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Everything posted by DoctorAtomic

  1. I think he plays himself that way on the show. He's very funny but improv wise he's not in the tier with JB, Jeff, Susie, Richard Lewis. It may be because he doesn't know Larry as long as the others, so I think he plays that way. Susie said irl that she has never discussed her character with Larry so I would think he leaves it up to them. I don't need to be too high minded but the show sounds like a ton of work. I'm always impressed when they break each other up because you know it's a gem.
  2. I am making fancy nachos. I think this is on topic because the superbowl and nachos go hand in hand. Also sick of commercials already.
  3. The nuns in the opener are going to be scissoring by the time the series ends. The PR woman is hot. I want to see her and the pope fuck like crazy.
  4. At the end of the last episode he clearly moved his finger. I can't imagine they aren't going to have him wake given the name of the show.
  5. It's certainly shot in a very stylized manner. I suppose that's good but it can be a bit much. Thanks for the JM clarification. I thought that was him too.
  6. The nun orgy is creepy. It's hot but creepy.
  7. Are they implying Lenny head something to do with Francis or the ambassador?
  8. From reading all this and then the opening being 'oh you're asking what my name is?' because the woman came up to Danny and ordered drinks so that's not a fair question? I'm checked out not even 10 minutes in. Good thing you all are here. I usually will watch in one sitting, but this doesn't seem worth it.
  9. I think episode is the tipping point - if you're not into it now, you're probably not going to be and flip that. 90 minutes in, they've done a good enough job with the characters, and ending with the reveal seems like the right time. It was a good choice to give Karen an actual job because her being a busybody wasn't going to really work. I think the dialogue can be off putting if you're not buying into the absurdist concept of the show. Billie is shaping up to be the most palatable character. Her patent disdain is practically charming compared to everyone else.
  10. This show certainly wants you to know it's A Show. The music was overwhelming. I don't remember much at all from the last series, but I'm assuming pope Jude Law is going to wake up at some point. I'm looking forward to seeing that. I thought the voting dragged way way way too long.
  11. I hope he dies in some spectacularly CYE way. Like choking on a scone. The funeral offers way comedic value. That's been part of the show though. For all of Larry getting himself into trouble there's plenty of times where people can't get over their own shit with him. I mean, the doodle being white male privilege is preposterous. No one told him the rules of the doodle. The cut to the lawyer was absolutely hilarious. I actually hope Larry ends up calling people on all this optics bullshit. I can get Alice being pissed at first, but she threw food at him now. Great pratfall in the elevator. I appreciate a good pratfall. I did one myself at Disney! This was a really packed episode. Looks like Cheryl directed.
  12. The lawyer did make the point about Seinfeld syndication and his Hulu deal being at risk. I may have pushed back a little more until that was actually real. I really liked the scene with the real apple and then the fake one. I think scones are supposed to be dry. The whole thing with the garbage can killed me. Lewis and Larry bitching about the scone is why he's on the show. He does that so well. I think he got Larry to almost break with the allergic to toast line.
  13. The last scene in the bridge was seriously funny.
  14. The orbiting coffin was seriously funny. I'm not laughing out loud, but comedy doesn't have to be that for me. It hasn't been quite 60 minutes of show, and it's a big cast to get enough character building in. The whole not wanting to pay NASA and that entire scene with the password was well done. And then lady just being like, noooope and leaving was funny. Even though he's not a captain, I'm glad they didn't make Hugh Laurie a bumbling fool. I'm enjoying the chemistry between him and the engineer. I like the flat, droll delivery of the assistant too. Farce is a good term. I'd probably go with absurd too.
  15. You could even say the show... puts on glasses... regenerates. Thank you and tip your waitress. I've always seen the show as more for kids with adult themes. Like something a parent and child can watch together and talk about. I mean, a lot of it is silly. The cops were rhinos. So I can't really scrutinize it like a GOT where I'm essentially the target demo. So you're going to get some speechifying about climate change, but it's not really for you per se. I honestly think the show is largely a positive influence that it should run near continuously till the end of time. They had a year break last year and one series with Ten was only 4 movies. Whatever form. The best thing about the show is literally anyone can be the Doctor. And not to be too high minded, but we're all the Doctor. Eh, I'd rather Ruth be from so far into the future than the past. Like how we don't know we're actually descended from Cylons. or between Two and Three. Or a Valeyard. I really don't like the idea of a whole set of regen Doctors before One. I mean there's got to be a point where you get so old you can't remember like past 10000 years.
