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Everything posted by Pearson80

  1. I think what Ana was trying to say is that we live in two different worlds in this country if you are talking about the Black/White dynamic. Cicely Tyson's death is not going to have the same resonance for the dominant culture as she would in the Black community. We live in a country where the default is White and straight to the exclusion of others. Ana was not saying that people are racists she was saying that if you are not part of the dominant culture you are not seen like Cicely Tyson a Black actress and an icon who just died. It is why the cashier at the bookstore in the White neighborhood was baffled on why people wanted to buy Cicely Tyson's book.
  2. Harper would have done what Laura said that she did today. Anjelica would not have done this though. I don't see her depriving Jack of his child. This is a woman who pressured Kayla to marry Jack to make him happy and she hated Kayla. Ron killing her off was short-sighted and stupid. Ron is a hack and I could see Anjelica pushing Jack into politics and using that to separate him from Jennifer. Anjelica would have tormented Adrienne because of Alexander not because of Justin. Anjelica would not have continued to fixate on Justin after all of these years..
  3. There was a great Justin/Adrienne channel but that was removed years ago during the purge... It was really good for people like me who did not see all of their romance in real time.. Also Anjelica was always supposed to be older than Justin.. When Wally was cast on General Hospital as Jane's son, their romantic chemistry on Days became a mother/son one..
  4. They were better as Lovers. Anjelica and Justin were hot, it was almost like Justin gave her life again after having been with Harper all of those damn years.. It really hurt her to her core that Justin preferred Adrienne over her. Anjelica was wonderfully complex and it was due to Jane Elliot's acting skills. Anjelica could be a real cold bitch when it came to people that she disliked, she used to call Steve "cyclops" because of his one eye but was fiercely protective of Jack who she loved above everything. Anjelica was never the same after Jane left..
  5. I love your post and I agree with everything that you said about Gwen. I find her petulant and irritating. I hated how she distorted Jack's history to make herself the victim.. Jack did not have it easy, having to deal with his own demons in addition to Harper and Duke respective vile legacies as his fathers. Jack has nothing to apologize for, and he should not feel bad for having had children with Jennifer his wife. I am over Gwen's pity party.. If Gwen becomes like her grandfather Duke then it would be cool to see Jack and Steve dealing with that fact. If she is going to continue hurt Jack for something that he had no control over then she could kick rocks. I am really pissed that Ron has to pervert history for his agenda. Jack was never a serial cheater, never! He was hopelessly devoted to Jennifer Rose Horton to a fault even when she did not deserve it when she treated him like dirt for Daniel. Laura having kept Jack from his daughter makes no sense, it would make sense if Bill had done it and she was forced to keep quiet by him. Bill was shady af but we are not supposed to remember him.. Look at what he did to Kate in her youth.. I have always believed that Bill and Curtis did a number on her and we have seen how that has impacted her psyche over the years in my opinion but I digress. The flashbacks today were a mess.. I am surprised how much I love Cady as Jennifer, it might be an unpopular opinion on here and I will sit alone at my table..
  6. Ron does not care about the history of the show, he cherry picks certain history and perverts it to push his agenda..
  7. When Jack and Jennifer were together, Laura was in a sanitarium... This story that Ron is writing makes no sense without Anjelica and Harper. It is why killing Anjelica was so short-sighted by him. Harper paying off Gwen's mother and Anjelica finding out after the fact should have been the way to go..
  8. Amen! too much attention for being an ignorant spiteful fool...
  9. Seeing Ana today was an unexpected surprise and she was wonderful as always.. I loved what she had to say about Cicely Tyson who is now an ancestor.. I am going to get her book.
  10. I had no desire to watch her movie to be honest. I grew up listening to Wendy so I know a lot because she has always been honest about her life. She became a bit secretive once she got on TV.
  11. Could you please give us examples on how that ugly mofo ran the place like a dictatorship? Thanks!
  12. Why does the Vice-President have to consult the senators before she does an interview with a particular state? Has that always been the case or is it a problem because Kamala is the one doing it? As Vice-President, she is the President of the Senate, just saying..
  13. Exactly! Nene's ego has brought her to where she is right now. I have my issues with Andy in how he exploits Black women but all of them know the deal and choose to participate so that is on them. Nene is not like Kandi who has used her time on the show to expand her business and brand.. Garcelle Beauvais is also using Andy and Bravo to line her pockets on her housewife show.. To be fair, both Kandi and Garcelle have been in the business for decades so they know how to act accordingly. Whereas Nene came from obscurity and got thrown into the business.
  14. Nene is losing it big time, I think she is feeling the burn by Bravo. She is tweeting nonsense about her former employers being racist. She sounds desperate and is alone in her crusade/vendetta against them. She is now trying to shame the Black ladies on her former show to join her in fighting Bravo and Andy Cohen. I almost felt l sorry for her until I saw her threatening to name names of her former castmates who are not standing with her..
  15. Did you guys hear about Wendy claiming to have had a one night stand with Method man. His wife was not amused and blasted her on her Instagram page. I am team Tamika and as she said on her page: Wendy is a miserable bitch!
  16. Whoopie has believed the lies that the right and Megan has said about those ladies..
  17. I can't stand Van Jones either, he is persona non grata in the Black community and he is so clueless he does not even realize that.
  18. AOC and the squad are not extremists at all, Nutmeg's party tried to paint these women of color as people to be feared . Whereas Marjorie is an extremist... That also goes for her team, they are always upset 24 hrs a day, 365 days a year.. What did Anthony Anderson say that was offensive?
  19. A slap or a strangle would destroy Abe and that type of casual violence would just piss the viewers off. A man beating on a woman would inflame people's passions. Why are you so insistent in seeing Abe having a violent reaction to Lexie. I agree with you that Lexie being a serial cheater is a problem because she obviously is missing something in her marriage that she is seeking in other men but that does not justify violence by Abe. The show loves to push people to the extreme for a cheap stunt for the sake of a plot instead of writing character-driven stories..
  20. Abe getting upset would be understandable but beating Lexie would just destroy Abe. When Shane found out that Kim slept with Victor he did lose his temper and came close to hitting her but did not do so. I do think Justin did hit Adrienne when she had an affair and it is not something that I need to see again.. Justin was really dark at the time and was very vicious with Adrienne. I remember even Steve being physically menacing with Kayla in order to scare her away from him but she would not budge but he never hit her.. Steve terrorizing Hope to hurt Bo was borderline sexual abuse. It was the 80's and certain liberties that they took at that time would not fly today.
  21. Same here, I am loving the new ladies. They bring a new vibe and I look forward to watching the show. I don't think that I have ever seen a young widow like Amanda on a talk show talking about her experiences in real time. You have Sheryl offering support since she was once a young widow and the other day she was saying that she still deals with her husband's death all of these years later.. Elaine is newly married and ran teen vogue for a number of years.. I love what she has to say about certain topics. I also love how the panel do not always agree.
  22. I just don't care for Kenya but she should have seen this coming. How do you marry a man who has never introduced you to his family.
  23. Amen! There was a lightness and humor with Roman and Marlena that John and Marlena did not have. I also think it was a holdover from Rojohn and Marlena that influenced Jarlena. They were always dealing with some crisis and miserable. Roman and Marlena had fun and Marlena enjoyed herself immensely and was not so stuck-up around Roman. Roman as a character has become a joke, he should have been killed off..
  24. You do know that Kola Boof person is a liar and has proven to be so years ago. Making Abe an abusive jerk is going too far, why does a character have to go extreme to become interesting.. Seeing a Black man beat on a Black woman is not something that I personally want to see given how Black males are perceived by society..
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