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Everything posted by DoctorAtomic

  1. No, she did want to be a cop. That was at the end of that episode. No way. There would be no Asian leads on the show without him. The singular reason why he was promoted to lead was because the other actors left. I'm not sure Tani is an experienced enough cop/whatever you call Five-0 to be teaching a class. Even with reasonable field experience, teaching is another skill altogether. I can't imagine the state wouldn't have training to qualify to teach cops. It seems Quinn would be way more believable. Of course, shoot as much as you can as fast as you can is the m/o for Five-0. I do have to laugh because it seems like Adam's scenes are all him sweaty and freaking out about something.
  2. What I meant was that the presenter himself was muslim, which we should protect every person in the USA to practice their chosen religion, but because he was kind of 'second generation', he wasn't really challenging the OG NOIs he was interviewing. In the few times he did ask uncomfortable questions, they shut him down and he stopped. A professional journalist I think would have a different outcome. Though, the fact that any professional journalist was not involved is telling. You should watch the HBO documentary on Ali to round it out.
  3. I'm not going to get into it until everyone else has a chance to watch, but I did like that 'data analytics' is part of the warfare now.
  4. I wouldn't go so far as to say I can't stand them, but there's clearly more drama surrounding Jamie because of having to hunt down Murtagh and Claire going around claire-ing up all over the place. But it is only the first episode and they're the focus because it's their wedding. I don't think we need to see Roger learning how to shave, although him having to learn a trade could be interesting. It's not exactly his fault that he's useless. I like it when the show is about a race against history and there's still the fire to deal with, so I'm hoping that comes into play sooner than later, but I get it.
  5. I was confused about the time jump too. I did get quite a kick out of the drinking game where you have to say the 'peter piper picked a peck of pickled peppers' phrases though. I was curious that Roger said 'when we get back.'
  6. Yes, that was my point. You can mine a decent amount just from that premise. Add in that Lucifer actually doesn't know who escaped here for another wrinkle. Or something like he's the only one who can send them back. Not all of them have to be 'evil' either.
  7. Oh, I didn't mean that I cared to know what it actually was though.
  8. The actor plays the comedy so straight is hilarious. "You will go to the doctor on Tuesday at 9 am." Please name the baby Angelo and you can only meet in the shed. I'm not quite clear on why he was forced out. From what I watched, Voiello was correct on the other three - in terms of hiring the underage girl, etc. I guess this is why? Spalletta said way early on that he knew everyone's secrets, so I suppose this could be it. I feel like we're being made to believe Brannox is fairly manipulable so everything is going to blow up with Voiello out. He basically told the nuns to keep fighting. That's going to be a headache. I'm not surprised it's taking so long for Lenny to wake up. It looks like they're playing up the saint aspect because it looked like he resurrected the old woman that the whore strangled. And in the church, you have to perform miracles 'after death' to qualify for sainthood. Which I suppose is interesting if you have the one pope, and the former one that's now a living saint with his own cult. Sofia is hot af. She even eats breakfast hot. Back in the day, we'd call her 'sex on a stick'. They sure dragged on the interview though and then it fizzled hard.
  9. I literally have no idea what a Pioneer Woman is.
  10. It looked like she forced it out. When she first took it she was taunting the cybermen, Oooh it likes me! After she realized the threat of the ship was real it looked like she popped her arm and it came out.
  11. I call my research group the Big Fish so I felt they did this for me.
  12. I mean there's tons of Bible characters and stories.
  13. It strikes me as an acting choice because when he's talking English, it's mostly sardonic. Ha, the small nun.
  14. They could do a turn where several bad people escape hell and Lucifer et al. have to track them down. You could mix in usual crimes with only a few of them being in on it.
  15. As ridiculous as the show is, carrying the guy away to be spaced was creepy. I had originally thought everyone knew that hitting the button was staged though.
  16. Yeah, but the woman was yelling obscenities when they were having sex so the bodyguard acted accordingly. And he was right about the towels. I never really found Susie's language to be that extreme. I got in trouble at work for using abusive language when asking why we needed to change the fucking lock on the door right now in the middle of work.
  17. They said they parked the TARDIS far from the house and it was cold and rainy out. It isn't unreasonable that he had to go when they got there.
  18. She also could have not mortgaged her house for the loan too.
  19. Yeah clearly that's going to be a situation where you know you in it deep. It's not like the mafia loses. She pinged the commercial / interview was fake right off the bat though. Frank's wife is killing me though - eh, I didn't really think the church was that big a deal.
  20. When it's just McDonald's being ripped off, yeah I don't care that much. Boo hoo. When you're taking from people that are on hard times, I'm not down. To be fair, you can't con an honest person. There was a part of her that said she deserved it too. Don't tell me you hang out with Columbo and not get the gist of what he's about. Maybe only 1% is on her, but still. Just down from the Fairgrounds is exactly where you would find the Fuzzy Bunny. Good work on 'Red Robin.'
  21. Sure. Jack only knows from his pov not to give the cybermen what he wants. He's also not one to just put it all on the Doctor either. She took a calculated risk and didn't call the cybermen's bluff. It's just that it's going to take some major work at this point.
  22. Ah, good work. I was thinking climate change flooded Washington D.C. and the eastern seaboard.
  23. He also had the powder for Larry. And here, he's keeping the urinal guy on schedule. If she actually did die, I'm wondering if there will be some fallout with Larry being accused of hiring Clive Owen to kill her. Seriously, crying *works* though.
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