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Everything posted by DoctorAtomic

  1. I just wanted to quote this. I have nothing to add. Are/were women not allowed to carry guns in the 1770s. With Claire and Bree both being decent shots and going off on their own, I'm surprised Jamie wouldn't insist on them carrying. I liked the character because of the actor but agree using him as basically a plot device was weak storytelling as is the case here. With this impending fire and the Revolution, there's plenty of storytelling fodder. This isn't a show that *needs* a big bad.
  2. Bree inventing Star Wars - 'I've got a bad feeling about this.' I did like the development of Bree and Claire still working on a needle design. I wish the show did more with that. I thought it was great when Claire made the 'batsuit' when she went back the second time, but they've never done much with 'future tech'. You'd think with three of them there, they'd think more about it. It's not like Roger is doing much.
  3. Just a guess - probably both. Maybe they don't have enough of a sustainable livestock yet. Plus, the chance to get a bison. The animal offers more than just the meat. The skins, etc.
  4. I don't know. I thought so before, but Min was kind of critical working with the old librarian guy in Carhein researching the 'wheel' for Rand, which kind of leads him to his solution with the bore and trapping Ish now that I think about it. I don't really see the need for Min and Rand to be together either, but taking her entirely out might be a misstep. She was involved with their adventures in the beginning and is really the only one who saw Rand 'grow up'. There's nothing wrong with them being friends because of that. I wouldn't want them to not be together and her pining for him. I'd rather she be given some agency and come up with the idea of the wheel and take the initiative to do the research. You'd be missing out on really good philosophical discussions with her not there.
  5. I just wanted to say the quote. I don't think Ahsoka can be considered an apprentice anymore. Not for a while. She beat a (former) Sith Lord with literally one hand. Although I don't know if that's saying much because old Kenobi basically ends him with a flick of the wrist. How much time passes from Dooku to that? Because after Anankin chops off Mace's arm, Palapatine 'makes' him Vader (before the suit) right? Is she going to find out that Kenobi 'kills' him. She doens't figure out Anakin in the suit Vader until she's Fulcrum. Holy shit. She's been through some shit.
  6. It was that one. The fact that additional media is necessary for the show strikes me as a flaw in its execution.
  7. Herman just came back from a harrowing road trip where a boy's mother was literally burned to death. I would think he was suffering from some trauma while Alvin was living high on the hog. It grated. In the speech she specifically called for congress to take action too.
  8. It's the episode with just him and Eva Green in the spooky house in the countryside that the abortion lady used to live in. Should be second season. It's this one.
  9. She's also the one 'Green'. I can probably remember only one from each, and she's kind of always around so I can get she would be cast now. I would guess Verin would be cast soon too. Even knowing what we know, she was always kind of there as the 'Brown'. With 50 billion characters that I couldn't even keep straight, it's going to be hard if you don't have one of each just like, "hi I'm Verin, I'll be in the library if you need me." I'm thinking that's going to be a challenge to get across. Even when I read the books, I was like, Elanye, come on.
  10. It's a bit of a drop off on this recent one just for the washed up tv actor defusing a nuclear bomb, though the plot was original and interesting to that point. I get that Walker wouldn't always be on police cases, and the landlord 'hiring' him was funny. As hot as Kai is, I liked they put her in appropriate swimwear for the dive.
  11. The show plowed right into Revenge of the Sith with Kenobi reporting that Anakin took out Dooku. I've been consistent in the tiredness of keeping of Maul around, but I'll give them credit for him recognizing that Palpatine was taking over. Maul was a Sith Lord. I was hoping the battle with Ahsoka was more batshit, but I think it was fair. Maul was better at sabers, but Ahsoka was more in touch with the force. That was key here. I would have liked a little more between them. They were both cast out. That warrants discussion as to who they really are. Maul buried the lead in a sense. She concluded that he would want to usurp Palpatine, and he did say his motivation was to get back at him. I guess that's his tragic flaw. His life was just revenge. I just don't see how that keeps him alive for this long. Especially at this point where he knows that Palpatine essentially 'won' with Vader. It's over at this point. We know he gets away. So what? If you mean the original run that led her to quit, no. iirc, he was all like, 'let the process' whatever, while Anakin was very much proving her innocence thinking she'd shrug it off and come back. Anakin killing Dooku is basically the turning point, so I don't think they talk until the final battle. She does in Rebels, from a certain point of view.
