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Everything posted by Pearson80

  1. If John had remained Roman with Orpheus's children coming back as adults to avenge their parents deaths at the hands of Roman would have been so awesome.
  2. Ben should have remained evil and Ron could have brought the actor back as Ben's twin.
  3. He was shot in the head by Rojohn and we saw his eyes wide opened and dead.
  4. I can't believe Wendy destroyed her career making good money for a few hours that comes with perks for 4 days a week over a bum like Big Kev. I wish her all of the best..
  5. Morality Bites was on this morning and it was just awesome. I always make time to watch it if I am free. What a great hour of television with the focus being solely on the sisters with a little bit of Leo/Piper. The Leo/Piper relationship and their spawn would later dominate the show and it was obnoxious but I digress. I loved seeing the sisters being so powerful in the future especially Phoebe. I wish we had gotten that Phoebe who was a powerful witch. It pains me to know that she was so useless after Constance left. Even the source mocked her powers. Morality Bites should have been the season opener and we should have gotten quality episodes like this throughout season 2, instead we got Dan's annoying little sister and the stupid triangle of doom. What I loved about morality Bites the most was how it showed how bad behavior starts with just a little infraction and it gets progressively worst over time. The three leads brought their A game in this episode, especially Alyssa who is a natural comedic actress showed that she can also excel as a dramatic actress with the right writing and direction. Phoebe accepting her fate was just chilling and heartbreaking.
  6. He said it when he had an argument with JJ and he meant every word..
  7. I do agree with you that it was short-sighted to kill him off but Ron did not know how to write for him properly. I used to like it when villains played supporting roles back in the day with the heroes driving the stories. This concept changed in the mid 90's when Sami, Vivian the Dimeras drove stories instead. While the heroes were passive self-righteous boring hypocrites. Orpheus should have stayed dead in my opinion. I loved his original story because he was not obsessed with Marlena like Stefano. He wanted to avenge his beloved wife who was killed accidently by Roman. To him, Marlena was just collateral damage and that made him even more dangerous than Stefano who later became a cartoon supervillain with super powers.
  8. I think that Paige's murder was supposed to drive home to the viewers that Ben was a monster. Let's not forget that Ben also mocked her death and called her worm food.. This is the man that Ron has turned into a "hero"..
  9. It just gets worst and worst..
  10. Exactly! Mike Horton her uncle is the most recast character in soap history if I am not mistaken.
  11. I miss Kassie and I really miss Blair on One Life To Live. I still miss that show after all of these years.
  12. I thought that Mindy was awesome during the Alexandra/Roger/Mindy/Nick storyline. Kimberly Simms was just so riveting as Mindy. She was the best Mindy and surpassed the original one. Mindy was dead wrong for getting involved with Roger Thorpe but the fallout between her and Alexandra was must see TV. I felt bad for both Mindy and Alexandra at different times throughout the storyline.
  13. I did not care for KM's Abigail either but I would have been fine with her if the show had let her be a villainess. She did terrible things but we were supposed to root for her as a heroine. I did think that Abigail had smoking chemistry with Chad. MM's Abigail never did anything for me. I think that the actress would have been better as another character.
  14. He absolutely adores his wife and is always praising her on social media.. That just adds to his sexiness in my opinion..
  15. I did agree with Kern that the show should be serialized and not just monster of the week. I think that the show should have incorporated monsters of the week while building the show's mythology. The show should have gotten darker like Shannon wanted. She and Kern were simpatico in that respect so why did they hate each other so much? I could understand why she stayed quiet. She created the show based on her and her 2 older sisters and Kern pushed her out due to the good old boys club. I remember that she did sue the show for not getting her fair share of the profits. She did own a percentage of the show just like Shannon. Shannon owned 2% of the show. I do think that she and Kern worked wonderfully together and I wished that she had remained with the show despite not being a fan of the Cole/Phoebe relationship. She could have made it work. She did not want to keep Leo on the show but she relented when Holly told her that she wanted Leo to be a part of Piper's life in season 2.
