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Everything posted by DoctorAtomic

  1. Crazy Cat Lady with the puppies was brilliant. And all the kids' sponsors - Pampers, Goldfish, Lunchables. All the ee-tal-ee-an-o was killing me. Boof! This was really good though. Lisa got some growth. L. E. N. T.
  2. I don't know. Ben leapt early. They could have been in that process. Or they could have said, Ziggy has all the records so we'll look them up when we need to. And they did do that. If I was in charge, would I hire an historian? Probably. I don't know that this really blows a huge whole in the show. Upthread, it was mentioned that since the first meeting with Hannah, only something like 9 days passed. It doesn't seem like there's 24 hour staff there. That's a lot going on. I wouldn't call this group particularly elite either (except Ian). Magic used whatever clout he had when he heard of QL to get it back up. He probably has a garbage budget. They don't even get k-cups.
  3. I think they'd prefer to have a tutor. If they had a Tudor, they might be beheaded. To be fair, they looked up the file on the evil leaper, so they knew enough to see if it happened before. They all got fired here summarily and everything happened really fast, so I'm not going to call out not looking up the files yet. Prior to that, Magic just bailed, Jenn was floundering around and demanding Ian spent 100% time on the equation. It's a fair tv cheat. There was the whole brainwave fanwank on the OG, and I think Sam and Al had brain implants, so that's how the switch was explained. This is a different accelerator that was additionally coded and then recoded by Ben. Would they have included that in a file even? For Beth, Sam leaped as himself and then leaped out. Only he and Beth know about it. Certainly, after enough time Beth put 2 + 2 together and realized who Sam actually was. There's no way she's telling anything to anyone about it. She probably didn't tell Al until after Sam disappeared. You pull on enough threads, any show is going to unravel. I just don't think this is really egregious.
  4. He was also an excellent writer on SNL as well. His timing was also impeccable. That was new back then. Even then though he was abrasive.
  5. DoctorAtomic

