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Everything posted by DoctorAtomic

  1. I don't know. Is it you can't take your helmet off, or people can't see your face? When things go sideways and those strict rules start getting in the way, they don't seem so strict all of a sudden.
  2. That makes more sense. I still don't think giving Cait away was Lokka-induced though. His druid-whateverness is the source of the vision. Cait may be the 'chosen one' and the only person who can wield the spear, but I'm convinced as ever that Divis is the (complaining) hero/mentor/friend who clears the path for Cait to defeat their enemies. I suppose keeping Hemple alive could be a possible hostage trade with Cait, but I doubt Aulus cares. She has no influence without Lokka and she's not a political asset. She doesn't care about the conquest of Britain. There's some speculation that the last scene was an hallucination or vision.
  3. I don't think they needed to do an episode about it though. It seemed quite clear from the sum total of the show, and it detracted from the entire premise that a single woman can have a job and casually date in the 70s.
  4. Part of my criticism of Fergus' plot is that you can mine drama from a reasonably adjusted married couple without always resorting to drama that threatens the relationship though. Claire and Jamie are a well adjusted couple given the context, and there's plenty of (reasonably, for me) drama of cultivating a prosperous settlement as well as outside issues like the safety committee or dealing with the native Americans. I'm most invested in how the fire is going to turn out; and the revolutionary war from the southern point of view so I'm not as invested in them. Fergus could have been readily integrated into some of that, on top of getting the still reconstructed. For example, they could have worked it that Fergus and Young Ian approach Jamie about taking the 'agent' job, and asked to be part of that. There is relationship drama in that way in Fergus doing a lot of things that he's checked out of the marriage, and that could still stem from Fergus feeling 'less of a man' or not 'useful'. So those themes can still be integrated into the show in a more organic way. The other part of the criticism is that Fergus was essentially a glorified extra last season and seemingly all of a sudden he's an abusive drunk. That can be contrasted with Claire doping up with the ether. It's not really interesting to me, but the development is legitimately earned.
  5. Season 7 was uneven overall. It is hard to not run out of ideas with that many episodes.
  6. So they say, but Sabine just handed it over to Bo-Katan iirc.
  7. And I thought the boy might be Lokka! Morrissey was killing it playing Aulus bonkers. Was the Hemple/Lucius scene the first time the actors were together? They really killed it. Just in that small space. She kind of met her match. BAMF CAIT. Wow I jumped out of my chair when she pulled a Mountain on Lokka. When would have Hemple gotten the yarn on Divis toe? That seems suspect. I'm a little eyerolling they just didn't off Hemple outright. If Lokka is gone, then she's just there to mess around. She's got no value. It kind of was her too. She was affected/under her influence by Hemple with the whole black butterfly. At the end of the last episode, when she helped Cait up, they cut to Hemple looking down on her. She was also throwing up black blood when Cait was ripping Lokka apart. It still may have backfired anyway because Divis saw Aulus taking Cait in his vision; that might not have been Lokka induced. Lokka doesn't really do visions. I would have liked to gauge an idea of the passage of time for that final scene. Cait could be drugged or yarned, or whatever. I think the irony is going to be that the spear made it back to Rome. Christianity did actually start in Rome.
  8. Young Ian even calls himself Young Ian.
  9. It's kind of sad that Teddy spent all this time floundering in resentment, although I don't fault him. When he said, 'you guys thought we were friends?!' I actually thought he was going to tear them up. I hope that means less plots about neurotic Teddy.
  10. Well, it's only episode 1, and Jamie apologized for missing the sermon when him and Claire went to visit the settlement with supplies. When Jamie said, 'this is my land and my word is law', Christie retorted some nonsense about the lord, that wasn't nearly even in the same galaxy as the point Jamie was making. Add in him bloviating about his deceased wife burning in hell. It's clearly going to be a point of contention, and we should see why.
  11. Did they say what Christie's religion is? I know they said 'protestant', but I mean like shakers, 7th day, whatever you call the people with the snakes. He's kind of a Great Awakening type.