  12. I liked that Hayley still has the van. I think she just didn't give af about having to babysit Steve on a Saturday. I'm guessing she smoked up before. And she wasn't going in on the pyramid scheme. Chisel the walls clean. yeesh. Good Terminator gag! That's a long, long walk for an Escape from Witch Mountain joke. I don't know if anyone else got it.
  13. I'm watching now, and Roger said to Stan, 'oh you never put that together? It was before we really knew each other.' So I don't know if that counts as one. Stan's always been a fairly competent agent, so I didn't like too much that he was a buffoon. I suppose it can be chalked up to Roger. I did like how the family figured out it was him though.
  14. For one, they said that they'd only been with each other. The wife was clearly itching. It looked like she was down to watch the husband anyway. So maybe he does it and doesn't think it's for him, but he's down with her going off once and a while. I don't think that's a big deal. I just watched the last one - the guy clearly needed help moving on, and I thought the memorial was nice. Everyone seemed to appreciate.
  15. The coffee shop where Stan started telling the story was just called 'el cafe.'
  16. I didn't think anyone else was watching. It wasn't what I expected. When the lady in the first episode tried to be funny with her sister and just totally broke down crying, Amy took a drink of the wine and looked absolutely *mortified*. I was like, 'oh shit, this is serious.' I liked in Miami episode, the older lady just said 'maybe you're hanging out with the wrong people. I thought the point of the revenge episode was the kid wasn't going to go through with it, and I think Amy thought so too. I liked the marine because he was able to pick up quickly about how the kid didn't think about the consequences. 'If you're always worrying about getting back at people all the time, you'll end up in jail like my brother.' The friend one was great because it clearly meant so much to the woman. I think the only time she really dropped the ball was on the monogamy because it clearly was bothering her for some reason. The woman is going to end up cheating.
  17. She's around a lot. That's not surprising she was cast.
  18. It was kind of sad that she lost it, but you sure liked talking about your trip to the White House. She even couldn't admit she did anything wrong after Bess told her to leave. I didn't know there was a succession act from the 1880s. I thought the amendment came after Wilson had a stroke and his wife basically ran everything. It's not clear on why Mrs. L gave that speech either. Unless she was just like, ok, enough is enough. I would have liked to have seen that development. I don't really have a problem with Alvin feeling like telling off Herman, but you can't spit in someone's face. Come on. I mean, Herman did go to Kentucky. That wasn't nothing. Who was FDR running against?
  19. I know, really. At least he did. He wasn't mouthing off in the store for sure.
  20. I'm actually disappointed Herman threw in the towel and wanted to go to Canada. You can call me the Rasputin of anything though.
  21. Even the Rabbi and Evelyn looked a little 'oh shit' about the speech. Why did they need to only do 6 episodes? This went sideways way fast and was really jarring in relation to the other 5. Can a president just declare martial law? The actor playing Bess was MVP of the series for me.
  22. I guess it's that willful ignorance that the Rabbi was *shocked* at all the violence. I liked the new Italian neighbors!
  23. DoctorAtomic

    The NBA

    I'm finding the documentary mildly interesting. I was in college at the time of run, so I didn't watch a ton of sports, but I was obviously aware and I'm fairly sure I watched most of the Finals back then. I can't say I was ever a Jordan fan, but you can't not respect that run. I'm interested enough to keep watching. I didn't know the drama about Phil maybe not coming back or stuff like that, but I'm not feeling this is a story that *needed* to be told. I'm hoping this 'unprecedented access' reveals some gems though.
  24. I'm confused at the beginning. Did Herman just quit his job and is working with his brother?
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