    The NBA

    Why not have some 3 on 3 tournament or something? The pro bowl has flag football. Fans don't care; they just want to see the players.
  6. We don't know if they can actually swap. QL thought Addison would swap with Ben; i.e., Ben gets back home to QL. The code was always set up for the leaper (Addison) to leap to Ben, not in place of. Before she leaped, Ian said 'If this doesn't work, I don't know if I can bring you back.' One interesting detail in retrospect. Ben and Addison saw themselves. In the OG, the leapers didn't see themselves, until they touched. Begging the question if the code made them leap as themselves and not into anyone at all, like Sam in his 'final' leap (because he's still out there). Sam leaped to Beth as himself. Although, Addison had on some period clothes, so maybe not. It could be the code that allowed for it.
  7. Oh, ffs, I didn't even realize until you said. I would have thought Ian would have figured that out so it didn't even occur to me. It's all very timey-whimey, wibbly, wobbly. That's what I meant about Tom. It's a one way trip. No one gets home.
  8. 12 I even thought Jenn being all self-righteous about how unfair it was that Magic was resigning at the beginning was a little rich. She could have resigned. Maybe she's reacting out of guilt but still. Even Ian had the nobility to say it should have been them. I like all these characters well enough, but if I'm being objective, Ian is the only indispensable person on the team. The only reason Ian can't be the hologram is because they can't be in two places at once. Also, Jenn, don't yell at Ian! I don't think anyone was surprised that Hannah wrote the code, but I liked how her plot played out in that Ben was the impetus for the equation. I really like the plot. I thought it was good suspense and really exciting. Ben's 'courage delivery' was really well done for me. Did they say rom-coms in 1974? I also don't think anyone was surprised that James Frain would be only signed on for a cameo, but I liked his entrance anyway. This is before I watched 13, and I'm calling that James Frain is actually Jeffery. I swear I haven't read any posts yet! I can't seem why else he'd want to take over QL at this point. I don't think firing Ian was a smart move. You'd have to think Ian would have some back door into QL. If anything, keep a close eye. Now I'm going to watch 13! YES. I am extremely satisfied with myself. I'm also surprised Ben can drive stick. If I'm being fair, I can't say I actually blame James Frain, though I think his response might have been a little disproportionate. Maybe don't sign the letter "All my love"? He could have made it more cryptic and slipped in something about Cairo. Hannah isn't stupid. I don't really agree that Ben's been making a mess either. He's completed the leap objectives. I'm not sure James Frain realizes you have to do that to actually leap. Also, I think James Frain may have underestimated the quantum physicist PhD, who may not have been the original leaper, but is certainly smart enough to learn and adapt. Wait this leap out until Ben gets somewhere further away. Even if he didn't have Addison, he can use the phone book. When did he hear about the stock tips? I'm very pleased to see Janis again. I figured we'd be just getting some Ian hackathon, not that I would have been disappointed. This is way better though. I don't know if anyone knows, but back in the 70s, Pintos had a design flaw in that if you rearended them over 25 mph, the gas tank exploded. That was a great in joke there. And a Radio Shack sponsor! I don't know if floating the idea of destroying an emotionally unstable kid's dreams would have been my first idea. I was kind of disappointed in Magic there. I'm wondering if it's the direction, but I thought the actor playing Jeffrey was much better in 13 than 12. I knew the show was going for the reset, and I don't think anyone else was surprised. I still enjoyed the episode a lot. I don't see why everyone was so up in arms about Addison wanting to leap. She was supposed to originally. I also don't think it's a big reveal that the code didn't work. I always thought Tom was onto something about leaping being a one way trip.
  9. They spoil Jon Snow dies on GOT the second the credits roll, but on The Real Housewives of Witch Mountain - You won't believe who spilled the
  10. He did interrupt a lot. Was this a cut of a longer interview? Last week the show was 40 minutes, but last night it was only 24. I haven't seen the coin in the cart either, but I don't think I'd be flabbergasted. The Safeway I lived near had electronic locks where if you left the parking lot the cart locked up. That was in CA.
  11. Jon's response was funny if you're looking at it as the set up to the Carlson bit. Yes, he didn't really address what I thought was fair criticism, but at the same time, it's people going bonkers on twitter, so saying, "I did one show! Come on!" is also somewhat fair. I don't quite get what the point Jon is trying to make. He says, "they're both old, people aren't jazzed about the rematch, and it's ok to call that out." (paraphrasing) Yes, it is. And? Then he says, but "Trump routinely says things that warrant a wellness check." It's not quite bothsiding, but it's also not really cogent either.
  12. I meant the older sister saw the bandages and she thought it was due to injury. When we saw them, I think the show expected us to know they were compression bandages. They had Jenn make a comment to underscore it.
  13. Might as well change that handle to St. Spartan Girl.
  14. I actually think it can, in general. That's the whole genesis of professional societies. In light of the Hyatt accident in the 81 (I think), these societies evolved codes of ethics to be self-regulating. Similarly, universities operate on a principle of self-governance. SCOTUS could have done that a while ago, and no one would have complained. Even if it was just some nominal guidance on when a justice should recuse himself. While I wouldn't say they're completely impervious to influence, I think by and large in the modern era, they've been fine. Thomas is an egregious example of this getting out of hand, and we're at the point where enough is enough, which was John's perspective in this episode. I think the other problem, and I don't think this is political, is that the court is mostly to the right of where the country is as a whole on most social issues. For example, on the show John pointed out Thomas thinks we should revisit marriage equality. No one really is against that anymore.
  15. Don't forget spite picking up the check. Larry and Richard Lewis kept coming earlier to the restaurant and then ended up trying to find the waiter the day before to give him the credit card.
  16. I don't the show were going for any big reveal precisely because they insisted on being called Dean from the jump. We're smart enough to pick up on that. I'd even say Ben knew the deal from the start, but wasn't really paying too much attention because Dean was fated to die alone on the treasure hunt. Ben was more concerned at that point concocting the plan to avoid it. The big reveal was for the older sister. The two of them were griping and snapping at each other the whole time because of underlying issues. If anything, the big reveal to the audience was that the older sister acknowledged that her marriage was a shambles, since she was putting out this air of the ideal 50s woman. Which itself may not be a big reveal, but I thought the characterization over the episode was fine. She (older sis) was genuinely concerned about injury when she saw the bandages. At that point Ben kind of facilitated the discussion. The entire conversation was for everyone. I know they already did the show about the trans basketball player, but this isn't quite the same. I don't see the plot as redundant. And, really, I also don't care if it was. This is a serious social issue that affects a lot of people, and for a broadcast show, I applaud them for taking it on. I don't see any problem with that. The OG show tackled similar social issues for the time.
  17. I used to get pamphlets discreetly placed on my pillow.
  18. Is Leon supposed to be JB's age? He's almost 60 so it's not like this is a done deal either. She could also be scamming the husband and just want a lot of sex.
  19. What would be funny was if they just aged up the characters with no reason to take advantage of the older actors' voices.
  20. I could listen to the groundhog day like it was groundhog day. I'm not surprised this show actually address chevron deference given their eye for details. It's a wonky wonky case with massive ramifications. I'm not a fan of the current court, but I don't really care about the trips, plane rides, etc., scotus takes; the lack of transparency is my issue. I'd even say they should be paid more. Even if nothing is wrong, if you're not being transparent, people are going to naturally going to think something fishy is going on. However, I'd agree that Thomas' actions make it clear there need to be some guardrails, whether that means there need to be a more rigorous process for recusals or just a bar you have to set. The lack of even the smallest effort to self-regulate is self-inflicted. John should have offered to let Thomas guest host once each season too.
  21. I was surprised Larry used the bathroom again too, but at least here, it's in the golf club and he's been a member forever. I would have expected them to be fancier.
  22. The penis cloud was called Cindy. Alanis only talks to Judy. Which still would have been worth a scene.
  23. Why do people even have lawn jockeys at all? I enjoyed Larry and JB going ballistic over Wordle. I think they could have mined that a little more. I'm with Larry on the tree. It's on Tubman's side. My neighbor won't let me trim his tree that goes into my property. It's a bit much to expect Larry would pay for half the tree. Vaughn's joke about being railroaded was perfect. I've been waiting for Susie to throw Larry out of the house. We got twice. Richard Lewis looked like he was having a lot of fun. The powdered milk joke was a hit. Not for nothing, but giving a dog as a gift is a terrible idea. Larry's gift was way better. Hitting the guy with the bagel wasn't at the club, so Larry could have told him to pound sand. Seriously, who is leaving their dog outside where there's coyotes?
  24. Beef cheeks! Brilliant nickname. I'm glad their revisiting Beef dating. I really liked the ex wives club, but they never got back to Beef's adult life. I liked that Jerry is still doing the mascot too. Poor Judy. She got so freaked out. Ham puts his hand on her shoulder to calm her down. The clips of the dates and the quick cuts to the house were hilarious. The motto for the Russian restaurant is "We can see your mouth from here!" It's not fair that Greta wrote the poem, but the ladies loved it. Beef could hook up every night. I mean, it's a small town. Everyone must be doing it. Even Santiago! Was Jon Hamm the heart?
  25. Maker's Moe was one of the bottles at the bar. Homer's resume included owner of the Broncos. The show got it right though - Finland is good at nuclear. I think Lisa was just depressed because she knew everything was going to come crashing down again.
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