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Everything posted by DoctorAtomic

  1. I think this is a good example where less is more. If they composed a full backstory it wouldn't live up to the mystery of the character.
  2. Also interstate commerce
  3. But that's what it was though. It's the same thing as getting Capone on tax evasion. You get them for what you can.
  4. I think it would be fairly bleak otherwise. I know it's a bleak show, but even Jessie made it out in the end. I also strikes me that while Kim is doing her Kim things and it's too happy about it, she's seeing Jimmy succeeding at the same time, which has to grate somewhat.
  5. Wow that Red Robin is a piece of work. I mean I was old enough. I'm looking at all this TV footage and have zero memory. I figured Red Robin was the CI. She wanted to protect her kids so I'd bet she'd flip for that. I'm even more convinced it's her because at the end she pointed to Columbo.
  6. I cannot believe they faxed the report to the press. I'm still not clear on how the investigation went. It seemed fast. I don't really get how they identified the people in the first place to tap the phones. I get that they went through the phone records but they still weren't entirely clear on the people they did arrest.
  7. This is why I just don't get much into any one show anymore. Because there's so much new content all the time, I just don't rewatch shows. Then if you have over a year between shows, I'm just not going to remember every detail and I just don't have the impetus to look it up. I like the show and remember a decent amount but I know there's a lot of details that just fly by me.
  8. I'm enjoying the show to be sure but I'm actually more interested in Kim's story. I do think it was interesting that Saul is initially reluctant to get involved with these people and I am interested if he gets past that or if it always bothers him, but we know where he's going. I'm hoping nothing bad happens to Kim. I like that she does have a temper.
  9. He does not really have a sense of humor either.
  10. How old are Louise and Bob that the classic '80s' songs would be in their wheelhouse that they'd introduce their kids to it? Or are they older and more into disco and Blondie, etc.?
  11. I didn't hear 'snow.' That's even funnier. I did catch the 'with a finger in it' which is just brilliantly ridiculous for all the questions it raises.
  12. I mean, the show is exaggerated. I would think the real life Larry David would be able to reserve choice seats in restaurants, and similarly if he asked the attendant to step outside. All of the scenes in the restaurant were setup to the punchline at the end. I like the 'leave his post' phrase. Like he was guarding the turret ffs.
  13. Yeah, it's a TV cheat, but fair enough. It doesn't bother me for a show like this. Some super rich guy probably went on a cruise and didn't want to be bothered until the shit hit the fan. The in show ads were killing me. Wow Tobey Maguire died!
  14. When Bart was first pretending to be Milhous, he told Air Cannon that he was going to be ok, and then Air Cannon said something like, 'ok good, then I don't have to show you this.'
  15. I didn't read it that way. Because they each had to cough up $500, they were going on about how 'generous' having Richard and Carl buy them would be.
  16. I think all the future stuff was funny - everything named after Brady, the accents. The 'future music.' I guess Meg didn't transition to male this time though.
  17. Vader in the movies is either a whiny bitch or an old man. We've only seen wreck-shop Vader in R1 for 25 seconds and maybe 4 minutes in Clone Wars and Rebels. I totally want to see him hunting Jedi even if it's only one scene. I don't think they should recreate anything from ROTS, but certainly there could be some post-ROTS scenes with Palpatine and Vader. Knowing how Rex does end up will certainly add some gripping drama if Order 66 kicks in. And how Ahsoka actually fits into everything. No offense, I hope the dual with Maul is the best one ever in the franchise, but it's not going to pack much of a dramatic punch. I was really surprised at Kenobi's snark about saying hi to Padme at this point. I'm assuming everyone watched Rebels. Do we have to add spoiler tags?
  18. Richard Lewis is well enough off an enough of a bitch to probably have one specially made, but iirc there was a new putter design out a while back that caused a lot of controversy about whether it fell within the regulations. I don't think Larry planned on asking for the money from her until he saw the pictures on the end table. It's totally like Larry to lose focus and bring it up.
  19. Bwhahahahaha I knew the kid banged the widow when he showed up at the restaurant.
  20. I don't like the attendants in the bathroom either. There's nothing they have I want and then they have to hand you the towel. I don't need to pay you to use the bathroom. I think JB broke Larry on the 'test drive that motherfucker.' I did like the whole restaurant issue, and Ted's 'well wait a minute' about the magical vagina.
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