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Everything posted by DoctorAtomic

  1. Oh, no; I forgot that would be a possible outcome. It sounded like Cait and the Round Table were just going to randomly go around looking for the spear, but it makes more sense if they're going to try to head off the company that's bringing back Lucius to Aulus. It's not like Lucius doesn't want to give her the spear from before so he could just tell them even if they can't spring him. I don't think he's going to die on the grill any time soon though; the actor is a heavy hitter and he's the only link to christianity. If, I assume, he's preaching the 'new god' to the druids and the Britons to unite them under Cait. I would assume he'd be Galahad then. The vision of the son at the end might have been Lokka taunting Aulus. The general hasn't been the most devout follower on his British adventure. He's probably too valuable to be replaced but doesn't meant he can't be trolled.
  2. That was a great opening with the music kicking in as Cait runs into her dad. You all knew the Veran wasn't dead. Too easy. It looks like this Spear of the Silver Dawn and Lucius' spear are the same thing? We've collectively been saying christianity probably is key to booting out the Romans. I still can't see how they're actually going to just up and leave. It's the peak of the Empire. Maybe Cait will go BAMF and demolish the Romans, and whomever remains will be absorbed as some pagan-christian Britons. The Veran said the old gods were fading, and they were talking about old gods being replaced before. Looks like from her outfit she's BAMF-in-waiting. No one puts on eye makeup like that unless they're bringing it. I was simultaneously revolted and laughing at the playful banter about eating people. I thought the dirty witch girl was setting up Amena with the poison (that it wasn't poison); not the other way around. She's way scrawny to eat! How is Aulus going to get into the underworld if they carve her totally up? What are they going to do? Just saunter around and look for the spear? Antedia said Lucius knows where it is. Go spring him. Unless this hunt for the spear is the progenitor for the holy grail. Oh - Cait's gathering her chosen knights; it's a pre-myth King Arthur. She unites the tribes and levels the Romans. Arthur united the kingdoms and leveled the Saxons. No, that's a plot from the Aulus side of things. She's still dead That's part of the plan to go to the underworld was to release the sister to get Cait back to the Druids, and then Hemple planted the tracker-black-butterfly on the lady druid, so now they can pick up their trail.
  3. I feel like he's friends with Fortescue. Fix mentioned Fogg coming over for lunch when she was a kid.
  4. Well, at this point, now that we know she's alive, we have to see an appearance from Estella. Fogg got the 'coward' postcard right before the bet. That's quite a while from when he ditched her. It seems a bit much that she's been harboring a grudge that long that she'd send the postcard. The only other suspect is Bellamy. It could be perhaps that was the anniversary of when Fogg ditched her. The problem is there's no other background or motivation than Bellamy being a jerk. We know he's in some financial trouble, so we know why he's trying to foil the journey. There's nothing else for Estella. It could be Bellamy was resentful because he and Fogg were rivals, but we don't have that information. I think the flask is from her though. Maybe as a gift for the start of the journey.
  5. Fogg said the rescue ship was going to take them to America, bypassing Yokohama altogether. They're going to have to book it with about 30 days left across the country. I only know of the olde tyme afflictions from watching Dickens.
  6. I'm surprised the three of them couldn't overpower one guy with a gun. It's a little extreme to just shove off the three of them in a lifeboat. Bellamy doesn't want to kill them, but if this gets back to him; that's a whole legal matter. He's also putting Fortescue's daughter in danger. He's going to blow his stack. I suppose that Bellamy had the decency to be ashamed when they thought Fogg and Fix died. I am kind of glad we got the 'old tymey' affliction of 'melancholy'; I know it's really depression, but I mentioned before about how ladies used to suffer from 'exposure' and 'consumption'. Also glad that Passepartout finally copped to Bellamy's scheme. I don't blame Fogg for blowing up, but drawing a literal line in the sand is a bit much. Passepartout correctly pointed out that Bellamy and Fogg made a flippant wager that was more money than most people make in a lifetime, but he could have pushed the class issue more. Fix pushed Fogg a little more on it at least. I was surprised Fogg considers Bellamy such a friend. Bellamy belittled him at the club constantly. I figured Stella died, but Fogg just leaving her was unexpected. I wonder if she read the article? This is going to be great though. Everyone thinks they're dead. I hope Fix can get an article in when they get to America. I didn't think of that. The whole club saw the wager being made. I don't think anyone would accuse Bellamy of lying about it. Would it be a legal contract? He could still probably get it. I don't think he was expecting to hear that they 'died' though.
  7. I liked the 'pajama day' theme, and the kids going bonkers over it. I did like how fast everything escalated to fascism and calling everyone nazis on both sides. And then the police chief just arrested everyone. Where the news caster was speaking German and wearing a nazi uniform to report on pajama day at the school. I don't get the Matt Damon jokes, but I still like that they hammered him.
  8. The PI explained it when he visited Marty in the beginning of the episode. I forget off the top of my head, but it was 'leading' something. He was saying an "LE" was what led him to try to track down Ben because his theory was that Ben killed Helen and the Byrdes were covering.
  9. SATs where I am *just* went digital. I can see there are still some states that aren't technologically in the 2000s, let alone the 2020s.
  10. I only meant they aren't beating us over the head with it. Fogg doesn't hug Passpartout or can be short with him. I don't think he was out of line yelling at the bank teller, but Fogg's tone was 'how dare *you*.'
