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Everything posted by Bulldog

  1. In my imagination, Beth wakes up and says that they will have to pry the ring from her cold, dead hand. Rip replies "Well, its been done before."
  2. Where the heck were the kid's parents? Regardless of the storyline, I couldn't imagine any parent not accompanying their 12 year old on set.
  3. Wouldn't that really only work in the current timeline story? I actually wouldn't have a problem with shows set in the present having the characters wear masks, but I don't see how it could be explained for period shows like this, Young Sheldon, The Goldbergs, etc.
  4. Well, that was some Moldavian massacre level shit going on in the finale (you young folks, look it up)! First, I don't believe that there is any way that they kill off John, Beth, or Kayce (unless one of the actors is wanting to leave the show). All three will survive. I also don't believe that Jaime or Rainwater are responsible for any of this. Orchestrating three cold blooded murders would write the characters in too much of a corner and I don't think they want to get rid of either actor. (And yes, I know that there have been plenty of cold blooded murders on this show, but its different when the victim is in the opening credits.) The whole digging up the corpse to get the ring thing was just plain freaky. Do people really do that? Here's an idea - If you think that you might possibly have use for a piece of jewelry at some point in the future, DO NOT put it in the coffin with the deceased. No matter how much you love someone, I just can't see offering a ring that was literally taken from your mother's cold dead hand as being any sort of romantic proposal. Josh Holloway has been wasted this season. Why would you cast someone with his name recognition and give him such a nothing role? No sympathy at all for Jimmy (whom I actually usually like). Assuming he survives, I can't see buckle bunny playing nurse maid to him for very long. Speaking of buckle bunnies, did the blonde one even bother to tell Lloyd that she was breaking up with him? And if the guys (or gals) are going to have "overnight company", shouldn't there be some place in the bunk house that would afford a little privacy? Would people really be comfortable having sex in a room with all of your co-workers? I guess if you are willing to have sex in a hospital bed, the bunk house isn't such a stretch. He's a Dutton. Apparently that's all it takes. OK, That was funny! Truer words . . .
  5. I was admittedly a little slow on the uptick and didn't realize at first that Monica was part of a set up to catch the killer when her car broke down. Was I the only one hoping that Jimmy's girlfriend (whose name escapes me) would come along and offer a ride and Monica would have to listen to her sing along to the radio all the way into town? I know companies pay big bucks for product placement in shows. This show seems especially egregious with the up close shots of the brand names of the big ol' pickups these folks drive. I wonder, though, how a company feels when their product is being depicted as being broken down on the side of the road. That emblem was fairly prominent in those scenes.
  6. The highlight of the episode for me was Perry and Della's dueling Lithgow impersonations. Were paralegals not a thing back then? Seems like that would be the job description that Della was proposing for the time between her being a secretary and obtaining her law degree. I suppose next season's regulars will be Perry, Della, Drake, Pete, Burger and whatever big name guest star they get. I do hope Hazel sticks around and has a bigger role next season. The actress, in all her glove wearing glory, is quite the scene stealer. I assume having Della and Hazel be a couple is 2020 convention and not from the original novels. I've actually never seen an episode of the old series, but weren't Perry and Della a couple there (even if not shown, wasn't it at least implied)?
  7. He works for John Dutton. On this show, that's all the license you need.
  8. Another question about this episode . . . . I had assumed that the guy in the wheelchair who Alice "healed" was likely a plant either by Birdy or other church elders (I absolutely believe that Alice truly thought she had healed him). But tonight, he was saying that he was no longer able to walk. Now, I suppose that could be a scam as well, but it would be a scam that would be awfully hard to keep up without breaking character. So, were they implying that Alice truly did heal him, but only temporarily? If so, I would think that making someone wheelchair bound walk, even if only temporarily, would be considered a miracle. (My apologies if this was discussed in earlier episode threads as I have not had a chance to read thru all of them.)
