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Everything posted by DoctorAtomic

  1. In the larger context, Magic is the connection to the OG. He has an emotional and experiential investment in the project. That's what he brings to the table. No offense to the actor, but Jenn is expendable. I wouldn't rule out that Ben's end of season leap affects a young James Frain who then in 2023 realizes that QL needs to keep going. That happened on the OG when Sam was on the train while Al was testifying in front of the Senate committee. Well, kid, I was thinking of two tin cans with a string.
  2. I actually wouldn't have a problem if Tom was the head of QL. Say what you want about the necessity of the lurve drama, and I'm not really invested in it, but Tom has been eminently even keeled and hasn't committed any felonies. Tom played the scene off Ian quite well in that I thought he (Tom) was disappointed Ian didn't enlist his help with the chip. Clearly, Magic will be returning, and I would be fine if Tom recommended that he be reinstated. Or even if James Frain "analyzed the data" and understood what QL was really about. I can't imagine the show would waste the actor on such short screen time, and he wasn't really a villain, per se. Or maybe DOD wants to shut down QL and James Frain takes over. I assume they meant him to be an Elon Musk level of wealth.
  3. I'm interested if Villa can hold on to #4. They choked the last couple of matches, but held on today, and got a gift from Wolves.
  4. Babylon 5 is required to watch a second time because you're just blown away when you see the set ups years before the payoffs now that you know.
  5. I still like Ben on his own figuring out what's going on. I get than Ben is upset, but he still gave Hannah and her husband one more year. I'm disappointed in James Frain playing the character so mustache twirly. I also don't get why Jenn thinks she has the gall to snap at Magic. How did they think he would react? Similarly, asking if Tom has a 'conflict of interest' is a bit much. That commercial was brilliant! I liked the case. It's predictable, but still relevant. Would that memo hold up in court, since they essentially stole it? Ian continues to just blow up. That whole no regrets monologue was fantastic. This was a good balance with leap and HQ plots. They have to lean more into the leaps to keep the show going. I knew Magic would take the fall. I hope it's temporary. You could take that data and make a machine learning algorithm that could take more recent events to predict the future; investments, etc. Tom had a folder that he showed Addison when he said he thought he knew how to bring Ben home. Then they had the whole breakup and this happened with James Frain. I figured not much time has passed and it's still sitting there on the table; Addison just hasn't focused in it since she's been in the chamber for most of the time. It's a fanwank, but not an overly weak one. It probably will factor into the finale.
  6. The bit ripping on Long Island killed me.
  7. I think I watched this before there was a thread here for it. I thought it was great too. The kid was clever once he stopped freaking out about the phone and used the information to his advantage. I thought it was a lucky break that Hawke freaked out when his face was uncovered, but I'll take it. I couldn't figure out that the house was across the street because I thought the girl was just hoping she was seeing something. Just the right length to keep me riveted.
  8. The first movie wasn't really far in technology because they had guns too, so I don't know if that's a nonstarter. Chicago brings an urban warfare element to it, and all the rival gangs would have to work together, so you have that angle too. I mean, is dystopian future that fresh either? It's Escape from New York, but don't let the Predator get you.
  9. I don't like to be spoiled because I do think it invariably colors one's viewing experience. For me, once I endeavored to stay spoiler free, my viewing experience is more fun. Certainly, there's been times where 'reveals' were obvious; that doesn't necessarily mean the show/movie isn't enjoyable though. I wasn't spoiled for The Good Place, but I didn't only figure it out just before Bell's character. That was fun. Ya basic! Similarly, way way back when Galactica was on, when the ship rescued the people on the planet by dropping into the atmosphere and jumping, I was calling out the move as nonsense because the ship couldn't maneuver in atmosphere, and I reasoned it out just before Adama gave the order. I completely lost my mind. If you watch Farscape, stay unspoiled.
  10. Hold me, like you did by the lake on Naboo.
  11. He checked out of the hotel, and then on the way to the airport he got arrested and I thought he spent the night in jail. The lawyer picked him up in the meantime and he met Jeff. Susie already got the air bnb in the meantime, so I assumed they just headed over there right after jail. Then they went through the whole deal with the lawn jockey. So I don't think there has been time to book a hotel yet.
