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Everything posted by DoctorAtomic

  1. I think the trailer answers that question.
  2. I am fine with there with is going. They said 'kessel' enough though.
  3. I think they had at least another season in this. I'm surprised actually since Netflix doesn't really go by ratings for their shows. Maybe it was really expensive to produce and if it wasn't a breakout hit then that was it. I liked the truly international cast.
  4. That quick eyebrow raise is everything.
  5. I don't quite agree, but I'll concede the point. It's when the hate side dominates the discussion that it can get boorish. I feel like there should be a separate discussion for full on hate watching because it usually makes people who enjoy the show to be at the end of the hate invariably. I like the show because of the improv. I honestly don't care much about the plots. Like Larry going on about whether they want the baby to have a dark complextion. It's a dumb scene but I'd watch an hour of that to see how the actors can keep it going.
  6. I'm half way in and it's not subtle. Not a problem for me. I like allegorical shows. I knew this and I'm not Jewish. I thought this was well known enough. We're still having memorials for all the world wars, pearl harbor, d day, etc., so I don't know if that's accurate. Additionally, in the 10s was when they started putting up all the confederate monuments. So it's not really out of sight out of mind. There's enough here for me to keep going. Simon is good at quick world building so I really liked this as an opener. Did people really talk about the news that much back then? I'm wondering if any of the war will be different. So far Dunkirk and the Battle of Britain look to be occurring the same.
  7. The house next to me is a rental and the tentants are trash. I would totally buy it. My neighbor even was like, but it and put in a pool.
  8. It was a great joke for the context of the scene. I'm good with it ending there.
  9. He did perk up when Linda pointed out that they could drink. I think part of the problem is that he's always stuck driving. I bet a wine train type of deal would be a hit too.
  10. So since this was a whole plot from Mo to put everyone away, I'm wondering if this season is going for some bonkers Count of Monte Cristo revenge narrative.
  11. The thing that makes it work is I'm saying, 'well now your shoes are on the furniture' and Richard said he'd prefer Larry not do that. Then how do you suit on it? Why put it on a room where you have guests and not like the bedroom or den? I like all the hypotheticals. Jeff is actually really good at keeping them going. The one about the cheese falling is the pizza was good because Jeff goaded Larry into yelling about how he wouldn't eat it, but I did like this one about 'why would you hide in the bushes for 50 bucks?' He also stumped Larry on if the baby came out in the car. Jeff said something in the clubhouse locker room and really got Larry to crack up.
  12. It's a good running gag. There's got to be enough watch stores in LA that could have fixed it though. Just say it's going to be a few days. I found a watch store in like 15 minutes when I needed to. The daybed was a scream. I wouldn't have known where to sit. I have to call bs on the tattoo though. Alice wouldn't tell Larry 'because it's personal' and she's flashing it to Joe. I did like both stores burning down.
  13. The spite store cold open was hilarious. Sean Penn yelling at birds. Brilliant. What were the pictures on the wall in the coffee shop?
  14. Yeah I was only saying that to cover my own ass.
  15. The Spic and span is the best joke. That might have been peak Cheadle. The Lionel Richie song during the shoot out was PERFECT.
  16. She's still from the 1960s, so it's not like it was super great for women then either. Even if she is a doctor. They had a scene with the Frank season where they were with the faculty and even they were tooling on her. I certainly have zero issues with her shoving the guy off and she is in no way to blame for his actions. To her credit, she's sharp enough to put 2+2 together and figure out they had a way to get at Bonnet, and to his credit, he didn't doubt her and agreed they should take action. This is entirely reasonable. But, it's Claire. I mean, the scenery is gorgeous but these characters aren't particularly multifaceted. You'd think in the past twenty years they'd both have a little growth.
  17. I think Bob would like road trips if he had an actual say in it.
  18. I'm glad Bob blew up. He's always getting dumped on. I liked Gene's very defeated voice about all the snakes.
  19. Louise's plotting to get them pulled over was flawless. Which means she had to actually write the journal.
  20. "And I'm hot." for some reason killed me. My cousin's husband is in cbd oil so I loved this.
  21. Since when? Did she have it the first time?
  22. I don't like on tv that it's ok for women to smack men around. I mean, clearly, the french dandy was going to assault Claire and she had every right to defend herself, but when you're getting into an argument with your husband and your resource is to slap him, then gtfo. It was dumb af to gamble the wedding rings, but Jamie was right calling Claire on her claire-ing it up all the time too. She was fairly hell bent on marrying off Bree too. I think it's a high society thing.
  23. You know you're getting a stellar performance line by line whenever her name pops up in the credits. I had a good laugh when Roger was going on about the smoke and then stopped and Bree just went - uuh, aaaannd?
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