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Everything posted by Pearson80

  1. Megan really likes Joy but she has to hate her cause of her team. I remember 2 years ago, the ladies went out to lunch minus Whoopie and they all took a picture with Joy outside of the restaurant and Megan was draped all over Joy with a smile on her face.. You don't do that to someone you hate. Joy is a saint to put up with Megan's nastiness. Megan does not know how to disagree respectfully with people who do not see her perspective, look at how she treated Abby, Elizabeth, Tara Setmayer and Anna who are all conservative women like her.
  2. Lumi all the way.. I was never a big fan of JER but he always knew that Lumi despite their dysfunction were made for each other.. I hate EJ and he should have died in 2007 as JER and others intended...We would have been rid of him years ago.. Sami was never the same after him and Rafe.
  3. That is how Ron writes the people on the show, especially women..
  4. I too loved Marlena today with her daughter and granddaughter, this is the type of scenes that Marlena and John should be having with their large brood. Enough with interlopers and the damsel in distress stories for Marlena.
  5. Beautiful post and well said... The generation before Whoopie thought you were crazy for even wanting and fighting for civil rights, knowing the repercussions that can arise when you challenge the status quo.
  6. I feel you and it is Megan, they are all trying to placate her. You can see it on their faces how they really feel about her. The panel puts up with her cause they have to. I believe Joy is really friends with Ana and Sunny. She also bonded with Paula and Abby. She and Whoopie are worker friends who will hang out with each other but it is not a deep friendship.. Joy was really happy with the original panel and that was the best version of the View..
  7. The ladies of the view have always said how much they love each other even when we know it is not true.. I think Joy is being a company gal by going along with whatever they tell her to say to keep the peace.
  8. Her team hates him so she hates him too...
  9. I absolutely love Tiffany Cross and I will be getting her book. I loved how she handled Whoopie on their disagreement about Tammy Duckworth, she challenged her without being nasty and bombastic, this is how it is done Nutmeg. The dynamic between them was fascinating. I agreed with everything that she said regarding Black voters and why we should make demands with our vote. I am pretty sure that Sunny was happy with Tiffany's points on why it is imperative for Biden to pick a qualified Black woman to be his VP.
  10. She did try to sell her, at some point she changed her mind and decided to run away with her, intending to raise her. John and Kristen tracked her down and was able to bring Belle back putting her in her mother's arms. It was a beautiful reunion between Marlena and Belle. I never bought Sami's and Eric's devotion to Roman. The only parent that they knew for 5 years since the age of 2 was John as Roman.. Carrie and Marlena were the only people who had a real tough time with John not being Roman.. Carrie was actually jealous of baby Brady since he took her place as John's first child..
  11. To be fair Sami was a traumatized teen when she kidnapped Belle, she wanted to raise Belle herself and was afraid that Belle being John's would have destroyed her dad Roman. Nicole was a grown woman with a fully developed brain and used a confused scared pregnant teen in Mia for her diabolical scheme to steal Sami's baby.. Sami having been bad herself does not mean Nicole gets to steal her baby.
  12. I am just so over the show constantly having Sami's kids bash her all the time, enough! Allie was a hateful twat to her mom in that scene you mentioned. Sami does love kids, I hope Johnny and Sydney adore her to no end, give us some balance Ron. I am not even a Sami fan and it just irritates to no end to see her kids so mean and disrespectful to her. Unless you were abused and neglected by your mother, you should always treat her with the utmost respect..
  13. Everything Sunny said today was just awesome and this is the Sunny that I love. She has been pretty sublime this week.. Megan's word salad about antisemitism was just jarring giving that she defended Tucker yesterday but since he is on the right, she is fine with whatever he has said. Those of us who want to hold him accountable are being mean inflexible and practicing cancel culture.. Khloe is starting to look like Michael Jackson and that is not a compliment. I will never understand why young women like her feel the need to mess with their faces. Body dysmorphia is not a good look.. I had to change the channel because it just breaks my heart to know what is happening at the border and Joseph Soberof's book is too much for me to bear at this time. At some point, I will read it but not now..
  14. I love Yvette but I don't think that she would be a right fit.. I think they should get somebody younger and I always had a feeling that Tam wanted to do more as an actor. I think the show gave her a stability when she had her babies and it also reinvigorated her career. Her children are getting older and I think that she wants to explore her first love for acting. It would not surprise me if Adrienne is the next to go, especially if she gets pregnant. The show has been renewed for 2 more seasons so it will be interesting to see where they go with the show.. I will miss Tam and I think the ladies got her to explore all of her sides and I know her departure will devastate Loni who is very close to her..
  15. This is why Nutmeg is not going anywhere for the foreseeable future. She has been trending for her idiocy and the idiot is proud of it, sad!