  12. You've watched the show as long as I have. How did you think it was going to play out? The air bnb owner could have badmouthed or blacklisted Susie too. So, it's not all about the money per se.
  13. Susie was screaming about the deposit, and usually she gets her way.
  14. I don't know how he hasn't had a stroke. At first I was excited because the Haley supporters were kind of genuinely funny, and I wasn't terrified. That ended quickly. I have to wonder what Jordan thinks about the bits now. There's not really anything new at this point. It must take an enormous time to produce. I don't know if it's worth it to find the 5 sane people.
  15. To your point in a way, the guest is saying how Biden is doing well, and is the right person for what's going on in the world, then says he shouldn't run for president. I just don't find a few gaffes mistaking another head of state, which he's done for 40 years, means now he doesn't remember anything. Comedy-wise, it's kind of low hanging fruit and not particularly satirical.
  16. Additionally, the Arkadia is essentially a character on the show. So it's not like the show just happens to be in New York. It's a fundamental part. That's disappointing.
  17. Jeff said he basically cold called Lawyer Mocha Joe and didn't know what he looked like. That's a big coincidence for Lawyer Mocha Joe to be on the other end of that call. If it was the other way around, then I'd be more suspect. Larry pleading guilty is the sensible thing to do because he really was guilty. You can argue for mercy and get a lesser charge. He only pleaded not guilty when he looked at Auntie Rae. It's just a lot of things have to break right for that to be Mocha Joe and get Larry in jail.
  18. Larry going to jail at the end just seems too on the nose. I'm hoping for a twist to it. Maybe something like Larry can't be around people. Something where he ends up kind of winning in the end. You can't tell me people like the Pig Parker are in the right. Jeff, JB, and Richard Lewis wouldn't testify against him. Key point though is Larry is Larry, but just about all the time he's been right. So it would be funny if somehow it gets flipped. I'm not going to call bull on Larry going to jail at the end. I'd like to see something else. Larry had anchored the tables on the spite store and each had sanitizer. Earlier in the episode, Larry ran into firemen who said they sometimes do the siren if they have to go to the store. In the spite store, Chaz Bono set the fire off because his huge dong knocked over a candle or something. The firemen were racing to the store, but Larry was in front of them and kept blocking the way because he thought they weren't serious. They said that the anchored tables and sanitizer spread the fire much faster, and the delay caused both stores to be burned down. I think the lawyer being Mocha Joe in disguise is a really loooooong walk and way too coincidental for the show though. Larry fired him anyway to plead not guilty.
  19. The ref did say what the rules were before the coin flip.
  20. They could have just pushed it behind the bushes too. I don't think that moving it into the garage is that wacky of an idea though. Those guys can't get out of their own way, so you knew whatever was going to happen wasn't going to be good. Larry legitimately didn't know of the law, and he was giving the water bottle to a personal acquaintance. I don't know if not guilty gets him anything because he did do it but not with purpose.
  21. I didn't realize the lawyer was Mocha Joe until Jeff said. Of course, everyone thinks Larry was making a political statement. They got The Boss! Larry got Susie to break with the crack about It's A Wonderful Life. I'm really surprised Larry used the bathroom at the boutique. I don't know if it's been a while since the show was on, but these episodes have been really tightly written.
  22. Kelce only owes Reid an apology, but millions of people saw it, and he's a public figure. Just say something contrite.
  23. You're not making the choice to kick off or receive in OT in a vacuum though. SF had the KC defense on the ropes. They kept them out on the field for a long time and should have scored a TD. Then, that means the SF defense is well rested, and you're going to need everything you've got with Mahomes. They were actually tackling well on the final drive. The blitz was what cost them. If you get the ball first, you, as the defense, know that they're going to have to go for it on 4th down on their possession. That could be used to your advantage. I think they need more games in this format to really understand the strategy. It's not the same, but there's enough statistics that in soccer you always go first in PKs because you're putting to the opponent.
  24. This is basically the same as last year. Philadelphia couldn't get first downs and settled for FGs late; KC scored TDs when they needed to.
  25. I think it's half and half. If you have the ball first and score a TD, then they have to. There's not any statistics that bear out any strategy. Here, the KC defense was tired. Getting them on the field first I think is a smart move. SF just didn't execute well on the 3rd and short that resulted in the FG.
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