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Everything posted by DoctorAtomic

  1. Four plates of food doesn't seem excessive to me at a buffet. If JB was wasting it, maybe. He clearly was enjoying the food and having a good time. I'm sure the buffet wasn't cheap. I don't like putting my jacket on the back of the chair, but that is where the jacket goes. I don't see that it would be in the guys space as he's sitting in the chair. irl, Loughlin did her time, no? Is it the same on the show? It's kind of hypocritical for them if she otherwise qualifies. Larry seemed to be enjoying the scenes with her even though she was ripping on him. Jeff's supposed to be laughing at the billboard, but I think Larry got him with "it's grazing your lips". In the next scene in the kitchen after Larry says Susie needed another dick, it looked like a cut to the next shot and Susie was smirking. I wonder if they had to cut because she lost it from the post-penis bump. I wouldn't be able to hold up the paper and pee at the same time, but learning something the Gettysburg Address or other famous speeches in the bathroom is a cool idea. The whole fruit deal is just the perfect plot for this show. Nice callback to the fish. I wouldn't let it go either, Larry. So what though? It's not some life threatening disease is it? She never told him. Just as a favor to Jeff. I don't think it's out of character. Lincoln may have been 56, but he looked way older from the toll of the civil war. I didn't think it was a big deal Ted played him.
  2. They don't even need Jane Lynch all the time. Auntie Dirt can just be there whenever.
  3. Louise and Rudy need to do a podcast of adventuring around town.
  4. Cheesecake hasn't been around in a while. Just being friends since they were kids was ok, but I was hoping there was something more like when Kathleen left, Cheesecake helped Wolf, or something like that. Beef is back with the divorced group! I'm so thrilled! I mentioned it a while ago. And he's flirting. Well. Auntie Dirt is back? She just hangs around now! I didn't like Honeybee last week, but she was back in form tonight. Both of the shows were great tonight.
  5. Was this the hotel that Louise solved the mystery in the Halloween episode? That's such a great callback! And they're calling back to the movie too! The news did a piece on the city tunnels used for Prohibition where I live. There's a 'speakeasy' underneath the street now. I mean, the door is on the street level, and then you go downstairs underneath. It's a proper bar. Wow that balloon dragon was impressive. I liked that the adults under the pier were all slouched down. I don't remember this Logan character. I can only think Louise needed Rudy there. Louise behind her back waving Linda down was brilliant. Though she wouldn't have had to do that with Rudy. I call out Linda on not parenting, but she did well here. This episode was really well written and solid. The resolution for the wharf spot was just nice and a good lesson for everyone.
  6. What a bonehead, weak play too. Not that it wasn't a PK; it most certainly was. If he goes to the ground and takes the ball off the face, worst it's a corner. He doesn't get the starting job back if I'm the manager. I was surprised for such an end to end game, there weren't any goals in the run of play. That 6-0 result could be the most important of the season.
  7. I like this running gag where everyone keeps hanging up on Beth. They took a long time to get around to Annie. I think she's probably more important than featuring an episode on Matt. (Which I know the point was about Beth and John starting a family, but I think they could have gotten there anyway). I'm a little disappointed they didn't get more into why Annie couldn't leave the apartment. They made that seem like a big deal at the start of the season. Now that young Beth has the license, she's a lot more assertive with the dad. It seemed to me that Beth was more shielding Annie from the reality of the parents just being failures. I suppose I could see Annie thinking Beth was making her dependent. Not a great look forgetting Annie's birthday though.
  8. What is Amy's job now? I don't remember much from last season. I know she quit the wine sales, but I thought she was working on the farm. I like the flashbacks with Beth because Rappaport is always awesome. There's some good characterization for Beth here, but I don't know if we needed an episode featuring Matt at this point. It's nice that he genuinely felt bad. Amy with the whiteboard was hilarious. "Act like a person". "Stop". The actor playing Claire was really good. So is the actor playing young Beth. Nice touch, when stressed out young Beth was scratching her hair.
  9. Have we seen flashbacks with John before? I don't know if it was the 90s or late 80s, but certainly people didn't diagnose autism back then. His mom seemed to know something was up but didn't have the paradigm into it we do know. That must have been a huge loss for him. The dad seemed relatively distant. I think irl Amy's husband has published a few cookbooks. So he seems to be doing fine. Amy looked more relieved to me after the diagnosis than sad. tbh, just walking away when someone is telling a boring story is such a power move.
  10. The Dreamliner was the first plane to be partially assembled outside of the main plant in WA. I think it was in SC. The assembled products, electronics from SC were shipped to the main plant incomplete. So they had to fix all that and then do what their work was at the same time.
  11. I tend to think that there are more people who have jobs and things to do and don't really care about Biden's age than being reported. So you're not going to hear from them. I certainly don't care. There are people that do complain, so I think Ronnie's point was to them because people always complain about something, but don't act like you're super politically active like you're going to do anything.