  16. What was point of Nutmeg bringing up Bari Weiss? She just threw it out there without giving any proper context, all to distract from Tucker Carlson. Mainstream media is also code word for liberal media.
  17. Megan is insufferable, she completely missed the point and did her usual whataboutism by bringing up Joy Reid who has just gotten a primetime show on cable news. I am just at wits end with her. As Sunny said it is about accountability not cancel culture..
  18. Eileen is a wonderful actress, when Kristen was a good girl she was completely different from her Ashley another good girl so that was due to her talent. I get what you are saying regarding Brenda Epperson who got better complex stories as Ashley due to Bill Bell who was a master at creating smart engaging strong heroines who were not weak virginal boring self-righteous hypocrites. ED's Ashley got horrible demeaning stories after he died.. Sydney should have been the one who came to town bonding with Nicole and not Allie. I am so sick of Allie and her nonsense.. I did love her with Claire today. Kudos to the writers who wrote their dialogue, they interacted like young ladies who are also cousins. I too would love to know who impregnated Allie and Claire asking for the tea made me smile. I loved seeing Marlena's descendants on the show interacting with each other. I would love to see Johnny and Sydney on the show as well.. I hope they love Sami flaws and all but I could see Ron writing them as being Sami's favorites because they are EJ's.. If I had my way, Johnny and Sydney would be Lucas' kids and not the zombie rapist..
  19. Eileen has always said that Kristen is not a viable character to play in the long run and it is why she has always preferred to play Ashley on the Young & the Restless.. Ashley was an awesome strong heroine back in the day, however, she seemed very Kristen like after Eileen came back to the role after playing Kristen in the 90's..
  20. Megan is constantly making incendiary remarks about Democrats in congress and Democrats like Joy who are laypeople. Megan knows very well that when Joy is lambasting the Republicans that she is talking about those in D.C making laws. I don't care about Nutmeg's feelings, she is always calling herself a tough chick while playing victim. What a snowflake!
  21. So Megan hates Doctor Fauci, wow! I was taken aback by her contempt for him, it is a new low even for her. She was so nasty to Joy and Joy was not having it.. Whoopie looked like she was holding it together in order to not curse out the princess of Arizona. I liked Joy saying that Biden needs to be more aggressive but it has to be authentic. He has to be himself and not try to emulate others. I loved what Sunny had to say about Will and Jada. How does Jada go from being a mentor to a troubled young man to being his lover. It is obvious that August fell for Jada but Jada was just having fun. I am surprised that she did not have him sign an NDA, it would have saved her alot of embarrassment. Megan was right when she said that Will looked sad throughout his conversation with his wife at the red table talk. I do believe that Jada does love Will but she was deeply inlove with Tupac and never got over him. His murder devastated her and she has admitted that she was in deep mourning after his death and she was dating Will at the the time, so he had to watch her mourn another man. That had to hurt and Will has admitted that he has always felt intimidated by the legacy of Tupac and what he meant to the world and Jada.. It has always been known that Will and Jada have an open marriage. On the subject of Tupac, he also dated Madonna and she too fell hard for him.. So Tupac was really special and he is still missed..
  22. Rumor has it that the show wanted to resurrect Zack but Kristian who plays Hope said hell no! Too much has happened to make Kate and Victor an endgame couple. I think their original love story was just so awesome, I love the family that Kate Lucas and Victor created..
  23. Ana was luminous last week on CNN, she was fiery and not holding back on her opinions. It is unconscionable that Megan has diminished Ana's role on the show, she is surely missed by the viewers of the show. She is often bombarded with questions about why she is not on the show like before. Nutmeg is a jealous petty vindictive spiteful harpy. Why does Megan have so much power on this show? All her life people have catered to her whims and it just pisses me off that the producers of the show are tolerating her entitlement..
  24. It should have been Sydney instead of Allie who came to live with her uncle Eric and Nicole. I never understood why Sami never changed her name after she got her back from Nicole.. She was young enough to have done so.. They should have been the descendants of Stefano's 6 older brothers.. I remember Stefano being the 7th son of the seventh son and I remember there was a weird competition between Renee and Anna on who can produce an heir for the Dimera fortune.. Anna/Tony versus Renee/David.. Anna got pregnant but lost the baby due to Renee's evil machinations..
  25. John should have remained as Roman. He was a fantastic Roman and just sparkled in that role..Drake was never a great thespian but he made up for it with his charisma and his ability to generate chemistry with his co-stars.. I wonder what Brady's name would have been as Roman Brady's son with Isabella. Belle would have been a biological Brady and we would have been spared Shelle and Theresa/Brady since they would be first cousins. I liked Shelle but they were never allowed to be more than they could have been. Their coupling limited them so early in their run on the show.
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