  16. I think that Constance would have brought Cal Greene back though. If Cole was vanquished by the sisters in season 3 as Constance wanted. I could see Pratt coming back to investigate the sisters as the new DA in season 4. Kern cited Buffy as the reason as to why he wanted Phoebe to betray her sisters because he wanted to recreate Angelus/Buffy and Constance objected because she said that would change Phoebe forever and she was correct. Phoebe never came back from her romance with Cole. Kern got Aaron Spelling to back him leading to Constance leaving the show. I would have preferred to see Constance realize her vision for her show. Perhaps if she had stayed she could have mitigated the damage that Kern eventually did to the 4 sisters. He killed off Prue, he turned Piper into a bitter nasty shrew and Phoebe became selfish and obsessed with having a baby. Paige was promising but she was just Phoebe lite after all was said and done. Kern had no clue on how to write for her. The show became all about the men. Cole, Wyatt, Chris, and especially that dolt Leo dominated. I would have preferred that Piper get the ability to create fire as her offensive power. Prue should have been the one to be able to blow up things with her advanced telekinesis like she did in morality bites. We never saw Piper freezing advance at all. She rarely froze demons and people after Prue died. She just blew up demons and she got too powerful too fast and she actually became invincible when she was pregnant with Wyatt who should have been Melinda as Constance wanted. Kern said that he gave Phoebe levitation to make Alyssa happy. I always felt that Constance wanted Phoebe to have the most unique powers in the power of 3. Notice how she always had Phoebe complain about not having cool powers like her older sisters. I think that she had a plan and that Phoebe's second and third powers would have been super awesome. Phoebe should have met a powerful Warren Witch from the past who only had premonitions to boost her confidence.
  17. I don't think that Constance would have given Cole the backstory that Kern gave him in order to elicit sympathy from the audience. She wanted him to be pure evil targeting Phoebe who was considered the weakest of the sisters in order to destroy the power of 3. If Constance had continued with the show in season 3, I would have wanted Phoebe to figure out that Cole was evil due to her growing premonitions to orchestrate his vanquish with her sisters. It really sickened me that Kern had Phoebe betray her sisters for Cole. Constance had every right to protest and quit, Phoebe in character would have never done that. What a load of bull! Connie definitely had a plan for the original sisters. I wanted to see how she would have advanced the sisters original powers while giving them 2 other powers. Piper and Phoebe's second powers that Kern gave them did not fit them at all. I never understood why Paige had so much powers. She should have just had telekinesis like Prue and her powers should have grown from there. The whitelighters eventually took over the show and overshadowed the sisters heritage as Warren witches.
  18. Whoopie often speaks loudly with authority on things she knows nothing about. What did she say?
  19. Your post is so spot on regarding that succubus Gwen. She drove me away from the show in addition to the serial killer with the abs and the endless possession story. Ron has destroyed the show for me and it pains me that he may be the one to write the show's final episode..
  20. Amanda gave us the real tea about what went on behind the scenes and she was right. How do you have a show about the perspectives of women of color but you have non people of color running the show. The hosts of the show barely had input on what topics to explore and Amanda had to fight tooth and nail for some things and that did not endear her to the powers that be. One producer had the audacity to tell her that she was bringing up too much Black issues and making people uncomfortable. Once that happened, Amanda knew that her time was up and I can't fault her for that. You have a show called "the real" but people cannot be their authentic self. I loved Tamar but I did not like how she treated Jeannie though. I knew that she was not going to last long because she was not a sheep and was not going to go with the flow. I also think that her husband at the time did some things that may have pissed off her bosses leading to her getting fired. I did not like how the producers allowed the ladies to suffer the backlash that they got after Tamar's firing. They could have said something to the public to clear up some things but they were cowards and hung the ladies out to dry. People still blame Loni for Tamar's firing and that is unfortunate. I will miss the show because of it's uniqueness and it is too bad the ladies did not get the support that they deserved in order for the show to bounce back after the pandemic.
  21. I don't think that the ladies liked Amanda except for Loni. I always got the impression that Loni never really felt free to speak honestly about certain topics and Amanda was her proxy. I liked Amanda but I knew that her opinions would eventually rub people the wrong way. I could go into depth but it would be off-topic.
  22. They could have given 2 years to give them 10 years. The ladies were penalized because of the pandemic and they were not able to bounce back. They would have done so in time.
  23. I remember the show used to write it the Irish way back when the show used to play up the Brady family's Irish heritage. Shawn was always called Sean-Douglas and I loved it. Then once he got put with Belle they shortened it to Shawn and used the American spelling.
  24. It was consensual after all was said and done. She was disgusted with what she had to do. Kim went back to being a prostitute to get Victor's mind off of Shane. Victor was so happy to oblige. Andrew was featured in lots of stories as a kid. He saw Shane and Kayla kiss and told his mom what he saw. Poor kid was confused on why his dad was with his aunt. He and Sean-Douglas were super close as cousins. He was the reason that Sean-Douglas fell into that hole causing his deafness. He was so hysterical and his uncle Bo was so great with him, comforting and reassuring him that everything was going to be fine. He was front and center during Kim's Multiple personalities storyline.
  25. Victor is a terrible man but he never forced Kim to sleep with him. She used her body to distract him from finding Shane in his office. Had he found him going through his things, he would have killed.
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