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Everything posted by debbie311

  1. Savannah tested positive for Covid during the first hour and left.
  2. I enjoy the scenes with Mirren and Ford, but the rest of the program - it's really hard for me to watch. The continuous beating of the women - it's just too much. The show is just so depressing. I want to see how it ends, but truthfully I am glad this season is done. Maybe it's not for me. When I watch "All Creatures Great and Small" I get a good feeling that stays with me. I know they are completely different programs and I know it's a choice.
  3. She has a post up today about how she has flipped a switch and doesn't care anymore. No love, no hate, just ... nothing. Thing is, if that were true, she wouldn't have posted. She still cares. She will look rather foolish now if she posts another of her sad, angry posts about Tom cheating on her. A couple of people posted that she needs to stop focusing on her failed marriage and move on. They will probably be blocked. Almost everyone, including myself, have been through bad breakups. I shudder to think of the mortification if I had posted over and over on social media about it.
  4. She probably did block you. She has a new Instagram post up where she is walking outside and talking about her narcissistic ex. She says she has blocked people who disagree with her or tell her to get over it. She also said it is "mind blowing" that so many other people have been through this (her experience with her terrible ex). Are you kidding me??? You are just now finding out that this has happened to MANY others - almost everyone on the planet? So basically she is only hearing/reading what she wants to hear at this point. I'd say it's time to get a new therapist. What a selfish, spoiled, sad, self-involved woman she is.
  5. She says it is "helping" her. I think she has too much time on her hands. If she's not careful, no one will want to hire her. All I see of her cooking show is reruns, I know she has the kids' baking thing, but is that it? I think that the fact that Eddie's ex and Tom have been silent shows they have more class and self-respect than she will ever have.
  6. Maybe it's just me, but The Late Show seems to be kind of off to me lately. Been watching for years (we DVR it) and it used to be funnier, more enjoyable. I am not sure why ... wonder sometimes if Stephen is tired of doing the show or if they have new writers who are just not that good. He seems to take a lot of time off.
  7. I think that a lot of men would run for their lives if someone shared these fears so early in the relationship. And a man who would want a woman who is so needy has issues of his own. Just my opinion.
  8. She seems to think that the people reading her posts are her friends and she can share somewhat intimate details about her life with them. Total strangers. It's pretty pathetic. True friends (if she has any), certain family members and a therapist are the ones she should be sharing with. She comes across as needy and unbalanced. Who knows what her ex did? She isn't telling but seems to like to hint that he cheated. Kind of ironic that she is so completely angry with him after Matthew Perry said in his book that he made out with her with Eddie passed out nearby. Pot meet kettle.
  9. I disagree with Whoopi re going to your partner's medical appointments. When you are young and just going in for a routine appointment, no you don't need someone with you. But if you run into serious medical issues, it is extremely important to have a second set of ears to hear what the doctor is saying, ask questions and just plain remember what the doctor says.
  10. Also wondering the same thing. Her public display of profound grief over Eddie's death was so disrespectful of both her husband and Eddie's wife, even if his (Eddie's) marriage was on the rocks at the time of his death.
  11. VB posted a very strange, kind of creepy post on Instagram. She is whispering, why did you do that? Most replies say she needs to get help. The general thought is that this has something to do with Tom. People Magazine reported on it here: https://people.com/food/valerie-bertinelli-recalls-finding-texts-being-called-fat-lazy/
  12. Agree. I can see teenagers not having a specific bedtime, but come on. 8 and 10 year olds (and younger) staying up as late as they want? They need the sleep and parents need the time after they go to bed to have some time without kids. Can you imagine little kids running around, staying up until you go to bed? OMG
  13. I was surprised that they didn't mention Lisa Marie Presley on the program Friday morning. I'm on the west coast and they were reporting it on the early a.m. news (Morning Joe) so I would think they would have heard about it before they went on the air.
  14. PW showed her new pj and robe collection on Instagram today. The vast majority of comments were NOPE - frumpy designs and old-lady prints. Said they looked like her dishes.
  15. Agree. I watched this movie last night. It was very heavy on the preaching. Now that I know what road they are down on this network, I won't watch another.
  16. I agree, she is making herself look unstable. I'm embarrassed for her - she is doing "what not to do" - airing her dirty laundry in public. I didn't know that her ex and Eddie's ex are friends. I can understand it, they probably have a lot in common. They're showing a bit of class by not going public, but if she keeps up with the public shaming, they may decide to tell their side.
  17. I am obsessed with Joy's jacket today. Love it! I don't know if she has a new stylist or what, but she has really been looking great this season.
  18. It was Sarah who made the trip to the Bahamas.
  19. I agree. Bryan repeated a few times that he had agreed to do the filming in Canada before and that he had figured the house would be done by then. He looked awfully happy to be leaving, however. So he takes the kids in the RV up to Canada where he drops them off at friends and family for a visit, then she flies up to Canada to deliver them to their various summer camps. Then back to Florida, with a short visit to the Bahamas to "check" on the resort. They do not act like they are in love anymore. Seems more like a business arrangement now to me. Very different from earlier seasons. Yes, I know that people change after years of marriage, but he drops so many hints that makes me think he is either going through a midlife crisis, or he's just done.
  20. He looked orange. I wonder if it was a bad spray tan job. He really looked awful.
  21. I can't stand watching him. He didn't used to be such an idiot, I used to like him. Now he just grates. I don't know how much is schtick but he reminds me of someone who is hyper and not in a good way. He looked like a damned slob when they went to have the meeting with the guy about the history of the house, with his long greasy hair and t-shirt. Dude - clean up! He did look better after his hair was cut. I don't know how she stands him.
  22. Her "intentional" looks more like "fly by the seat of my pants" to me. It's weird, I liked them both more in the beginning of their various series. Sort of like I liked Chip and Joanna more at the beginning, then I got bored or just tired of the schtick. Oh, I will still watch, but the bloom is definitely off the rose for both couples, at least for me.
  23. I wonder if they have any say regarding their hair/make-up. I agree, her hair looked awful today. Greasy on top and dry and fried-looking on the bottom.
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