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Everything posted by DoctorAtomic

  1. I actually liked Roger's opening scene in the classroom because it showed the character is actually good at something. I'm not particularly invested in Roger and Bree, but the constant harping on how he can't hunt, shoot, whatever 'manly' thing Jamie is awesome at because he's the best at everything, is grating. They joked around about starting a university, but there's absolutely no reason he can't, and he's qualified to do it. It's annoying he's being shoved into something he's not when he could easily find gainful work in a city. I've said it plenty of times, but I always stop for the theme song. I love the shot of the bison. It's just perfect. Huh. I was actually surprised it was Roger hanging. I figured like the rest of you that it was someone else. I actually liked that they went there. I think the show is missing out by not flash forwarding enough.
  2. All this tiger fucking show sounds the like stupidest thing ever.
  3. Carter was clearly attracted to her from the get go, but I don't know that she was really reciprocating. She clearly respected him and his abilities -ice funnel of death- and was being presented as a nice role model for the daughter. I think once they went back in time, she grew more romantically attracted to him. He was really shouldering the burden of keeping everyone focused. But I could buy that such a traumatic event would be something that helped her take stock. That was a great fucking show. It knew what it was, it wasn't pretending to be A Show, and all the actors looked like they were having a blast.
  4. I don't re watch either because there's just tons of original content out there that you can watch something new year round now. I think that's fantastic. There's some shows that think you're going to rewatch and remember every detail, and I don't think that's a feasible model anymore because if it's just too byzantine then I don't really care (****westworld**** knock it off. you're a show about a robot revolt.) Here, with just the previouslies and Wendy's sort of exposition in the form of phone calls with Navarro, which really was part of the plot anyway, I don't feel like I missed anything glaringly important. I didn't remember the daughter tried to run away or whatever, but I like the narrative direction for the character this season.
  5. I can't believe these virtual words are coming out of my mouth, but does tiger sex cult mean a sex cult with a tiger or a cult about tiger sex?
  6. Ugh. Plus it was ridiculously hamfisted and thrown in there at the expense of the rest of the character's stories. They literally had an episode where their minds were wiped and before it happened they got into bed with one another because they knew when they 'woke up' that something would be very wrong because of that. Which was brilliant. I'm not pro Mulder/Scully, but you can at least make a reasonable case there. W13 they just dumped it on. In a similar note, Eureka got the leads paired up in a very Eureka way, which I did like.
  7. I was hoping Steve would get knocked down a peg too and learn some humility and actual teamwork, but the show was clear in that Steve Is Never Wrong. I wouldn't have even minded him being like - hey, this is a cool car, can I take it for a drive with you? Sure! Let's roll. But just doing it is pathological.
  8. I think he's willfully ignorant; like, well, if I'm (him) there, then I can make sure our people will be ok. I also think he's genuine in his anti-war position. So he might be thinking - well this guy isn't the best, but if we're going to stay out of the war, then I can use the opportunity to get our people more integrated into America. I mean, in politics, you're going to trade off with people you don't like. Say you pair up with an anti-choice guy (I'm pro-choice so from that pov) to get seniors on medicaid to not have to pay tax on their prescriptions or something. Sure, I'm opposed to this guy's philosophy, but we got something done. Obviously, we know with hindsight that this is way worse, but with Americans not really aware of the concentration camps, and largely supportive of not being thrown into another faraway war, you can see how he might be like, ok, he's kind of racist, but he's letting use the Holmestead Act to help my people. There's got to eventually be a line where the scales fall from his eyes. As much as I love the actor, I'm hoping something happens to Evelyn to jar him into reality. And I hope Herman mops the floor with him.
  9. That wasn't how I was hoping it would go, but the "you can *do* that" from the sisters trying to understand that 'jedi' doesn't make a person was an important theme in the episode. I didn't watch the Solo movie, but I understand Maul is some criminal boss at this point in time, which bores me, as it did that he made it to the future in Rebels, because he's overused as a plot device, which I get at this point it's a not!Sith foil to Ahsoka, but I hope it doesn't dominate the narrative. I am glad that the ladies both were accepting of Ahsoka in the end though. Really though, does every ship have guns in this galaxy so far away? It's the equivalent of me having an AR-15 turret on my Subaru on the way to work.
  10. I assumed the episode threads were 'book free' anyway. I'd rather not be spoiled from the book and just want to take in the show.
  11. There's more interesting drama to be mined of Steve getting the dad killed and Doris being Doris that he was compelled to form his own family and Five-0 provided him the way to do that. That's basically what happened, but it was never explored as much as it could have been.
  12. If there was ever someone who was about the job, it's Steve. I don't know why they bothered trying to write love interests for him. I mean, sure, have him go on a date here and there if you want, but he's always going to be ghosting when he has to run off to DPRK or Junior is kidnapped. And they're always going to come first. I don't think that's a problem.
  13. I don't know if the show is so clear on how shrewd Navarro actually is. I do appreciate the subtlety of his scenes. You get something like - Wendy, don't expect favor for doing your fucking job - about killing the brother, and you know exactly who he is. Similarly, Marty also downplays his considerable skills because he's just dour and hates everything. He fixed the reg flag problem in like 90 seconds. Just being distant from the action in the Ozarks doesn't mean he wasn't aware of the state of play. I would give Ruth a little more credit in terms of managing the drops. Given she grew up there, she knows where to go and how to vary the locations. There were several times where the KC guys bitched about having to drive all over. Marty doesn't know the geography like her, and low level mobsters are typically lazy. There's something to be said for her vigilance. Getting nailed by the rival drug gang isn't her fault.
  14. I know we all know you shouldn't be hitting your kids, but it happened back then. It happened in the 70s. With that out of the way - I'd say Herman was fairly lenient because he's mouthed off in the last episode too, and Herman let it go. Not that I'm giving Herman credit for waiting to smack him, but I think you all get the point. I'll give credit to Alvin for faking papers to enlist in the war. I can imagine how crushing it must be to be cut down so quickly. I didn't have a problem with him feeling sorry for himself. I liked the crack about 'the stock market being up so now everything is ok.' Wow that southern accent was *rich* this episode. Yeesh, the use of 'relocate' is a loaded term.
  15. I can get that he'd flip out about what's going on. It's not normal. He didn't have anything to do otherwise though - he was just there.
  16. They need her age appropriate with Ahsoka so they can be gfs.
  17. It's essential to the entire story of Star Wars and was sorely lacking in the prequels, while we spent important time on trade routes. Ahsoka is becoming more jedi than the Jedi even though she's most past the validation of actually being a Jedi.
  18. I liked the nice touch of how people still waved their cell phones up in the air to try to get a signal. I like Mike, but he can be a kind of a bitch. You know you know more than people. You can tell them what they don't know in a way that will help both of you.
  19. I actually love Ruth because I have to tell people at work to fuck off all the time, but they get all snippy if I just say 'knock it off.'
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