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Everything posted by DoctorAtomic

  1. He's a good actor and seems and a likeable persion. Is that really biased? He did a great job with the little girl in their scenes. Did they say he had a daughter in the 1st episode? I guess a lot of time passed between episode 1 and 2. I did laugh when he faceplanted the kid with the shaving cream. It's a good choice to have the case be personal for one of the leads. They did a good job on worldbuilding in the first episode, so jumping right into the character development seems the right call. I like the back and forth with Walker and Kai. I loved the cop beating the shit out of the gang and not have Walker be the big hero all the time. I like shows where the characters are good at their jobs. Holy shit I didn't think they would do a plot on trafficking. Kane had a stellar reaction shot of being horrified and holding his shit together.
  2. Greatest American Hero? I'm admitting reaching.
  3. I thought it was canon Rex survived all the way to the end. I didn't notice, but as someone who doesn't really rewatch shows, I'm going to rewatch because of that. I've always been fully on board with Kenobi being better by far at the force than Anakin. But he's really *into* the force and get up in his own shit. Ahsoka is out - so he's not interested. Second, he bought into the whole 'chosen one' bullshit. Not necessarily his fault. He was there when Anakin was literally a force-born child. His master was cut down by some unknown *Sith Lord* out of nowhere whom he then literally cuts down as a *padawan*. Ahsoka leaving and then being dragged back by some random Mandalorian - where he also has baggage - so, he's going to be like, whatever. But the entire foundation of this franchise is tragedy. Maybe if Kenobi makes more of a connection with her, we don't get Vader. I like the guy, but there's an arrogance there. He never really developed the wisdom he could have.
  4. I genuinely like Better Call Saul. I make sure I watch every week. I'm rooting for Kim. She's a great character. But they're up in the their own shit a little too much.
  5. The title card said 1942 for this episode iirc.
  6. Yeah that's what I get from him too. He's incessantly prideful. He had a smart answer for Bess for everything she said. You're going to run out of smart answers for your people when the shit really hits the fan. He's killing the role though. I actually like the actor so much that I feel bad that I want the character to get his. Same with Ryder.
  7. After letting it bounce around in my head for the day, I found it ooc of Kenobi to say, 'we need to get back to the Chancellor'. I know it looks at face value a set up for Ahsoka to snap at him about what 'real people' think of the Jedi, but the guy loves adventure and daring. I think he either knows Maul is there and doesn't want to deal, or can't yet deal, or something else is going on that they don't know about. Because he's never really worried about the chancellor before. The one criticism I've always had with the tv shows is the overuse of Maul. He's like Krycek on the X Files. Showing up everywhere. We all know how he eventually ends, and it had to be Kenobi that does it, but I hope Ahsoka still kicks the shit out of him. I hope she chokes him within an inch of hid life and he runs scared like the bitch that he is.
  8. Oh, fuck the fuck off. That just blew away nine fucking movies ffs. 'Hey Anakin, good luck'. *commander* Come on.
  9. Yes that I think is the willful ignorance part of it. I think there's also a lot of smugness on his part given the breakfast discussion about the Klan.
  10. I think she assumed that she had his ear as more of a confidante than just a good employee.
  11. Wow there was a tv movie? I think it's what I said before - trading on nostalgia. They're expecting the original viewers to tune in. It's lazy and hopefully will fall flat. Produce good, original content and you'll find an audience. I think the whole streaming service model is just throwing everything at the wall right now anyway. I'm fine with Hulu, Netflix, and cable. They've still got tons of good content and don't have to resort to gimmicks.
  12. Don't hate the player hate the game. To be fair, Marty told Ben to go. Wendy had him stay out of spite. I think she made the right call in the end. Also, we're operating in bizarre universe here that is way outside our normal reality.
  13. Oh, I didn't realize that it was set in what looks like the 40s. Is that period making some kind of comeback in tv now? Also, Orphan Black is in it. I was interested enough to check it out when I got around to it, but now I'll be looking to set the tivo.
