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Everything posted by DoctorAtomic

  1. The technical term is called 'zoombombing' and I wish I was kidding. It happened about 1 millionth of a nanosecond when every university decided to make faculty 'just do it all online.'
  2. Oh, there's rooms literally filled with PhDs that can't handle getting the projector to connect to the laptop. I have no doubt that there's going to be snafus.
  3. If Danny is still living in Steve's house, I would assume he would.
  4. I wasn't really buying that she actually wanted to declare bankruptcy. The Ponzi scheme is obviously asking for trouble, but the father in law is a veritable ATM. Why have to go through the 'bumpy' time of Chapter 11? The father in law wasn't doing anything illegal or asking them to do anything illegal. I suppose it's a boss thing where Blair is just running all over the company and leaving Dawn holding the bag all the time, but it's weird she would pick that time to draw the line. Or maybe she didn't actually decide to blow it up until Blair said he was going off for another week.
  5. Tani is younger though. Quinn is more of a peer to Steve which was where I was coming from. Maybe just they can't write relationships well or AOL can't pull off the romance.
  6. Sometimes all it takes is one person to put their foot down and say 'no.' He was saying right at the start at the cemetery that he wasn't going anywhere. I don't really blame him blowing up about the farm either. (After seeing the president shake hands with Hitler to boot). Great job on the end around of asking her when a black kid would be going to the farm without really yelling either. The actors playing Herman and Bess are doing a stellar job for me as a married couple. I don't really fault her for wanting a back up plan and just laying the issue out there. But I wouldn't have canceled the DC trip either. I know she was getting a little frazzled, but you let too much slide and people are going to walk all over you. It's funny how people made 'wrong turns' at one time. I'm surprised it was only a 2 person race without a third party sucking up some votes from FDR to throw it more to Lindy. Wasn't there like a 'workers party' or something back then. I suppose that's fair enough though. I could buy the race being close because Lindy is a celebrity but I was thinking after last time that there needed to be some edge for him. I'm having a hard time buying that he won in a landslide though. I do feel bad for the kids having the nightmares. I'm wondering then if the battle at Stalingrad is going to change at all. So the rabbi's horse's name is Horse?
  7. Mormons started as a name tag company. I love whomever wrote white (collar) song. Awesome call back to 227. I thought the 3 strikes law was under Clinton? I don't get why Dawn thought bringing up Roger to the father in law would be a good idea. Corky said when they were on the way to the golf course that he always thought something was off with him. I was not expecting the plot twist on the plane. Nigerian prince.
  8. My point was that they couldn't really write relationships on the show. I was being subtle.
  9. The funny thing is Catherine never really worked when she was on the team, but they added Quinn with really no problems. Was there a different writing team?
  10. Oh, this is going to be a disaster.
  11. No one ratted her out. She tipped her hand to Navarro wanting to muscle out Wendy and Marty, when they were essentially producing for him. He may not know about the faked confession, but Marty has that information from Mya, and he can point out their last phone call as to him flipping her - which is another promise Marty delivered on. I think this very much of a be careful what you wish for. They wanted to ingratiate themselves to Navarro. Mission accomplished. Now he's going to raise those expectations.
  12. It would be funny if Josh started a company to produce the game. If anything, I would take the whole ordeal and put out a series of scifi books or comics. I would have thought that Wolf would have done his chain of calendar dining but with better food, but his wayward house for nerds was the big thing for Q3, so maybe the restaurant would have already been up and running.
  13. iirc Ben took Wendy's phone and used it to call Helen. I don't know if she left it in the car when she went into the store.
  14. Ruth had to grow up faster than other kids her age, so her 21 is like 30.
  15. I'm not so sure. In episode 1 they were FDR was already lending materiel to the British, so one can argue FDR is lying about not going to war. I can roll with it. Nothing surprises me anymore. I think we might be underestimating the power of Lindy's celebrity. His campaign is him flying *himself* around the country to hold rallies. I can suspend my disbelief enough to roll with it. The George Burns and Gracie routine was funny. I'm with the wife - all the yelling is just grating. I do like the atmosphere of the family sitting in the living room around the radio.
  16. Now I want to know why there's shopping cart in an elevator.
  17. Lincoln said that everyone knew it was there, but they didn't care. When Wolf was ranting about his hat.
  18. I don't know where you are in the show run so I don't want to spoil, but I do think they kind of address it.
  19. That wasn't exactly the point I was making though, with regards to Bree speculating how this battle in this episode might affect the revolution, while I was contrasting how other very famous events like the Boston massacre and the tea party were more directly related to the upcoming revolution and that news of some battle in North Carolina probably wouldn't have made the papers there, so her concern, while not unfounded, was probably not as dire as she thought.
  20. I thought Ahsoka was going to bring it too but I guess being thrown in jail isn't really that big a deal since she can bust out any time. I totally get the ladies' disillusioned view of the Jedi, and really I'd like to see more of that. Given their view, Ahsoka's gf's life is going to have to be on the line for her to bust out the saber. We're all on board that she's her girlfriend now, right?
  21. Because dude can ACT. I'm not a fan of killing off characters just to kill them off, but I tend to agree. Steve's recklessness never really had any consequences. This would have made narrative sense - the ridiculousness of all the Doris drama finally caught up. Nothing more to be said.
  22. I don't think Steve is really the star of the show beyond the name if they don't want him to be or if he would rather not play the character anymore. There's been plenty of plot lines with the other characters that have been compelling. I've said plenty of times that Chi McBride is a far far better actor and could lead the show as the head of Five-0 an a mentor to the younger characters, which they've done quite well, while maintaining the action vibe of the show. I think the additional of Law was an excellent choice because she can handle action sequences and her relationship with Tani is good too. I actually found this episode fairly pedestrian because everything with Steve is always so much DRAMA it's exhausting. I did like the return of Danny actually being competent.
  23. It really hasn't been that long that everyone has been on the 'team' so to speak. Marty has been working on his own for a lot longer than he has with Wendy. That's not an excuse, but I find the communication problems to be believable. I don't think it's a bad idea that Wendy has her 'own thing'. And again, Marty needs to realize that too, but she needs to communicate that as well.
  24. If she does know, then not having Darlene killed for it next season is bs.
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