changed quite a bit since I became AARP-eligible, but.... Anyway, there were a lot of saintly characters on the show this week. I hope I can keep it together a little better when I hit 73, but mostly I hope I'll have people in my life who will be willing to reason me out of my Funkos....
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