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Everything posted by DoctorAtomic

  1. I'm finding it a little much that Cyril is the tactical lead. Lana has way more field experience. I can buy him bulking up and working out, but that's completely different that being able to execute a mission. Besides, I wasn't impressed with him on this mission either. I'm hoping there's more to it that just - Cyril is a badass now. Who is the accountant if he's on missions all the time?
  2. I'm way more Archer/Pam. I think Archer was wrong and that Pam was the constant in the coma lives. I liked the mission. One thing I like about Archer is that he is actually good at his job when he's not bitching. He figured out the picture was a decoy.
  3. The Michael Jackson Beat It jacket was popular in my 6th grade. My older cousin was in HS early/mid 80s and had a bit of a Madonna look.
  4. Daniel is kind of a jerk, but there's no way he's as petty an asshole as Jordan is.
  5. You should try sticking your baguette straight up out of your cloth grocery bag.
  6. That would be a good parody style show. I've said elsewhere a great variety show would be skits that send up the typical tropes we complain about. 'Out of character' maybe overused, but it's a fair term. You can't say Eli is OOC turning into Hawk, and he's been consistently mean since. If he suddenly stopped trying to beat on Dem then I would question why and say that's not the character we've seen. Now, maybe being beaten by Dem, he starts to change his tune, which I would like to see. It's a fine like between OOC and actual growth. I guess I can buy Robby lost his shit for a second and clearly he knew he did wrong right after. I was saying I don't think they would have gotten into the fight in the first place - but again, then you have no show. I don't think it's fair to lay Robby being Johnny's son or lay his actions on Johnny when Johnny has had really no influence on him and he hated Johnny to the point where he trained with 'his rival'. I would still maintain TPTBs had the ender in mind and worked back from that. To get where they needed to go, they needed characters to not say obvious things to one another to move the plot. Taking the season as a whole, the front end doesn't sync quite up with the back. Reasonable criticisms for an otherwise enjoyable show. I like all the characters. It's a B show though predicated on nostaglia. I'm still going to watch, but there's a little more suspension of disbelief required in S2 than there was in S1.
  7. You know there's going to be a few classic Brady drives that will win some games. I like the guy, but objectively, running through the AFC east wasn't that much of a challenge. They'll get into the playoffs, and who knows after that.
  8. For sure. That's because the nostalgia is the singular premise for the show, and not the framing for what the show is. That's the whole problem with most 'reboots'. You look at something like the Deuce, which was set in the 70s-80s, but it was a framing device for a particular part of New York and society's evolution through that era.
  9. I'll give you the jeans, but I don't know what the hell the rest of that was. When people say "80s" costume, what they really mean is 1982-6. So just look up who was singing the top songs then and see what they were wearing. 80s means like new wave, punk, Run DMC, Madonna, and Michael Jackson. Or Miami Vice. No one dressing up like INXS or The Cosby Show.
  10. We currently don't know if this is a vengeful or benevolent dad. I'm interested either way though.
  11. I thought the show got some new life in the last few years with the serialized plots. I don't think every show has to be topical. I like the kids just having dumb adventures. If they've still got gas in the tank, then go for it.
  12. Isn't that the way with all the HOF superstar QBs and coaches though? I'd like to see them both succeed, but you look at Montana moving on, and he wasn't in the Walsh system where he was successful. I mean, the guy played at the highest level into his mid 40s. I think he's playing with house money at this point.
  13. I am so so so glad I was unspoiled. I had a huge laugh when they cut to the Golden Turd.
  14. Actually, I think Miguel did ask 'what are you doing?' A lot of the back end of the season was characters not saying obvious things that people would say to get the plot where they wanted it to be. It's a bit of a stretch there, but no show if teenagers act with a modicum of responsibility. It's admittedly hard to call BS on the school fight after they fought *in a mall.* I think it would have made more sense for Hawk to step in to get at Robby since he's consistently been a hothead and got beat at the mall, when Miguel has been consistently not that. My issue is that when the girls were at it at the roller rink, the boys were trying to cool them and not joining in at each other. They already were in homeroom. They cut to the kids at their desks during the announcements. Typically, don't you do to homeroom, you get checked in, and then there's the announcements?
  15. This is the best thing on the internet ever. I love how all in the actors are, and what's great is that they're all singing in their own voices because they aren't all pros but they're just going for it.
  16. In this case though, she threatened Sam over the PA, so everyone heard it. It's not like a she-said/she-said and the adults can't really figure out who was the instigator. What needs to be addressed is how/why the teachers let the kids out of the classroom. I don't really care about Johnny drinking that much. (Not driving). People come home from work and have a few beers.
  17. It's not like high school football in Texas because people didn't know that the tournament had been around for 50 years. It didn't look like many kids were into karate at all in school at all.
  18. And Reaper! I actually had to look up Stingray to be sure it wasn't him. To be fair, there are national cheerleading competions. They're on ESPN. And you can get scholarships for college and lead to a professional career. So I don't know if that's an apt comparison to a karate tournament in the valley.
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