  12. Great Bob Belcher cameo and Angry Moose montage. I'm disappointed it was a dream, but I liked that everyone was involved. I suppose it's good they all didn't hear what Peter really thought about them. That's their fault then. So move it to Thursday and leave Family Guy in its usual spot.
  13. Wow no one told me Chelsea and Ronnie were pals. I could listen to them shred each other all day. Righteously rage Ronnie is the best Ronnie. "You all complained about Trump and Biden running again and didn't do anything about it." There you go.
  14. I'm not sure if I got a huge gash on my arm from an assassination attempt that I'd be calling the doctor a warlock. Yet he's smart enough to shut up and figure out what was going on in the courtyard. I thought the whole episode was going to be them trying to get out of the castle. BAMF Mariko just slaying with her staff. I really enjoyed that battle in the woods! I did like that Blackthorne does know what he's talking about when he's on the ship, and Toranaga was smart enough to figure it out. I thought the Captain-General was getting a little too big for his britches and was going to be run through. It's not like the priests were going to do anything. I figured Toranaga knew Blackthorne would commandeer the other ship and race them out. Trickery! Resigning was a huge power move too. I know Nestor Carbonall let Blackthorne slip by, but I'd also argue that being that tight against the rocks could have damaged both ships.
  15. They barely scratched the surface on the Dreamliner problems. The portion of the documentary they showed about whether the employees would fly on the plane is on youtube. There's also a part where they talked about scoring weed and who smoked up during the day.
  16. I'm a little disappointed Sean Hayes was playing a character than himself. It looked like Larry and Vince Vaughn were genuinely laughing at JB's rant about Tinkerbell. I didn't think there were any more scenes with Richard Lewis. I hope there's more. I really enjoy Larry's palpable distaste of Tracey Ullman and her utter cluelessness to it. They must crack each other up irl. She's just yelling at him off screen random things she can't find. I wouldn't have been able to hold it together. I'm disappointed she's gone, but I think their plot ran its course. One of the features of the show I always like is how people try to get into Larry's face about whatever he's going on about, and they don't get that he truly doesn't care. Zekelman going on about how Larry can keep his opinion to himself so self-righteously while saying they should have the conversation. I have to call out the brick though. No way you can just write whatever you want. Come on. Even Cheryl. I wouldn't expect her to buy the brick, but she couldn't even say he wasn't disrespectful to women? She's still gone now. I'll take that brick. You could also just mix the sperm up so you never really know. Some guys do that too. Larry just riffing the names was hilarious. I wonder if the guys were breaking because they kept the shot on Larry.
  17. It's kind of worse if people wrote in Honeybee as a joke though. I liked the episode, but it seemed off to me. The townspeople are quirky, but something like this leans into meanness for me.
  18. Anyone giving out the full sized candy bars should be mayor. As soon as Honeybee signed the form on the fence, I knew there was going to be a problem. Fences are a big deal. I'm a little disappointed in Honeybee. She wasn't really 'making decisions'; just giving people what they want without forethought. Getting elected on a write in seemed a little hacked to me. I don't see that she's so popular around town to be a write in. Although I think you should be able to skinny dip on your own property. The whole family getting perks was hilarious. They each had their own pie. Making an episode as an entire setup for a Bodyguard joke was worth it.
  19. I meant in general over the 2 episodes. As you can see from the end of the paragraph, "once Blackthorne calmed down", he drew the map and talked about the Line of Demarcation treaty. All before that was getting to me.
  20. It would be the Crown/government because the letter allows you to cross international borders. The Crown would use the privateers like Blackwater to subcontract out without having to formally declare war.
  21. Blackthorne said he had a 'letter of marque'. That's the official government document that let's you be a 'privateer'. Otherwise, you're just a pirate.
  22. Back in the 80s comedy boom, getting a sitcom was kind of the game plan for stand ups. There's no question Richard Lewis was as nearly as highly successful as a stand up could be from that era. I think it worked because Larry and Richard Lewis were probably closest to playing themselves on the show. Jeff is Jeff, but he still has to play Jeff the agent, married to Susie. JB probably is closest to Richard Lewis because he's still playing himself mostly. Larry and Richard Lewis just have way more history to draw on. Born three days apart in the same hospital!
  23. I'm not clear on how you can get your booty on the dance floor before you get your booty on the bus now to get to the dance floor.
  24. Beth's fake ID has a DOB for 1955. Mya's was from 1952. It didn't even matter! I can't stand a table that's wobbly. I don't think I would have cleared it, but I totally take the sugar packets and put them under the legs. The psychic scene seemed improved to me because it was only the three of them. I like the flashbacks this season with young Beth a little more. Even though she got trashed by the boy playing "trust me", she seems to have more agency.
  25. In Amy's monologue on Saturday Night Live, she talked about the "it's too late" line from her husband. It wasn't at their wedding, but still funny to see it worked in here. Mya's white-jacking was brilliant. She had her own trip planned and everyone just horned in, when she just wanted to get away. The whole quick dismissal about the mirror being stolen fascinated me. Who needs to steal a mirror?! I felt bad for Ann. She ran right out of the wedding right at the end.
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