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Everything posted by Pearson80

  1. Whoopie has been lazy for years and she was worst years ago. She was a sloppy mess, incoherent and was mean to her co-hosts. Not to mention that Barbara Walters had a perpetual look of disgust every time she would look at Whoopie's ugly outfits.. You are being paid millions, try to look decent for one hour, 5 days a week..
  2. Marlo has gone down in my estimation this year and it has to do with her affiliation with Kenya who she perceives to be the alpha female of the group. I can't help but remember Nene calling her "thirsty" a few years back when they were butting heads over Kenya. Kenya seems to be the common denominator when it comes to conflict between people and Ken seems to be really hurt that Porsha wants nothing to do with her, but I digress. Nene is a lot of things but she can be very discerning when calling out other people. That was so un-called for and it just revealed Marlo's character. Porsha is just gorgeous and I see nothing wrong with her. If she has minor imperfections with her teeth so what.. I see nothing wrong with her teeth as far as I can see on my TV.
  3. Exactly! both Marlo and Ken are obsessed with Porsha. Do they want to know her biblically? inquiring minds want to know. I have never seen grown women bitch and moan about another woman possibly sleeping with a man that is not in a relationship with them.
  4. Ken is just repugnant and her glee about the fallout regarding Tania made me sick. Have we ever had a cast member who is just miserable to her core like Ken..
  5. It just annoys me when they make everybody related without a purpose like when Bo was revealed to be Victor's and it drove stories for Bo and Papa Shawn while putting a spotlight on their complicated father/son relationship. I also liked it because it gave Bo a story outside of Hope. Everybody being related is done too much just like coming back from the dead. It is just more lazy and unimaginative writing from Ron. I don't care about Lani and I care even less about her lineage. She would have been better as an antagonist for Shelle and could have bonded with Abe without him being her dad.
  6. Lucas being Bill's son did nothing for the character and limited his romantic possibilities as a character. The father/son dynamic between Victor and Lucas was much more intriguing and the show abandoned it after Kate and Victor broke up. The show never developed the Lucas/Bill dynamic and the same goes for Lucas relationships with Jennifer, Mike , Sarah, Hope e.t.c. Lucas has never had a storyline as a Horton. I wished it had been reveal that Lucas father was a shady character that Kate got with and perhaps he could have come to town to cause trouble between Kate and Victor back when they were a dynamic couple.
  7. Jan should be a cunning villainess making trouble for the last blast crew. She should come in like a category 4 hurricane make trouble and then leave. I don't want her to ever be redeemed, let her be bad and own it as a recurring character. Look at how Kristen has become awful because she has overstayed her welcome. She is just so repulsive and I cannot even stand to look at her after what she did to Sarah..
  8. Belle has always loved her big sister Sami and admired her on the low... So this hatred between them is just more Ron BS to push his agenda.
  9. I know intellectually what you are saying may be correct but I just cannot believe in my heart that people are tuning in for her, she offers nothing of value.
  10. Megan is a dumb ignorant malicious fool and I don't understand why ABC allows her to get away with her BS..
  11. Exactly! It just bothers me when I hear Americans complain about censorship when we have the most liberal free speech rights in the world. No other country allows its citizens the freedom of expression like we do. You can spread lies on social media and not get in trouble. We can say anything we want without fear of reprisals from the government. Dissenters in our country of the government are not murdered imprisoned tortured or driven into exiles. Americans need to take civics classes because it is embarrassing to hear people whine about facebook censoring their first amendment rights.
  12. It pisses me off when Sunny says this and she has been saying this for years now. The first amendment protects you from the government going after you regarding what you say about them. Facebook, youtube, instagram e.t.c are private companies that can make the rules regarding speech as they wish. If you don't like it you are free to create your own platform and say what you want. Same here. You go Liz! and as always Nutmeg has to make the Liz Cheney issue about her. This is the first time that I am hearing that Megan is saying that she does not have a place in the party. She is a liar because she is a good little soldier unlike Liz who has had the courage to disagree with her party despite the fact that she may pay a price.
  13. I love Sunny and I think she is amazing. I also love that you cannot put her in a box like Nutmeg tried to do once by calling her a liberal and got schooled.
  14. It was just infuriating when Julie did that given that she was on a show modeled after the View, Barbara's baby. You never throw shade on the people who paved the way for you. Remember when a drunken Sharon on a late night talk show dragged the ladies of the view, I think she also said that they should all f- off. Not only did CBS apologized for her horrid behavior, she sent flowers to them and had to issue a public apology on the talk. Whoopie on the View threw shade on the real and Loni gave her a nice clapback. She did not disrespect Whoopie or the view, she basically said that she did not appreciate those comments while showing deference to the view. Whoopie later sent flowers to the ladies with an apology.
  15. Abigail should absolutely come before Gwen full stop. Jack delivered her for God's sake. Gwen being his daughter for 2 seconds does not negate that type of bond. Ron is trying to make both daughters the same in Jack's eyes and that will never be.. They were not raised together as sisters in the same household where Jack would have to love both of his daughters the same but Gwen is a stranger compared to Abigail and it is annoying how Jack is putting Gwen over Abigail.. Gwen's actions could have killed Abigail depriving his grandchildren of their mother. Look at what she did to Laura but we are not supposed to remember that because Gwen's pain comes first and everybody else's be damned. She is also not supposed to face the consequences of her actions because she had a sad childhood.
  16. True but don't forget how the British became the head of state of several countries around the world as brutal evil colonizers who invaded people's lands declared them to be inferior sub-humans and imposed their culture on them. Ask the Irish, Scottish, Chinese, Indians Africans and many others what British rule was like. Even our founders put them out. I am not saying that the ladies were right but their disdain did not bother me at all..
  17. I think Sheryl is still rattled with her row with Sharon. She probably feels a lot of pressure to succeed since a lot of people's jobs are on the line not just her own. Amanda is not right for this show. I would bring back Ayisha and Carrie-Ann after she has gotten healthier. I think the show can still be saved. I remember when the view had awful ratings back when the talk was riding high and Mrs Moonves arrogantly said that the show was on it's last legs and that Barbara Walters should retire. The irony is not lost on me..
  18. I liked it when Joy said that wearing a seat belt was never politicized like wearing a mask. I have never understood the fake outrage over wearing one. It is meant to protect others and yourself. Has Nutmeg who claims to be a Christian forgotten that we are our brother's keepers. Why did she shade Romney for having been pro-choice in the past and questioning his allegiance to being anti-choice.. Nutmeg is just weird and needs to go away..
  19. I was floored by her arrogance. Has Megan ever worked in marketing? Who the hell does she think she is? She seems to have a personal vendetta against the current administration and it is just odd to me. Nothing makes sense when it comes to Nutmeg..
  20. That is what happened and it was all over facebook..
  21. To my horror, I have to agree. The bitch is here to stay unless she pulls a Sharon and implodes live on national television... Hope springs eternal. I remember some people on facebook who were in the audience on a show that was pre-taped on Wednesday afternoon to air on a holiday described where Megan and Joy got into a vicious tussle that was edited out..
  22. They have been coasting for years and Whoppie is the biggest offender in that regard since she is so awful as a moderator. Her expressions after Nutmeg's unhinged rants give me life though..
  23. I love your snarky take on the week ahead...lol
  24. She also threw shade at Maxine Waters. I wish she would try to take her on in an interview but she would not dare do that because she is a coward.
  25. I never said that they were racists but they are obsessed with looks and if you are of African descent as a woman, your features skin tone and hair are scrutinized in a way that other women of other races are not. I say this being Black, so I know what I am talking about..
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