  14. I can roll with most of the show, and this makes sense, but I'm still having a hard time rolling with the Russians actually losing. I mean, you don't start a land war in Asia. This is actually in my queue. I wasn't expecting Winchell to get fired and turn into a politician. I'm not surprised Herman was going to the rally. Chilling that the cops looked on while the nazis went in to beat on everyone. I don't fault Bess' position, but I want her to get around to being ride or die.
  15. The actor playing Bess did a great job silently fuming in the living room when Herman was reading the letter to the kids. And, in a switch, loud mouth Herman was actually quiet and willing to eat it to the sister. Bess is has been way hard on parenting these past two weeks. I actually thought it was a good idea that Herman was entertaining quitting. I'm not sure he'd have trouble finding another job in Newark, and I don't get the impression they were scraping by. Seriously dude - Missoula is fine. You getting a big ass house. Clean air. I would way prefer there than Kentucky. As was her silent mortified reaction to the Rabbi's blackmail. I love Turturro in everything, but the Rabbi needs to get got. Ditto Ryder. I don't think Philip really cares about the ins and outs of going to the White House. Credit to their talents for sure. (I hope Omar has an ancestor strutting around somewhere). Wow the older brother hasn't curbed the mouth though. I do like that Alvin has seemed to bounce back from the injury. Last week, there was a good discussion about the Rabbi's willful ignorance, and I think that partly applies here, but instead of screwing them over, it's more like proving to Bess that she's right and she's going to show them by making them go there and live. I think the brief conversation with Sandy and Bess underscores it - It's for our own good; she's protecting us. Evelyn clearly imo has genuine affection for the children and wouldn't send them off out of spite. In the last episode she wanted to showcase Sandy's experience as a success of the program and had him talking to other kids about it. I can't imagine Herman hasn't been a hot head for like ever, so Evelyn probably isn't getting honked off about it now. I don't mean to excessively post, but the show has really drawn me in and being a Simon et al. fan, the worldbuilding and attention to detail has been predictable top notch.
  16. I wouldn't have learned not to hide in a fridge if it wasn't for Punky Brewster. Isn't that the current m/o of these niche streaming services though? Trading on nostalgia? While Punky certainly had a 'the lesson this week is -', I'm doubtful that this continuation isn't anything more than Generic Family Sitcom with 80s Character. When is Alf coming back? Perry Mason sounds cool though. I doubt (myself included) too many people are familiar with the book character.
  17. If it's only you and me, it might not be worth it. I figured there would have been one by now if there was a sizable viewership.
  18. That was my understanding. It makes sense how the wrote the end of the season knowing there would be a follow up. I like the show. I thought this episode was darkly comedic. I don't necessary think good comedy = always laughs, and I like the premise of being stranded in space with these awful people. I think part of the problem is that not every show has to be A Show, and people largely expect that. It's a good show. That's it. I don't see it running more that 3 or 4 seasons because the premise will get stale, but so what?
  19. He'll be on national tv a lot more if he's with Dallas too.
  20. Yeah, probably, but it was in and of itself a legitimate business. It happened to be one that used cash. Honestly that would be the best fortune cookie ever. The first rule of the con is - you can't con an honest person. It's not like Gloria was completely in the dark here.
  21. Marino is perfect casting. But so are all of them. Dawn, that rear can get eaten. Girl. Awesome to see Gus from Psych playing a smooth operator. Great call on the Hall and Oates song. One thing I like about Don Cheadle's characters is that they're good at their jobs. Coming up with underwriting the campaign was a brilliant idea. That was a stellar written monologue, but the actor's delivery, even though it was only like 30 seconds was just sharp af. Funny how Mo was the only one not drinking coffee at the end. I'm rooting for him to figure a way out of it all.
  22. The long triangle sounds like a postmodern con. 'We went to the Golden Horseshoe and ran the long triangle. Jeannie just dropped the burner in the mark's bag using the hat, and I just stayed at the bar playing video poker downing rum and cokes like a motherfucker while I texted them the location on the floor.'
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