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Everything posted by DoctorAtomic

  1. Maybe the mother just puts all the uneaten food in the tupperware and just drags it out the next morning.
  2. Oh, were you around here for that? What an awful idea.
  3. I suppose it depends. The real problem would be if it's so cold the pipes freeze and burst. Then you also have no water. Bob was over anxious about everything so he was revved up. I think if they all piled into the blanket fort, they'd probably be ok, and Linda said as much. They were all wearing jackets and layers though. I could buy it was that cold. An old place like that much hemorrhage heat. They didn't show, but I bet they only have radiators. I'm surprised Bob doesn't saran wrap the windows. It's a change of pace that Linda was more grounded.
  4. A watered down, watered down Woody Allen movie.
  5. Made as in - The professor noticed that Breanna, Sophie, and Eliot were all working together when he was talking to the billionaire outside before they went into his lab to talk. He said it out loud. I was surprised because I don't remember that happening. Not the same as an old friend/old foe running their own con and then recognizing the others like with Sophie and the plastics con.
  6. I thought this was another parody collection. The meta bits were good though. 'Not the year for it Peter'. I think I liked Dirty Dancing better. The whole wire hanger to the jaw gag was killer. Quagmire was better being derisive. I'm not sure why 1985 Peter had 80s hair. I never could get into Harry Met Sally. 'Watered-down Woody Allen movie' is right. I didn't see "Shut up Meg" coming, and I totally should have.
  7. No way Rudy would be a snitch! I'm calling bs on that. And Susmita is back. I had a friend who would look over my shoulder in spanish class. She was hot. I can take the Tina thinks she might be in trouble because that was the plot, but I think her saying she didn't cheat would probably fly. She's not Louise that's always trying to run a con. I liked the whole conversation about whether the milk was bad. Bob and Linda in the kitchen were actually the best parts of the episode for me. Talking about murdering the puppet.
  8. They tried to deal with the possession aspect of it with Magic's monologue about 'giving in to the push.' They seem to be aware of those issues.
  9. It certainly seemed to be shot like a play. I think the kitchen set was always in the background, for example. The people were really all stationary basically.
  10. The disgruntled leaper plot seems something that's trotted out when they need to, more than an unfolding. If this was the old days, I'd say it's a sweeps plot, but I don't think there's sweeps anymore. We haven't seen him since then. They wrapped up Addison being ticked at Ben and tracking down Janis fairly quick here. (I do think that was a good choice). Those are more 'main plots'. I suppose Ben figuring out why he leaped and whether Janis will talk are longer narratives. I'd like to get more of a peek into Janis' pov because right now she's just not talking and distrustful of anyone. So we're not getting any new information. Maybe she'll jump into the imaging chamber on the sly and talk to Ben. I'd prefer a longer narrative for sure. I don't think that's where the broadcast landscape is. I'm even surprised that each episode ends with the leap to the next one. I do think they're finding the right balance with the leaps v present day with the time they have. I think everyone is in agreement that the show works best when we're invested in the leaps. I also like that Ben is more experienced and gets his bearings better as the show has progressed. He basically figured out the 'possession' all on his own. So, there's a good unfolding there. I also don't know if this last batch of episodes was already in the can prior to the second season.
  11. I like the show fine. I'm watching every week. I don't think in the current TV landscape that the show really can allow time to unfold though. They only had the short season order to start. You just can't do that anymore.
  12. I did like the no-bread course because I don't usually fill up on bread when I go out.
  13. I watched because it came on HBO, and it had a lot of actors I like. I enjoyed my Saturday night movie experience. I did like the cheeseburger conclusion, but that was a long walk to get there. I did like how the 'main' guy completely blew it with the undercooked lamb and hung himself. I mean, I'm not a culinary artist, but I cook for myself 99.9% out of the month, and I'm still around. Just sear the lamb and put it in the oven for 10 minutes.
  14. Given the sister's history of substance abuse, I could see maybe that the singer just didn't want drugs around her.
  15. *Tokamak*, not tomahawk. I'm pleased the Thirteenth Doctor made it into the show though! Ten was on the original too. tbh, Eliot's entire underground custodial subplot could have been the whole episode for me. Was this the first time the mark basically made the team? I don't know why Gray didn't just take them into his actual office, but it was worth it for Eliot's team to run interference. Please tell me everyone else was shipping Emma and Breanna. I think that was the counterpoint to 'if you're a liar and a thief, you think everyone else is.' They are, but they aren't.
  16. I'm not really touchy-feely either, so it didn't bother me.
  17. Oh, no doubt. I'm sure he practically wrote his own contract.
  18. I don't think airing an episode after the break on Jan 2nd helps either. I didn't know it was on until I happened to check my Tivo a couple of days later.
  19. One thing I did like was they basically took care of the angst about Addison being (justifiably) ticked at Ben *and* Janice in one episode. I'm sure Janice is going to be annoying, but the scene with her and Jen was quite well written and acted. We all were saying here, there's no way Janice is the 'big bad' because she's Al's daughter, and she undoubtedly revered Sam. But if she knows Quantum Leap is compromised, and Ben knows but doesn't remember, she's not going to talk much. The question is, how do they know? Does Sam leap in and tell them? Oooh, maybe Sam leaped into Janice! I'm claiming it if I'm right! I actually like the QL characters so I hope Janice's reasons aren't because someone is genuinely bad. Maybe someone does something inadvertently thinking they were helping. Knowing Janice, it's probably some meaningless slight. I think we said early on that we thought she got booted from QL originally because she was looking for Sam. It could be that she thinks she found him too. I also enjoyed the leap. I always liked on the OG when Sam 'fixed' something, there was more that popped up. They did that with the shuttle mission too. I thought it was Trevor from the go, and I was washing dishes and watching on my tablet so I didn't catch him being confused about the invite. I did know that it wasn't the sister because who would type the notes? I also am enjoying Ben subtly becoming a more experienced leaper. He kind of figured he was supposed to push the fan away, but then you see him check the badge, look in the mirror. He's getting a feel for people more too.
  20. I used to like Claudio Reyna. You want more minutes, work harder in practice and play harder when you do get minutes. Talk to the staff on what to do to improve. Claudio was the U23 coach. That's what he should be saying. I don't doubt that there were European teams 'interested'. He wasn't going to go to any but a top flight side, and I don't think any of them were interested. He's not going to play for anyone struggling just to make the CL playoff. That kind of limits where you go, and he's not playing for a contender and settling for maybe 15' a game.
  21. The banks are worse than the airlines. It took *two hours* for them to add my name to a business checking account. Then I had to go back because I couldn't activate the debit card. And I have to make cash deposits because the old timers won't pay for events online of course.
  22. The two times a year I have to go to a bank, I'm always worried about a hostage situation.
  23. A Bed and Breakfast in Fairbanks doesn't sound too bad. Has there been a solo Moon, separate plot before? I liked Quinn jumped right into the mystery. One of the movie posters was 'The woman who talked just enough.' I wasn't expecting a Monk reference. That's a deep cut. I mean, I get the problem with not moving the trains; it basically cost a relationship. I don't think organizing the shed is that much of a thing though. I don't see why it all needed to be moved to put the pot in there.
  24. I liked how they opened the segments with something like 'I don't know where you've been for the last four months, but this is what happened.' '10 easter eggs about World War II' - Batman was on one of the boats. Wrestling the seal was a great sight gag. I hope Lenny and Carl keep the podcast going though. That seems in-character for them. The iguana was frowning. 'Game of some kind of other chair?' Jon Snow can singdance!
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