  12. Tom also said to Allan that 'his mother was burning in hell'. That's not good. Tom and the 'safety committee guy' look the same to me. That's kind of what I meant by 'giving the character something to do'. The show shouldn't have to tell me outside the show the motivation for Fergus. Plan better. They knew they had a season 6. Or use this season to do that, than jump into it. I think it's also because Fergus and Young Ian are favorites around here too and we don't what to see either of them having a rough go of it.
  13. It's a ten minute walk. I'll just bring a 12 pack and we can stop on the way. All too familiar.
  14. Tort reform. Absolutely brilliant. Does everyone know lobster rolls? It's a New England thing. I don't know if it's something outside the area. I never cannot get enough Surfin Bird. That joke is endless. Isn't this the second Rupurt? Brian bought him in a convenience store.
  15. Wow Death By Chocolate is a brilliant burn of a nickname. Was the ship called the Gertrude Stein? That's inspired. And the band played Barracuda. I like that Louise has her own kids' drink. Ginger ale was always a 'going out' drink. And she ordered beers for the adults. I like when they write this version of Teddy.
  16. I was just thinking today we haven't seen Alanis. I love when she rants about the 90s. I've been wanting to get a CB for my car for a while. This is making me lean in to it. I don't get why they couldn't just use the CB to talk to actual truckers. We don't see enough of the kids plots compared to the Belchers. Bethany is my favorite because she's so punk. Lots of great details in here. The Spells history, practice mine, C-Cake being a huge drunk.
  17. I don't know. It kind of wipes out any of Jamie's influence on him. I mean, it's been two decades.
  18. I had no idea that guy's name was Dolph. Wow what a rant from Martin! And he cut Bart right down. I always like how you can see the cooling towers anywhere in Springfield. Before the reveal, it was creepy. I didn't think they were actual murderers, but I didn't know where it was going.
  19. Same. It smacks of 'giving the character something to do'. I'm not seeing where that came from.
  20. I do like the characters, but after season 2, there's never been much in the way of plots for me. I'm really only invested in how the fire is going to pan out and the scenery. I also like when Claire does 'future stuff', like when the made the syringe or now with the ether. Building the settlement is kind of interesting too. I was confused that I missed an episode somewhere because the show opened in the prison. They certainly outdo themselves on the theme though. Still don't know how they built that house. Roger still working on that school? We were saying this for years! I don't think founding a church is necessarily a bad idea, but I was saying the same thing as Claire; there's a lot more people and that means way more food and shelter. I was glad Jamie started putting them to work. Mr. Christie is kind of a little bitch.
  21. The writing is uneven with him, but Teddy is good with the kids though.
  22. She's a good listener and has an open mind, but it's subtle. I don't know if it was the actor's choice, but it makes sense playing off Archie. I said before the show strikes me more as a play because so much of each episode is in the living room. Now that it's brought up, I'm seeing her running around all the time. She also talks with her hands a lot. The only other 70s show I watched was Mary Tyler Moore, which was shot different because it was meant to be a different show. I can't get over the props on this show. My aunt still has some of the glasses. And the wooden salad bowl! And Rue McLananan guest starred?!
  23. I can only take Gayle in small doses. She needs to eat less things that are the same color.
  24. Edith is way more savvy than she lets on. She isn't too hung up on the kids discussing sex; she's not totally chill, but at the same time she isn't all wound up like Archie would be. She doesn't act like it's bad. And she got the riddle about the surgeon! It seems like Edith is more apt to express her opinion when Archie isn't around, and it's more in line with the kids' views. Archie's niece is staying over, and she's going out dancing with Lionel. Edith puts 2 and 2 together quickly, and knows Archie is going to blow his stack. The nice part about it is Gloria and Mike talk to her and she quickly realizes there's nothing wrong with them going out. Edith goes all out on trying to get Archie to not look at the picture with the niece and Lionel. Of course it doesn't work, and Archie blows a gasket. This might be one of my favorite episodes; it wasn't so much about the race issue as the older men, both Bunker and Jefferson, being so out of touch, since they were on the same side. Why don't people say 'honky' anymore? I'm dying for George Jefferson to show up. Everytime so far it's been Lionel's uncle.
  25. Just goes to show you that Bob and Linda are picking Jen to sit the kids over Linda's own sister.
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