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Everything posted by DoctorAtomic

  1. No, the Lone Gunmen spinoff got canceled before they got a chance to wrap it up, so they used one of the next season episodes of the X Files as the finale. The Lone Gunmen appeared in XF season 1 and were frequently on the show, so I'd give TPTB a pass at wanting to give them a proper send off. Lost is Exhibit A through Q why if you're going to do a show like that, you better damn well establish a bible and storyboard it out, if loosely at the least. I had to crack up at how everyone trying to find 'meaning' in everything on the show, and us X Files vets are like, 'ok sure. It all ties together. Yeah magnets.' To be fair, when they actually reduced the season order decided on an end date, the plotting was tighter because they got their shit together. Maybe the show shouldn't have been what it was because 'The Constant' was filler and probably the best episode of the series.
  2. Wasn't that like their 'finale' since the show got canceled?
  3. That would actually be hilarious. 'Hey, we're back!' I would think Ian would still be there if they went through and popped up again. I suppose that doesn't mean there isn't one in like Oregon or something. That might not be half bad. Make friends with the native Americans, avoid the war. It still looked like a wooded area. I don't think they exited in the cave in Jamaica. If they did go back to 1572 though, I'm not sure how they're going to over come the language barrier, or native Americans not to pleased to see white people popping up out of thin air. I don't see why they just can't go back through.
  4. The best thing is that Bob knows what all these euphemisms mean. He's the one always telling the kids not to say things. Rudy is such a scene stealer. I was cracking up at the sleeping with the fishes joke, but they took it up a notch when the teacher was pissed he stole her joke. He's going to be that dude that you're hoping you run into when you go out or to a party. 'Whoa Rudy's here'.
  5. No, I know. I just didn't think of it. I'm surprised Claire didn't decide she's a lawyer and go to court to get him off.
  6. Lots of great gags! I love that Meg goes bowling. There was another 'oh my stars'.
  7. I cannot believe they got see you next Tuesday by the censors. I fucking love it. One of the students used to do that to me. Theeeers your video! I do like when they have Bob and Tina bond.
  8. Burns had the Ark too. Why didn't Bode have a beer? Priests can drink. When the hell did Maggie learn to play the horn? I don't know if the show was mocking church but that's what I took from it.
  9. I was kind of rolling my eyes in terms of a plot device. I'm not calling bs on this one. Neither Jamie or Claire could have known they would do that. Though I find it odd that none of them, Ian included, had more motivation to look into who was setting the fires. Why can't they just go back through the Stones? It doesn't seem that much of a problem to me beyond 'wait, what the hell just happened? let's go back through.'
  10. I'm not trying to be a jerk, but that's like the only rule we've actually seen. The more I think about it, I'm not quite grasping why no one raised this question. *Especially* since Claire was the only person who heard the story in Scotland at the lord's house in S1. It's kind of a cheap out tbh to make characters dense because plot. Last time, Claire wasn't personally armed when Bonnet showed up on the beach. Same thing with "Dr. Rawlings". I find it hard Claire would be so careless. I mean, I like the show. I'd stop watching if I didn't, but it can be hacky with cutting the corners to move the plot. Where are the American stones? I thought they were in New York near the Mohawk? Wait is this the last episode? I thought it was 12?
  11. DoctorAtomic

