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Everything posted by DoctorAtomic

  1. I think after the priest was murdered, he realized his speech is what caused it and he just couldn't deal.
  2. I guess because they're their own unit and don't report to anyone. They're almost like the A-team. All right, I'm ready for some jedi shit and want to see Snips now.
  3. With Doris involved I have no doubt it will be convoluted ridiculousness.
  4. I got a huge laugh when Claire pulled out a black baby. You'd think with everything going on though (regulators, Jamie having to raise and army, being on the 'losing side' so far) that Claire would get some perspective and not have to do everything about everything all the time. It's a harsh world. Good job trying to invent antibiotics, but you don't have to stop for everybody.
  5. I don't want her to go to jail either though.
  6. That's been very consistent in her character. I'm wondering how that might affect how Kim isn't around in the future.
  7. Yeah, but I don't think Juns was expecting they'd be eating a big breakfast every day. It was the first time he stayed over and it was a big deal for him. Also, not to be that guy, but I think it was waffles (I just watched the show a couple of hours ago) because last week Jimmy Buffet was making waffles at Steve's and saying how it's a great way to impress a woman and Juns was asking him how to make them. To be fair, I think Tani could eat a waffle once and in the course of a week probably work it off at the gym. It was a little much to be making a big breakfast like that on a work day. He knows she drinks coffee. He could have just made that.
  8. I like him whenever he pops up. He and Rath really work well off one another. Oh ffs Doris drama.
  9. Tani doesn't strike me as someone who sleeps with clothes on. The whole episode was for Eddie licking Mozzie's face. Why is Adam is there? They're all like 'welcome back to work!' Why? So he can screw up?
  10. Wow was that the first time we really saw pissed off Anakin? I mean, he straight up cut Trench's arm(s) off. He opened the door and he was snarling. How could Windu only have killed 100,000 droids? He must be off by an order of magnitude. The original Clone Wars short of Windu wasting like thousands of them and barely breaking a sweat is still his best scene.
  11. McBride is a better actor imo anyway and could easily be the series lead.
  12. As someone who has been teaching the subject for quite some time, the top of the show interview was exceptional. What was even better was Bill knew enough to get out of the way and let the guy talk. I really liked the balance he struck between communicating actual facts but respecting people's response to what's going on. I think that's the best takeaway from the segment.
  13. Just a suggestion to encourage more conversation - maybe have a thread on fave episodes/show moments.
  14. Obviously, this should be taken seriously, but a professional soccer player probably has strong odds of pulling through as long as they follow their doctor's guidance.
  15. Yeah, that aw shucks attitude wasn't working with me. He knew it wasn't legit. That's your church for you though. I'm having a tough time that it's the mother in law given that none of the agents confirmed and she couldn't have known the full picture. Overall, I'm not impressed with the narrative of the documentary. They just had all these people and wire taps seemingly out of no where, and not nearly enough time was doesn't on the case. Maybe because each episode was so fractured.
  16. Yeah but I liked him because he dgaf. The others all tried to rationalize their bullshit. He most did not. Even Gloria. She thought she deserved the money.
  17. Yes ok, you didn't 'know' the pieces were stolen. I missed something. I don't recall Jerry carrying the tickets in a briefcase. I thought it was in the truck age then they flew there.
  18. Taking that context, Bree isn't particularly useful except for making babies. And, given that it's not known whether the baby can go through the stones (I'm guessing yes), that's not particularly useful. Sure, she's learning to hunt, etc., but as boring as both of them are, Roger 'having to provide for his family' is a reasonable expectation, but the means by which is being impressed on him. He could get employment elsewhere. Besides, it's already been said, they wouldn't even be there in the first place if it wasn't for him. Roger knows where the stones are. Obviously they are a distance away, but he could conceivably get there. I think part of the problem is you have dashing Jamie, who has been at the French court, Claire who is effectively a mage since she knows modern medicine, and then you have these two drips. There's really not much of a plot for them.
  19. I don't fault any of the actors for not wanting to renew their contracts, but it just strikes me as odd that no one thought the show could go on.
  20. I know it's a stunt, but is it illegal for counsel to do it? Eyewitness testimony is notoriously unreliable. The store owner confirmed it was late at night and he'd been working 11 hours but 'was sure' that he could identify the thief. Would it be any different if Saul handed him a picture of 5 people and asked him to identify the thief?
  21. Yeah I thought the fanatics bombed the chapel the whole time but they were just there so it's all of a sudden like they're taking hostages. I think they could have done more with their descent. So was Lenny actually dead the whole time? He very clearly pointed out the scene of Brannox saying 'God doesn't like me.' Like fucking Galactica at the end with Starbuck.
  22. DoctorAtomic

    The NBA

    Maybe it will make for an exciting late spring like when we had the 50 game season.
  23. Yeah I found the behavior entirely believable.
  24. Given how we know this entire show universe plays out, I think that's even too dark. I think she just disappears. I kind of hope she makes off with a truckload of cash though.
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