  9. This alone made it one of the better episodes this season. I don't get why they all continue to treat Jimmy like he is some kind of child. Yes, he was quite the screw up when the show started. But he has clearly grown and matured as the show progressed. With respect to the rodeo, he set a goal for himself, worked hard towards that goal, and attained a degree of success. I'm sure he realizes the implications to his health if he continues with the rodeo. And didn't John tell him that there were less taxing events he could still participate in that wouldn't be as hazardous? I don't really think this show is aiming for a realistic depiction of Montana law enforcement. The same way John Dutton is apparently the final arbiter of who fills every government office position in the state. Rip having knowledge of this show was probably the most unrealistic thing they have ever shown.
  10. I'm curious how Birdy's plan was supposed to work. Surely, Emily would take one look at the baby and announce that it wasn't Charlie. And where exactly did the new baby come from? I suppose it would be somewhat easy to obtain an abandoned/unwanted baby back in those days, but there would be someone (the mother? hospital worker? orphanage worker?) who would have to be privy to the information. Why was there already a crowd gathered? Were all of those people in on the switch? Are the people to believe that the new baby just showed up in the middle of the street?
  11. Roday, er, Rodriguez loses a part to Edward Norton and blames his name for it.
  12. I bet her cellmate knows the story by heart.
  13. I liked Betty's slight little smile when her own prosecutor said that Dan should not have done the things he did. She seemed so completely oblivious to the fact that there was a very big BUT coming. She truly believed that nobody could view her actions any differently than she did. Eight episodes in and I never learned the friends' names. The Missi Pyle character certainly did an about face on the witness stand. If the juror interviews were representative of the real juries (and I have no idea if they were), it was interesting that it was the male jurors who seemed to have the most sympathy for Betty (in the first trial, at least). I know that there was a juror in the second trial who has really said she would not have voted to convict had she known the sentence Betty would receive. I always thought when the judge charged a jury, they were instructed not to consider the potential sentence when deciding guilt. Overall, not a bad series. An interesting diversion during a summer when there is very little else to see on television.
  14. I thought that was very well done for a finale. Had they mentioned a supply train before? I was fully expecting Wilford to appear, but I guessed he had been in one of the boxes. Had nobody ever noticed another set of tracks on the revolution? I love Alison Wright and Ruth is definitely a true believer. Did not see the twist of Melanie's child still being alive coming. Not at all sorry that Lyla and One Eye are gone. I had no idea this had already been renewed. I must say I rather enjoyed S1. Looking forward to S2.
  15. How long was it supposed to have been between the time Betty stole the keys and the shooting occurred? I didn't get the impression it was the same day. Did the daughter not notice her keys were gone? It appeared to be (an unusually large) key chain with several keys, presumably including her car keys. Seems that if she knew her keys were missing and knew her crazy mother had a habit of breaking into dad's house, she might have reasonably assumed Betty had the keys. I'm in no way blaming the daughter, the timeline just didn't seem to quite make sense to me. I wonder how Betty's supporters who feel she has served adequate time would feel if Betty was released and moved into a house next door to them. I, for one, would not like it. But, you better believe that I'd be sure to keep the grass mowed, the hedges clipped, the trash can taken in and not throw any loud parties.
  16. I felt sorry for her because Dan apparently didn't pay her enough to buy more than one work outfit. I remember this case well from back when it was first in the news. This episode finally got around to showing the truly batshit crazy Betty that I remember from interviews back then. Until this episode, she had definitely been getting the sympathetic edit. That said, I've always wondered about Dan's "fining" system. IANAL, but seems that if the divorce terms didn't specifically allow him to impose these fines, anyway halfway decent judge would have ordered him to knock it off and pay her the agreed upon monthly support. And yeah, $16K per month was ALOT of money back then. Heck, most people would live quite comfortably on that today. I realize it was a small fraction of what Dan was earning. I, personally, would have taken it and been glad to be rid of him (and had my kids, to boot.) But then, I am not batshit crazy.
