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Everything posted by DoctorAtomic

  1. There's no way Stan kneels for the anthem. I always like when Roger shows up somewhere in a new persona and one of the Smiths gets so ticked.
  2. If you put your hands in the pockets and point your thumbs toward your crotch, they're right there. You can actually pull the shirt down with your thumbs. It's real stealth. It's not like a huge hole because you wouldn't be able to actually use the pocket. We wore tuxedos for jazz band in high school sans jacket and with suspenders, so I probably have more hours logged in them than most. I recall teaching this to the wedding party in my cousin's wedding.
  3. Dudes aren't going to dress up like figure skaters. Also I don't know if anyone actually thought of that.
  4. Alice also made a comment about sponsorships for the radio, so they may not have been getting the ad money they thought they would. That may have been the point. It looks like a random highway robbery. With a gun, you can reason out what kind it is, where it might have come from. Bandits stabbing a guy who looks flush with a big suitcase is an easy out.
  5. I would offer "dumb af" as one way to describe it. A good friend said - man, if you can't look good in a tux, I got no help for you. They are all mostly the same. I favor a vest, but that's basically the only variety you have. I actually don't mind wearing a tux. I cannot *stand* wearing a suit. Part if it stems from 'this is how you are supposed to look to be taken seriously'. No. I don't dress like a slob, but you can take me seriously from my title, or not. I don't care. I don't really like having to wear jackets inside either. The tux though. You know there's an event. There's going to be some fancying going around. Do you ladies know that the tux pants have holes in the pockets so you can pull the shirt down?
  6. Oh don't get me started on all the dancing on that show. I guess Santa Muerte didn't make it to the cemetery. This episode was worth it just for Drake's reaction to - like a math professor?
  7. DoctorAtomic

    The NBA

    Pop always rules. I wish I could have him speak at my institution.
  8. DoctorAtomic

    The NBA

    I think they should kneel if they want, but the larger question is why do we bother playing the anthem for everything?
  9. I thought Alice said that she talked to the lord and he said he was going to resurrect the boy, not that she herself was going to. The comments here imply the latter.
  10. I'm late to the show. It started slow for me, which isn't a big deal, but it's been drawing me in as the case has unfolded. I really like Drake (Bunk would say he's good po-lice) so I hope he and Mason get into more plot. The war flashbacks don't do much for me but I guess that's why he's walking around in a fog all the time.
  11. X files did one where Mulder found a genie and wished for world peace. A later classic in the show run.
  12. That's basically what I meant when I said 'typical cold war president'. I'd add LBJ's personal relationships as majority leader in the senate prior also contributed to the passage of the civil rights acts as well. Now, one may argue LBJ doesn't decline to run again and we bypass Nixon altogether.
  13. You will all be most pleased to know today at the market as I packed my bag, my baguette ended up standing straight up for the second time this summer!
  14. That about sums it up. I understand for marketing you want to see if a Star Wars movie can carry water without Jedi/Sith, which for me isn't particularly interesting. The battle and of course Vader was good. It was cool to see ships from the cartoons. They completely blew the last line though.
  15. I feel like someone had the joke for the song and they built the episode around that. Totally fine because the song killed. I only wish Cilantro had produced it.
  16. The recent Dracula was middling at best but worth it for Van Helsing. I will say no more.
  17. And someone having to die regardless was a good twist. All the 'stop JFK' is predicated that he would have been a great president. He was a typical cold war president.
  18. At what point does this become not worth it?
  19. People typically aren't so well versed in history where you'd have to have someone on the show do a big info dump all the time. All they had to do was give Hitler the last pastry and we'd be fine. He was seated first anyway. (#Preacher)
  20. Why didn't they consider something similar at 5 or 6 locations around the US?
  21. She seems like a fun person, but she never struck me as an actor that can 'rise above the material.' Like, if the writing is stellar, then I think she'd be great. She's never going to be an actor that can take a single line of dialogue and steal the scene. I think terrible might be slightly unfair. I thought Starbuck was fine. I felt a lot of times she was being directed to play the character as 'FEMALE STARBUCK LOOK SHE SMOKES A CIGAR', which isn't her fault. So, like if they rebooted/remade Galatica and she was just playing Lead Pilot, I think it might be different. She was green af too, as an actor back then. I don't think it helped that no one knew who or what she was when Starbuck 'returned'. I'm not sure Moore really did either. If you're not going to tip off the viewers, you have to at least give the actor some vision so they can work within that context. I mean, it wasn't until like the final scene before the epoch time jump that she just whips away on Lee and we were all wtf about it because there was ziltch for foreshadowing. Another Life...is a show. That she's in. But I think she's fine in it. She's only got so much to work with there, but she's not playing her character as SPACE CAPTAIN, if you know what I mean. BSG was also 15 years ago, so I would assume she's gained some experience to communicate with directors better about her roles.
  22. I think it's worth it just for Balthar and Six at the end - You can see them?!
  23. You might argue that without Stalin, Russia can't kick out the German invasion either. Which is again more the more interesting time wrinkle than just killing Hitler.
  24. Wow I thought something was seriously wrong with me because I couldn't remember him dying. I remember when he got fat though. BSG could get up in its own ass at times, but in terms of showing that space and aliens and robots that isn't Star Trek could make for quality television, I have to give them credit. Part of the problem is that SciFi was floored it was so popular and let them make a ton of episodes, which resulted in clunkers. This is a 50 hour show to tell the story you want to tell. I don't care about your whore girlfriend.
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