    The NBA

    I get a kick out of these 94-88 playoff scores from back then. I would have thought that Rodman would be someone Jordan just kind of tolerated. It looks like he genuinely liked him though. Wow Jackson looked *wild* back in the day. I've always been fascinated with the triangle. You definitely need the right personnel for it. I didn't remember the Bulls and Pistons faced off 3 years in a row. Loved Ho Grant - Straight up bitches! I know Jordan isn't the best guy, but I can't really fault him for calling Thomas an asshole. Thomas had the chance to walk it back and didn't either. I'm not sure what the logic was in putting Jordan on Magic in the first place though.
  12. I didn't even think Ulysses would face consequences. The lawyer was totally murdering her. "The older he gets, the more he looks like his father." Jamie - very worried face.
  13. I'm confused that the stones did that. So far, it's all been you return to the point in time when you departed + time elapsed. Though, now that I think of it, Jemmy was born in the 'past', so it would stand to reason he wouldn't be able to go to 1970 but back. In the first season, Claire learned about another guy that traveled from Jamie's time, but it was clear he went to the 1500s and returned back to 1740. Or just timey-whimey. The time travel stuff is what drew me into the show in the first place. Good point on having two time traveling parents though. Maybe that makes you go either way, and with being just a little kid, he probably can't concentrate or something. I am surprised that they want to leave before the fire though. I thought the whole point was to come back and help. I did like Ian being all wtf is going on now? Good job on the actor playing Roger. His horror at seeing the poor burned girl was subtle and strong. I like how with reinventing future tech Claire has decided to invent peanut butter. I guess the burned house at the start indicates that their fire is soon to come. I didn't mind the regulator plot because it painted a good picture leading up to the revolution. We, viewers, know it's coming, and Jamie has been smart enough to listen to Claire about future events, but I think the ending with Jamie throwing down the jacket was important for him to truly understand what's coming up and the scale of it. But Bonnet whatever.
  14. The most recent episode was kind of Die Hard for a little while there. I did like how the young Asian women was all kind of mousey and then totally stepped up when Ernesto got shot.
  15. So basically all of this is largely due to Windu being cunty. Honestly, Ahsoka staring down *Yoda* with the 'I did my duty as a citizen' might be the best line in the entire franchise. I still think Maul is a bitch, but I'll him credit for figuring out what's going on. Totally makes sense it's Ahsoka that springs him. As much as I don't like him, all the movies did jack shit in showing how to fight with the Force, which I always wondered why they never did. I can buy Maul just force pull/push his way through the ship. I never knew why they didn't do this. When I played KOTOR, that's all I did, and I wrecked it. *I'm not rooting for you.* Girl. Rex at least trying to fight it at the start was fantastic. I think they could have been a little more demonstrative in that, but I guess it's for kids really. Fucking fuck, I haven't been this emotionally invested in a show since fucking Farscape. I recall the scene from Rebels when Ahsoka met an older Rex again and why she was so relieved. I don't know if I can do this on a Monday. I hope it's more than 20 minutes and we get a shot of Vader.
  16. The culmination of the regulator plot. That's really it unless you count the wedding or Ian.
  17. Fundamentally, this is about the showrunner(s) 'knowing what show they have'. It might not be the show they thought they were making. I don't expect them to lay out everything for the entire show run from the go, but there needs to be something in place to provide framework for the narrative. I wouldn't necessarily call the Sopranos serialized, but they laid out where they wanted to go, season to season.
  18. DoctorAtomic

    The NBA

    I didn't remember the Ehlo shot being only three seconds and he had to go to his left.
  19. DoctorAtomic

    The NBA

    Yet the converse to the centers saying they didn't think Jordan could excel - you have Bird and Magic like, 'uh yeah. He's the real deal.' I always liked Roman's game in the rebounding and hustle, but I was really surprised Jackson went so far to say Rodman was so important to the team with Pippin out. And I really was impressed at how Rodman explained how the ball would fall when Bird missed.
  20. I think he was actually featured a couple of times. I'll give you X Files filler - when they did the 'author' with the funny name and the movie with Garry Shandling and Tea Lioni. I think I'm in love with Associate Producer Skinner.
  21. It's horrifying. That's the only reason I mentioned it. However, one can argue what the X Files truly about. Hence my point.
  22. I don't think it's either/or serialized/filler (episodic). You can strike the balance. Like a 'current' show like Lucifer I think has done that. It's episodic, but serialized too. There's not necessarily filler because it's about police, so investigating a case that doesn't have anything to do with Lucifer getting back to hell/storming heaven isn't filler. I tend to think of filler like, 'this has nothing to do with the show at all.' Why is the fourth level character the main plot? It can be an easy trap if you don't have the right show or the right cast because you just don't have the material to work with. I can't think of a filler episode of XFiles because the entire premise of the show was investigating weird ass shit. Is 'Home' filler? No. It's creepy af and now you're all thinking about it. I tend to favor shorter seasons because I like watching a lot of different shows, and this just offers more opportunity. jinx
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