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Everything posted by DoctorAtomic

  1. DoctorAtomic

    The NBA

    Another thing I always like is when players in any sport remember essentially every game they ever played it. I still do, and I'm sure a lot of you do too.
  2. oooh, they showed the black and white tv episode just before this one. That's my favorite. The book was 'the dangers of reading near others'. The family was so derisive of his character too. I am positively shocked that Jeff knows how to fix a flat. Is this the first time Jeff had his hat off?
  3. No, just lazy people who don't want to put in work.
  4. You should watch Librarians if you like Leverage.
  5. I don't think AL and NL should be mixed either. But given our circumstances, I think this could be a primo time for experimentation - hey, fans, we know you're fans, we respect you, but this season is basically out. Instead of canceling the whole thing, let's try something really different this just this year. Still have the AL/NL world series for a little tradition, but I think mixing it up could be a lot of fun. I'd like to see a shortened season get back to more stealing bases, etc.
  6. DoctorAtomic

    The NBA

    One thing I found interesting in E1 of Dance was that they were interviewing the top centers in the league at the time, and they were saying how Jordan wouldn't be able to take over a game. The league as you all know was very center dominated in the early/mid 80s. I found the hindsight funny since that's when it moved away from that style of play. Really you could almost say the Pistons first started that, but clearly, with Jordan doing what he did in that time period certainly shifted the style of play.
  7. I don't know if adults hating other adults is particularly healthy anyway and just a symptom of lazy writing. I mean, I don't like some people either. I just don't work with them. Hating them isn't really going to help me.
  8. I think that model is outdated. With year round original content now, you can have more shows with less episodes, or limited series, which there is clearly an audience for.
  9. Yes, I know. Cersei was basically a one-note character, and that's how she played her. I was saying that I don't think Hedley is a one note actor if you check her out as Sarah Conner. I don't really care about the awards part.
  10. When the mistress asked for money for info on Bonnet, Claire snapped, 'a life is at stake'. Then she toned down when the mistress was like, yeah no. It's not like Claire isn't one to mouth off, but you also can't think you're going to barge in and make demands.
  11. No, I think it was, that you don't actually 'win' because the game will always make money off you. So you might as well be the game than the player. Kind of the same thing as owning the casino.
  12. I like the show, but shit like that makes me think the books just suck.
  13. ooooohhhhh, I don't know if GOT's ending is *that* low. That's like giving someone's mother a backhand low.
  14. Yeah over on the board we were like, 'wait, did Claire jerk him back to life?'
  15. 'A bunch of nameless clones' - Rex is the first name checked. Since we know how they end up, 'turbulent' better mean batshit fucking crazy, like to make your typical Farscape blowing up planets on a whim seem tame.
  16. I think that's why she's in the different outfits and has different voices. I don't think if the doctor saw the councilwoman that he'd recognize her as the german frau. Wait though - if there's an actor from the first one are we supposed to make a connection?
  17. That's who I thought she was at first too. I forgot this was on. Thanks to tivo. I programmed it a while ago. I was thinking it was more order/chaos. People are going to die; let them live their lives. Whereas Natalie Dormer wants to spur them on to do whatever. Although later on, the new young cop said she takes the dead to heaven, so maybe Natalie Dormer meant she was going to make people bad so Santa Muerte couldn't have them. I know. I'm looking at it as 'evil' touches many universes. This is a different one. Nathan Lane is crusty af though. I liked how they went to search the house so he poured himself a drink.
  18. I figure they want to stay around for the fire, but literally no one has brought it up in forever.
  19. DoctorAtomic

    The NBA

    Bull. He's 85 tops.
  20. The fancy guy that set up the whole deal that they threatened said Bonnet frequented the brothel. He wanted Bonnet out as much as they did, so I would think Claire and Jamie would figure the whores might lie. Of course, Claire is lucky that the mistress had an ailment because after threatening her, I would have bounced Claire the fuck out of my establishment.
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