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Everything posted by Pearson80

  1. Billie did something like that to Hope back in the day. I was done with her after that.. I found it disgusting. She actually sent her dead fetus by UPS to the Kiriakis mansion in her quest to destroy Hope.
  2. I also think that people have a stereotypical idea about what a mixed race person is supposed to look like when they are mixed with Black and White. Khloe's daughter does not fit that stereotype and people make colorist and racist remarks against her because she looks more Black than mixed. Featurism is also another component to colorism as well texturism when it comes to hair texture. Genetics is very funny and you never know what you are going to get. I cannot imagine being a mixed race/Black person in that family that is obsessed with looks.
  3. Nutmeg is getting worst and worst. Her hysterical rant today about Tim Scott was bizarre even for her. I had no idea that she was a social justice warrior for Black men. First it was Jewish people and now it is the brothers. If only she had any of this type of sympathy for Colin Kaepernick who lost his livelihood because he was cancelled by her team for protesting the murders of Black men and women by the police. Tim Scott only got called a name by his own people and Nutmeg was so alarmed that she could not sleep a wink.
  4. Me too! At least Jed was able to have fun with the other ladies and till this day she has never badmouthed the ladies.. I doubt Nutmeg would ever stay on code with the ladies if she were to be fired..
  5. Why would they care what Black people call each other? I just find it odd that Megan was having a meltdown over that. Black folks used even worst language to describe Black people that they feel are foot soldiers for White supremacy. A Black man like Tim Scott denying that racism exists will elicit passionate responses from Black people who experience this everyday.
  6. I had no idea that "uncle Tom" was a racial slur until Megan McCain unhinged rant this morning. Since when is Megan a social justice warrior for Black men. She has issues and needs to deal with them off the show. I am disappointed that Sunny and Whoopie did not push back on her..
  7. Porsha was absolutely wrong in how she treated both Kandi and Cynthia in the past. While they may have forgiven her and moved on, it does not mean they will go back to the place they were before she did them wrong. Forgiveness does not mean restoration. You can forgive somebody for wronging you but it does not mean you have to restore the relationship to what it once was before they hurt you. Plus, Kenya never went after Kandi and Cynthia the way that Porsha did so it would make sense to me why they are closer to Kenya than Porsha despite her being a miserable envious bitch. Another thing is that Cynthia is a weak follower who gloms onto stronger personalities like she did with Nene. Kandi gives people the benefit of the doubt until you come for her..
  8. Part of the problem is that people no longer seek out information for themselves. They rely on other people with their own diabolical agendas to do it for them.
  9. I love Kassie but she was never Eve to me. She was miscast as Eve and she should have been either Melissa Horton or a new character altogether. Melissa is a character that should have never been off the show for decades. Imagine Kassie's Melissa interacting with Melissa Archer as Sarah Horton. The storyline possibilities would have been great for their mother Maggie. Lindsey should have been Stefanie Johnson.
  10. Megan needs to be careful, she needs to remember how Sharon from the talk imploded.. Nutmeg is just so awful in so many ways..
  11. He makes me uncomfortable and as soon as I saw him as a guest co-host, I changed the channel. He is just too much.. I did think he fit in more as a replacement host for Wendy Williams since her show is just a hot mess and Jerry was really cool there. Wendy is just terrible so anybody could make it work.. I hope she comes back soon. I wish her all of the best.. Really? I guess I was wrong to change the channel upon seeing him..lol
  12. I thought the actress was trying to give Sarah dimensions as a character. It never bothered me as a viewer and I appreciated her efforts in trying to make Sarah distinct. Who says a Doctor can't be neurotic in their private lives. I miss Lindsey and Sarah.
  13. Sadly Tucker gets high ratings on a nightly basis and what does that say about us as a country. We love to watch and consume toxic people on reality tv and other tv shows.. Megan is an idiot, always has been and always will be. She is just being used to spread propaganda on a major network.
  14. Did he ever have a mind to lose to begin with...
  15. I love Sunny flaws and all. I have to agree with you about her hair and makeup. I have always said that she and Megan are natural beauties who don't need all of that junk. I know women in the media have so much pressure when it comes to their looks. It is very easy for me to say that since I am not live on TV 5 days a week. Fun fact: When Sunny was auditioning years ago for the show, she took bad advice from Sherry Shepherd why she did that I will never know but I digress. Sherry told her to lean into her Catholicism and pro-life stance to stand out from the crowd and it backfired royally with some of the viewers. Sunny was pretty obnoxious during that time. She spoke to Whoopie who told her to just be herself and she promptly got the job.
  16. Not to be a negative Nancy but what if Sara is really Kristen in a mask who wants to mess with Xander.. I put nothing past Ron.
  17. She is the most like him though as a psychopath. Kristen is just horrible and needs to die a horrible death. Ron has ruined her beyond repair in my opinion. What she did to Sarah and her casual cruelty towards her just made my blood boil.. I never even understood why she even targeted her in the first place.
  18. She always seems to have a scowl on her face. If she is not happy, she is more than welcome to leave..
  19. I also think that Nicole's miracle baby should have been Eric's and not Daniel. We should have seen the highs and lows when it comes to surrogacy. Nicole has always been very jealous and it would have been interesting to see her reaction to another woman carrying her baby and her growing bond with Eric and the unborn child.. Would she succumb to her dark side and do something erratic that could potentially destroy her dreams of having a baby or would she learn to trust Eric and be mature. It could have been a great character arch for Nicole.
  20. I had no problem with it at all. Sunny took it personally because in the Black community there seems to be a lack of empathy for Black girls and women when they are murdered by the police. There are Black men who blamed Breonna Taylor for allegedly being with the wrong type of man saying that she should have chosen better. So Sunny was triggered by Don Lemon as was I.. Black women are not protected by their men, full stop.. Mah'kia had nobody to protect her and she took matters into her own hands with deadly results. She was only 16, yet people are calling her an adult, she was not. The adults in her life failed her and now she is just another dead Black body at the hands of the police and I am just sick of it. Sunny was restrained as far as I was concerned, she should have thrown some expletives towards Don Lemon.
  21. I get that but people need to realize this is very new to a lot of people. People need to look at her intent when she made her error. Was she trying to be cheeky, disrespectful. She made a mistake and Joy has proven that she is an advocate for anybody who is marginalized in our society.. People need to relax and not be so reactionary all of the time..
  22. Can't people make any mistakes anymore? She made a mistake apologized and corrected herself. Jeez... I did the same thing on another board and I too apologized for my gaffe. I am so happy that I am not a celebrity like Joy, she meant no harm with her mistake..
  23. Lumi is just the best couple on the show even though they are not technically a couple but their chemistry is still there and they fit so well together.. I love Theo but watch he gets trashed to push Ron's disgusting Ben agenda..
  24. True but soaps rarely show casual relationships, everybody gets with somebody expecting marriage and children.
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