  16. They've mentioned her law enforcement experience enough that I would do with reviving UNIT.
  17. I don't know if that's technically correct. We never saw the 'War Doctor' until we saw him. Then we saw Eight regen into him and him to Nine. So yeah, but no because when everyone saw Nine we naturally assumed it was Eight --> Nine. So really, ironically, it's already 'canon' that there's 'in between' Doctor. And the Ten/Yara/pocketwatch hidey-hole was already done too. RuthDoctor doesn't seem to realize Thirteen has upwards 2500 years on her. I like that the 'fam' did once again keep their wits about them. Between being scooped and having to deal with Jack. And I did like the Doctor getting all crusty Doctor at the end and the TARDIS kind of being cheeky. Way out there, but could Ruth be the Valeyard? They already name checked it on Trenzalore with Eleven and the Valeyard is known to be nasty. (As I'm reading the rest of all the posts it seems someone beat me to it. But I thought of it before I read that so share the credit if we're right.) I do like typing names as numbers - I'm a real doctor (PhD) and I always love hearing just 'Doctor' and get put out when people use my name. Though I'm probably running out of regens. I think I'm Seven. I would point out that the Doctor lies - but they made a huge deal out of the scan and talking at the same time. So it's the same person. Totally will roll with Ruth - Jenny though, which also counts. Wasn't Two very physical with a lot of the fighting? This would make sense if Ruth was Two+, if you will.
  18. Ditto Lost. But by the time Lost came around, I learned my lesson from the XFiles and laughed at them all telling me it was going to hold up. That's always a risk. The worst showrunner of Doctor Who is always the current showrunner. As it was echoed up before, the show has been around for eleventy billion years. Someone somewhere is going to find some plot thread about something and how whatever episode totally ripped it off. The show has always played very very fast and loose with canon. I remember the screeching about the 'cop out' getting a new set of regens as if the most iconic character in scifi was going to just die because. I'm not a huge Who fanboy. I certainly enjoy the show and have watched every episode of the NuWho and liked them. The show is about a madman(woman!) in a box that has a soft spot for Earth and whisks random people away for adventures. I prefer in the course of that, the Doctor inspires people to be brave and be better. I like the actor playing Zero or Two-B or whatever. I *always* will like when two or more Doctors meet that they get all cranky with one another. And really, though I don't know much about the classic era, there hasn't been nearly as many Multiple Doctor stories in this post modern era. Huge credit to everyone that pointed out there was no seen regen between Two and Three. I would rather Ruth not be Zero because it seems that One has always been considered One consistently, and I'd like it to stay that way. tbh, the Doctor could have burned through a whole set of them between Two and Three.
  19. I was spoiled for the big reveals because the FB page had to blare it out less than 2 days after when I wasn't looking for spoilers. I am enjoying the build up though and the hunt for the 'fugitive'. Thirteen is fun when she's bossing around aliens though. Even though I knew what was coming, that was a cool reveal. And the TARDIS was like One?
  20. I get on trouble for telling at people too when I'm really not, but I'm from New England and it's nearly the same as New York. I think that's why Susie and Larry yell a lot too. She usually starts off even and then works up to it.
  21. I've had something within reaching distance. I have slippers for work (in an office).
  22. I don't think it was meant to be funny. Sadly, it the concept of consent isn't really outdated and still relevant today.
  23. DoctorAtomic

    The NBA

    I think ESPN aired LeBron's high school games too. I was just saying Garnett did all right for himself. I don't like the lionizing either, but I'm not going to immediately tear him down when it's less than 24 hours after his death either. To be fair, the news I've read/heard has all included the assault. On one of the NPR reports this morning, they did discuss it and the reporter remarked that his involvement with the daughter and support of women's sports might have been his way of seeking redemption and now he doesn't get that chance. Not that he automatically gets a pass, but in the ensuing 4 decades, assuming he would have lived to 80, a lot could have happened.
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