  17. I liked SEC lady even if it was completely unbelievable that she would take a meeting at Axe's offices. I especially liked her reply when Axe said he would take the stock exchange gavel and beat Spyros with it if it would make her feel better and she said it wouldn't make her feel worse. Showing my age - but I wonder if someone in the casting department has some connection to the old soap Guiding Light. Frank Grillo, Daniel Cosgrove, Patti D'Arbanville - lots of GL guest stars on the show. I guess I'm dense, but I'm still somewhat confused about the business arrangement between Axe and Taylor. Is she his employee or not? She seems to have carte blanche authority to conduct her own business on Axe's dime. So Chuck Sr tells Chuck Jr that bastard offspring would water down an inheritance, then turns around and admits he already contacted them. If they didn't know that they were his offspring before, wouldn't the inquiry alert them to the fact and give them a claim to the inheritance anyway. Am I the only one thinking it wasn't an accident that Wendy let Axe see the drawing? Wouldn't a psychiatrist say that there are no accidents? Pizza guy might make the best pizza in the world, but isn't he still just a small time local pizza restaurant owner? Would he really have the cache to launch a mass market frozen food line? Is he supposed to be that well known? I don't think it is that odd. Think of all the well known national politicians. I can't think of any that I would consider especially good looking (or charming for that matter, either).
  18. Liked this much more than I thought I would (and I say that as someone who didn't really enjoy the movie). I also liked Connelly quite a bit, and I usually find her rather flat. Am I correct that she is Willford, and the other guy wasn't being sarcastic in calling her that?
  19. As someone who is usually team Axe, I hated the whole school storyline. Despite their wealth, I always had the impression that Axe and Lara were decent parents. But that all flew out the window tonight. I hated it. Hated, hated, hated, hated, hated, hated it. Way to insure that your kid becomes one those rich, entitled pricks you claim to disdain, Bobby. I always wondered how the whole pledging money to schools thing works. Is there any legal weight behind it? Does the school have any way of demanding payment for what is essentially a gift? What if the giver's circumstances change? I guess if Yale could have demanded the payment from Chuck Sr, they would have. I do like that the new wife seems to be playing a bigger role than I would have imagined. If Chuck Sr bites it, the reading of the will should be interesting. I must have forgotten something from last season. I thought Taylor's team came on board with their tails between their legs after being defeated and were basically employees of Axe. But they are acting like they are still an autonomous company. What gives there? I did laugh at Wags' son being a born again Christian. That could be interesting. And how many kids does he have? He mentioned looking for sons (plural) plus the stripper and he was talking to a 14 year old girl on the phone and he said something about knowing where the "little ones" were?
  20. I will forever love Connie Britton (seriously, if she had never done anything except play Tami Taylor on Friday Night Lights, she would be one of my all time favorite actresses). BUT, that was a serious letdown. The writing was off. Her acting seemed off. Heck, the train wreck should have been EPIC and it lasted about three scenes. They don't even have the excuse of having to cut taping short due to the virus as that was their planned finale. As someone else mentioned, a rescue of that magnitude should have stretched over several episodes. Abby's reunion with Buck was just meh, and frankly, made no sense and was extremely out of character for the Abby of S1. Big disappointment all the way around. Like Lonestar levels of disappointment. Why would May want to celebrate her graduation with all of her parents' friends? Seriously? And yes, she is totally wanting to become a 911 dispatch instead of going to college (although I don't see why she couldn't do both, many college kids have jobs).
  21. I, of course, have never been head butted by a stampeding buffalo, but I would imagine it is not the kind of thing one just gets up from and goes on as if nothing happened. Who knew Claire was such a healer that her bare breasts have the magical power to bring men back from the brink of death?
  22. Why did Matt Bradley not merit an inclusion in the spring break trip? Where did this new friend of Erica's come from? I know she was in the last episode, but it was like she just appeared and everybody acted like she had been there all along.
  23. In fairness, I'm almost certain that if this show featured a man of a weight similar to Kate (and even "fat" Toby was nowhere near Kate), there would be plenty of discussion on this board and others about his looks. And I'm equally certain that they would not at all be of a sympathetic nature.
  24. I'm kind of surprised that so many seem to be painting Leif as some kind of predator. Joan is clearly the one with all of the power in this scenario. If the genders were reversed and big, higher ranking, older male boss had kissed young female programmer, I suspect the male boss would be the one being excoriated. Even if Joan is flattered by the attention or actually has feelings for Leif, she should know this can go nowhere but south. If she doesn't realize that, then she probably shouldn't be in her position of authority.
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