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Everything posted by Pearson80

  1. Eric needs a feisty heroine by his side. I have never understood Eric and Nicole, they were okay 20 years ago but that ship has sailed, sometimes you cannot go home again. I could see them having a one night stand for old times sakes. Plus, she does not love Eric like that. Xander should have been Alexander Neil Kiriakis and should have been paired up with Nicole who loves bad boys. I can already see an appalled Anjelica played by the divine Jane Elliot joining forces with Victor to break them up... She may even convince Adrienne to come along to protect their boy causing a rift between Justin and Adrienne. This story could have ushered in the Kiriakis twins.
  2. It is so obvious certain topics were avoided in order to not upset the delicate flower on the panel. As always the princess of Arizona has to always get catered to by the people in charge. This was not Barbara Walter's vision and it is a shame what has been done to the show. How can one person have so much power.
  3. And some loving after, it would be funny if Lani got pregnant after having twins...
  4. To be fair, they are still in the honeymoon phase at their one year anniversary so I won't roll my eyes too hard...lol
  5. This is an example of great message but wrong messenger everything with her is performative and it is just infuriates me.
  6. I think that they should wait until September in my opinion. Wait till more and more people get vaccinated just in time for flu season in the fall..
  7. Exactly, the show being shut out is truly a blessing in disguise. Nutmeg has made the show unbearable and I am watching it less and less. If I do watch the show, I turn the channel when it is her turn to spew propaganda misinformation and disinformation. If I wanted to watch that type of garbage I would seek it on the internet and other channels that speak like her.
  8. Some people on twitter believe that Cin is the greatest love story ever told so that tells you all that you need to know..
  9. Nicole kidnapped her baby and has been hounding her for years so I am team Sami on this one. I love Jack but he has never been a pillar of the community. His redemption has always made him fascinating and beloved by the audience. However, we have a serial killer who killed 3 women, attempted to kill numerous people and who kidnapped a newborn baby and committed arson as the show's romantic hero so Jack being called a pillar is not that big of a deal when you think about it.
  10. I absolutely adored the first season even with the violence. I remember watching it as a kid and loving it. I loved the show with the aliens trying desperately to find immunity from the virus and bacteria that do not hurt humans since we are from here but hurts them. I loved our heroes thwarting them. I wished the show had continued with the same theme in season 2 with the whole cast intact. Season 2 was trash and it was not a shock when the show got cancelled.
  11. I think Jeannie's positivity, confidence and zest for life intimidates people who are insecure. Not to mention, she had a hellish childhood and wants to just be happy by spreading joy. Why add to the negativity that is already in the world. I think some people may see her as being fake and up to something.. Some people are not used to people who are genuinely nice and see them as being disingenuous in order to get over them. What I love about Jeannie is that she is unbothered by people who don't like her..
  12. Remember that episode when they spoke about their first impressions of each other and Tamar said that she did not care for Jeannie and called her Miss Persnickety. It was very telling and Loni disabused of her bad impression of Jeannie told her that Jeannie was not like that she was just a woman who loves fashion. The video is still on Youtube and you can look it up. If you do, look at Adrienne's reaction when Tamar is calling out Jeannie.. Tamar was a bit too aggressive at times and was not a team player. She is used to to doing that with her sisters all of her life and they never checked her as she was growing up in their household. The world is not your family and they don't love you like that , so they will not put up with your bad attitude..
  13. To be fair, Wendy came from hip hop and R&B so she will always talk about them. She was a DJ on the radio for decades. However, I do understand your frustrations but like you said her nastiness has caused her to have a dearth of good guests.
  14. Tamar was always super close to Tamar and Adrienne. She was okay with Loni and hated Jeannie. I always thought that Tamar was jealous and insecure when it came to Jeannie but I digress. She has also had an exchange with Adrienne during a singing challenge last year and that too was sweet.
  15. Exactly! the fans on twitter were letting him have it so bad for his stupid comments that he had to delete his comments..
  16. Austin as written by Sherry Anderson was awesome and his relationship with his sister was divine but JER had to turn him into an idiot to make Sami shine..
  17. Thank you for posting this. Seeing Jan in her crazy glory, Shelle going through their issues with her via their daughter just made me wistful of what could have been and should have been with the last blast crew. Plus, the cherry on top was seeing Philip and Brady who is not being an idiot for once teaming up to save Chloe. I even tolerated Kristen's nasty ass. She just triggers me so bad...
  18. The Emmys lost their relevance years ago and we have all heard of the politics behind the scenes. A damn shame! people always got to corrupt things for their own gain..
  19. Jeremy used to abuse Stefanie Johnson and I really hated that story. I still remember him putting her head under water in the swimming pool in a jealous rage and it was just disgusting. You had Stefanie crying and blubbering begging him for forgiveness for pissing him off when she did nothing to deserve that type of hate. Why does the show hate Horton males so much? It is really strange. They have all been neutered and marginalized. I don't have a problem with them having flaws but why must they become monsters. Nick and Jeremy are the extreme cases that come to mind.
  20. It is why I chose not to watch today. As usual she gets away with her atrocious behavior. The producers of this show are condoning this and if ever any of the other ladies really go off on Megan for disrespecting them. It will be their fault.
  21. That is what turned me off of her. Sami in her villainess stage was never treated as a heroine. Whereas, Abigail was treated as one when she was played by Kate . Abigail becoming obsessed with Austin was in character based on her prior history with Max. Abigail fixated on Max Brady and the show hinted that her obsessive trait would be a problem back when Ashley Benson played her. The writers who wrote for Ashley's Abigail clearly wanted her to be the female Jack. We all saw that Jack's fixation on Kayla led to destruction for both of them.
  22. She had a dark side and that came from Jack and I liked her characterization. She had an obsessive trait and it drew her to Nick who also had a dark side that he was struggling with. The brother/sister relationship between them was divine. I loved the Nick/Chelsea/Max/Abigail dynamic and the show should have made them the centerpiece for stories. It also continued the long tradition of Hortons and Bradys dating each other. I despised Chelsea but her dynamic with that group made her endearing. Abigail was attracted to Chelsea's dark side and felt a kinship with her. Abigail should have been an anti-heroine who struggles with her dark side. Abigail is a Horton/Johnson/Devereaux, she should be a hot mess..
  23. This is what makes her so dangerous she misrepresents facts to push her agenda and her agenda today was to derail the conversation about Marjorie's anti-Semitism in order to blame the left, the squad and her co-hosts.
  24. The only Abigail that I ever liked was Ashley Benson who looked like Jennifer but was more like Jack.
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