  11. Javier is arrogant enough that he thinks he'll be able to push the FBI around, and that he's leading the team here. I actually think Omar likes the Byrdes to a point now. He respected Marty enough to take a risk on the Ozarks, and in not too much time, Marty produced, and Wendy all of a sudden emerges as a business and now political leader in the midwest *and* Marty got him an FBI agent to where getting out of the business was and kind of still is a real possibility. That's a lot of heave lifting on the Byrdes' part. Wendy also making the call on Ben was a huge factor in where their relationships are now. Of course, as soon as the Byrdes become a liability, he'll kill them; they know that. I do think, however, when he says 'I win; you win', he genuinely means if he gets out, he'll let them go from the cartel. Of course, they have Javier to deal with, but I think underestimating Ruth isn't smart.
  12. I liked that Roger's Cockburn persona also required remodeling the attic. The goose flipping off is my next tattoo. Dicks with Chicks is the best name for a store ever. I'm surprised they got that one by. Was the chickens with the van from Ferris Bueller? That was Martha. She's the one Cockburn was sleeping with.
  13. Given his debts to the bank, and the wager with Fogg, Bellamy doesn't have the liquidity to cover everything and will have to sell his assets. Fogg might relent to a point, but they gave their word as Englishmen.
  14. I'm probably going to watch the whole thing when the season ends.
  15. No, I think she's enthralled. Cannibal!Sophie is quite the larger than life figure, and she's a lot sexier than Aulus. I meant what we know as the New Testament wasn't written until about 70; letters of Paul, Mark, etc. Yes, this new religion was spreading word of mouth, and there were various sects writing about the life of Jesus, but spreading this far to Britain this fast (it's not even a decade since the crucifixion) is really, really fast. Of course, Lucius being the stand-in for 'Longinus' sort of provides a short cut. I just wouldn't buy Cait all of a sudden preaching peace and Jesus. I suppose it's possible she gets to that point, but it would take a miracle. Which isn't outside of possibility for the show. The Veran, I could believe would adopt a new religion if it kept the druid way of life alive and forced out the Romans. Technically, that's what the missionaries did in the first place.
  16. I haven't seen Boba Fett yet - I would guess Luke would want to train the baby to at least grasp what kind of power he has and how to use it without hurting himself and others. Luke also has two force ghosts walking around that might be saying ripping kids from their families isn't the best approach. He probably sends him back. We know at some point Luke wants to start another Order, but at this point, with ROTJ only a few years back, he just might not be ready for that yet, and could just be banging around the galaxy. tbh, if it was me, as Luke, I'd probably be traveling around spreading the word that the Emperor and Vander have been defeated. Outside of the core planets, it's not like news is going to travel that fast. I don't know if that's addressed in any of the books or comics.
  17. Ruth could also just drive a few hundred miles, or even to Chicago, and leave the baby with child protective services with some made up story about how she found it abandoned or something. It's not like he can be an eyewitness to identify Javier. I don't think if the actually-doing-her-job-sheriff comes sniffing around again that she's not going to be curious as to why and how Ruth has a baby now. I don't think the sheriff actually could recognize that the baby is Zeke, but I wouldn't take a chance that she actually knows something about him.
  18. Cait and Antedia are a big grifters now. Great song when they were hustling the oil lamp guy. I can't say I was a fan of Antedia in the first season. She was kind of arrogant and thought she knew it all. Yes, she was betrayed by Aulus, but she's more mad that he beat her to it, and she's really made about her son dying. I had no doubt the Veran wasn't going to be dead. Frustrated Divis is always funny, but I can appreciate his concern. Why can't people just look in the lake or river to see what runes are written on their face anyway? I'm guessing the giant fire cross Underwold!Cait is supposed to be the new religion. I'm just not seeing her as a convert. I suppose if it's a means to an end, but christianity never made it all the way to Britain in the 40 AD. They haven't even written the bible yet. It's interesting that the Veran saw it too because I do think this is spelling the end of the druids. All the music was great.
  19. Add Helen, Ruth, and Darlene in there too. Diversity in crime!
  20. They'll just reinstall Omar. I'm thinking he's spinning it to get Javier whacked while he's in prison. Everyone isn't looking at him because they think he's just stuck there. Omar is a far more rational actor for the FBI than Javier by far. He just didn't want the ten year restriction.
  21. There's so much to cover going across the US. I want a stagecoach robbery too!
  22. I'm not knocking the plot; I totally believe it. The governor was all waxing about giving his wife a token of his respect. I expected Passpartout to say, 'you robbed a grave, and then I robbed you.' There's an undertone of classism in the show, and this plot fit right in. In the end, all the Hong Kong mob boss wanted to do was return it to the grave. I'm interested to see what route they'll take across the US. I guess it depends on where they will embark the ship across the Atlantic to London, but I figure it's got to be New York City. They *still* need to get to Yokohama, and then San Francisco seems the next logical destination. There's not enough show left.
  23. That was the problem. The game was over in the 1st quarter. I was never in a city that had a home interest in the game; we all just wanted to see a good game. The only ones before the Broncos was the Titans and Rams that came down to the final play in 1999, and Niners and Cincy with Montana's 2 minute drive a *decade* earlier. I guess Bills/Giants I, but that was before then too.
  24. I don't know about eking, that house on the water couldn't have been cheap. Don't underestimate being able to buy good food either. I'd concede getting a new car would be fair. Especially with all the running around they have to do. They could get an 'in town' car, and keep the minivan for longer trips. They also need a lot of liquidity in this business too.
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