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Everything posted by DoctorAtomic

  1. DoctorAtomic

    The NBA

    I don't like Jordan either, but I do have to give him credit for saying he was only going to play for Phil Jackson in this final year. No excuse for the hall of fame speech though. I totally forgot Jordan was drafted in the mid 80s, though I do remember the Pistons always beating him. And how in the hell old is Bob Costas? Regardless of the perspective, there is certainly a noticeable difference. I haven't gotten to far in yet, but he looks worn out. He was happy when the mother read the letter though. Natural talent aside, I also have to credit him for wanting to seriously put in work. I am continually stunned at how so many people I've encountered always take the expedient path and just don't want to put in work. One of the professors always told me 80% of getting the job done is showing up on time and being ready to put in the work. I'm surprised Smith told him to go pro and I totally forgot Hakeem went first. Cool to see Ewing. UNC shot > Ehlo shot.
  2. Tough crowd. I was referring to this ^. I don't know if it meant Bree was being sympathetic or the show was trying to humanize Bonnet for the viewers to be sympathetic. They blew that out when he was introduced first on the ship. She probably could have convinced him to go with her to get the baby though. On the island, she's stuck. If they get off the island, she's got options. I actually liked how the cobbler in the title card factored into the episode. Claire is good when she's clever and using her actual skills.
  3. I liked that Teddy had all these side projects that basically transformed the entire restaurant and the family didn't notice at all.
  4. To be fair, I don't think Bree was being sympathetic. She was buying time to figure out how to get the hell out of there. Although, she must know how to drive a boat so I don't know why she just didn't take off when he was sleeping. But if you mean dumping all the exposition to try to make him misunderstood or whatever then yeah it was clunky. Honestly they could have excised all of this completely and not lost any main character development.
  5. DoctorAtomic

    The NBA

    I get really mad about things a lot, but I try to just vent and let it go. You just can't live with all that anger. It is going to catch up to you. Honestly if you're literally considered the best ever in the history of your profession and you can't get the fuck over yourself, you need to talk to someone.
  6. That's true. I do think Min is kind of the regular person in a sense. You've got basically all the 'elite' people making decisions for the world. Nothing against Elayne, but she's total privilege. I'll kind of give you Ew in that she was a 'village girl' that rose to power, but she's still elite and was making decisions primarily for the Tower and not for the people where she grew up. I liked the old channeling ladies because there was none of that. So even with the visions, Min is kind of there in a sense to remind readers/viewers that there's actual people in this world. That's the problem I had with the end. I thought it completely missed the mark. It wasn't the end of an Age. It was just a big battle. Rand should have ended channeling for good. I kind of didn't pick up on that until I got into online discussions. I'm hoping they can deal with all the teenage boy fantasy bullshit that doesn't turn off everyone. To be fair, there's a ton that could and should be cut out.
  7. I wasn't expecting a Liberace reference. That's a reach way back.
  8. Is he an electrician though? Because that is different, to be fair. I can buy that he thought the job might have been easy, or Teddy isn't high cost. Fixing Bob's light is a lot different from a gazebo though. I noted Tina also had Zeke in her story.
  9. Whoof. Hot take there. I'm with you though. My english teacher raved about Billy Budd, and all I got was I thought I invented hoyay. It could have been a way better plot if they didn't basically reduce Bonnet to less than a one dimensional character. There's only so much an actor can do. The villains are just not compelling. The real drama for me comes with the inexorable press of time and building the characters. They just dumped a lot of backstory on Bonnet here and it's long been past time where I cared. I mean, look how much of a fave Fergus is, and all he really does is fuck a lot.
  10. DoctorAtomic

    The NBA

    Jordan strikes me as a bit burying the hatchet type.
  11. Fucking A then. Shit is going DOWN for Snips in a whole hurry.
  12. I love the librarian! That was a great animated sequence with the car chase. I feel like we haven't seen the chicken in a while. My dogs totally barked it up when Peter whistled.
  13. I liked in Louise's story that Bob had groovy hair and the burger was a deep blue brie. And Rudy was there! The guy in the Bible with all the pets. I'll love you 4 Everest! Haha hahahahahaha. And Louise was still into the boy band. I liked that Bob was so overly dramatic in all the stories.
  14. I know it's a sight gag but if you're running out of church at the end, you don't actually have to go.
  15. And your probably losing some to sickness too.
  16. To get his revenge. He tries that on Ezra too. He's largely an idiot.
  17. Just the defusing the bomb part strained. If they were just trying to recover the plutonium to sell on the black market or something it would have been fine. I bought their fight with the old timer pistol whipping the guy and being shocked and pleased that 'it actually worked!' And not every episode needs to deal with Alex's watch. I thought it was a good narrative direction to take early on in the show.
  18. I don't have the energy to hate watch. If I didn't really like the show I wouldn't watch. This one actually did have a lot going on. I was cracking up at the lawyer flipping out about the will, then oh shit! Credit to Roger for those haymakers though. And Bree for that shot. Damn that was cold af.
  19. I don't know. Maybe on aggregate, but I'd put that sweater up against any singularly selected Outlander garment.
  20. I thought that was Bonnet's gun, but ok. Claire didn't have the gun in her belt when Bonnet popped up on the hill though. I don't know if it's worse that they did have a gun and just left it there or not have any at all. Given the point of the scene is Bree has to go with Bonnet, you can still have Claire packing, try to shoot him, it misfires, and he pulls his gun on her with the same end result. I know it's a minor point, but Claire isn't an idiot and this makes her stupid for plot purposes. It's shoddy writing. Yeah. I can't fault her too too much here. She's not of this time period and she's been brought up under the rule of law in a civil society. I will give her credit for keeping her wits about her in Bonnet's house. I figuring she was fixing to escape when she said good night, but he said they were on an island? So he fucks a whore in front of her? Oh, that will show her. I'm sure she was impressed he lasted 7 seconds. *Of course* Claire threatens the Mistress of the brothel. All you have to do is pay them enough.
  21. You have to see the original for the sweater alone. If you do enjoy Eva Green this is probably as peak Eva Green as you can get.
  22. Too bad they couldn't invent a dna test along with the needles amirite?!
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