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Everything posted by LoneHaranguer

  1. Cougar has traditionally applied to women quite a bit older that Shelli, enough so that the double standard has a rationale. When it's an older man, it can be written off as having the practical purpose of procreation (Hugh Hefner wouldn't have three out of four of his kids if he had stuck with women his own age).
  2. They care, but not in the right way. They're afraid of retribution and are all hoping somebody else will take the risk. James is probably the only one willing to step up and there's not much time left.
  3. If they do, you probably have to be dropping a ton of cash with them to get it. All I've ever gotten from an insurance company is calendars and other cheap giveaways with their name printed on them.
  4. That's going to be true for anyone at an extreme in any respect that someone else might care about, whether it's a physical characteristic like color or height, or things like interests or opinions. People are drawn to people like themselves and if there just isn't anyone on one side of the bell curve around you then there are going to be fewer people interested than would be to someone closer to average. So, if there's one aspect you can't do anything about, you try to make the most of others.
  5. Since DC got the name from Alice in Wonderland, I don't think so. IMHO the cover would fit within the fair-use rules anyway.
  6. Wouldn't wearing shoes more make it more likely that his feet would smell? He's a big guy, so he probably can't find comfortable shoes and goes barefoot as much as possible. I'm not as big as him, but big enough to sometimes have the same problem.
  7. To be fair, most of the books didn't have catalog stickers, so it was going to look wrong anyway and wasn't worth the PA's time to sort it out. The prop department needs to beef up their book collection or make up some stickers to slap on when necessary.
  8. I doubt he's let her see that side of him. We have in the DR and he's dropped some clues for other HG's, but he's been pretty careful around Liz.
  9. Actually it'd be around double that according to the online inflation calculators. There's an episode of the Twilight Zone where a guy fills up his bone-dry gas tank for a little over four dollars, so even that could be a very conservative estimate.
  10. Did they do a "paint off" last season, or was this an attempt to justify keeping Cheryl Ann another week? The judges were slinging so much false praise, I thought we were going to see another BS decision.
  11. I think it's more a case of deciding that he's actually a pretty nice guy and just needs a little cleaning up.
  12. It was Leonard who said that, knowing that none of the reasons why Sheldon preferred that spot were relevant at the time. Penny had offered to move, phrasing it in such a way as to invite being told where.
  13. They should have had her do it just once at the end and really draw it out, like you hear Catwoman do in an old Batman movie or TV show. Just lengthening the word a little in the middle of a sentence sounds dumb.
  14. Since they just had a double elimination, it's more likely they'll say that in the spirit of the celebration, nobody is going home from this challenge. IMHO, that would fit the "surprise" in the episode title more that anything else we saw.
  15. I got the impression that what we saw was an edited version, but it was nice to see the artists band together and call out the judges on what was shaping up to be another BS decision. And Peck kept getting called out for not knowing what he was talking about wrt what the animal patterns should look like. Would it have been that much trouble to call up some photos on the internet before sitting down at the judges' table? This isn't the first episode where he and/or Nunez have embarrassed themselves this way.
  16. I'm guessing their ad agency drew it that way on the story-boards (those big white cards Darrin Stevens used to draw on Bewitched), so that's what the director filmed.
  17. But, they're also female, so it wouldn't have worked for the old-fashioned scenario they wanted.
  18. Sounds like a doctor hadn't declared it yet. Although they still avoid that word, there's other phrasing they use after it's official.
  19. It's not like she could say "oops, looks like we're getting another season after all, so we have to postpone the end of the world" (just speculation).
  20. How about Riki Lindhome vs Kate Micucci (aka Garfunkel and Oates)?
  21. No doubt this is why they did a double elimination this week. There won't be enough to do for a team of three, but they didn't want 15 individual works. Do they even have that many models? I don't recall seeing that many casts on the shelves the last time we saw them.
  22. Nev needs to come up with a better explanation for why the catfish needs to meet up with them immediately. I know he can't say anything like "we had you scheduled for this week", but something like "ten years is long enough" isn't very compelling.
  23. How frustrating would it be if he wound up in jury with Julia instead, having nothing to do with him while being a constant reminder of Liz who's managing to hang on safely out of reach in the BB house. James should have said that he was doing everyone a favor by making the agreement to cut the HOH competition short. It looked to me that he was quite prepared to outlast everyone else.
  24. As long as you're getting the right kind of pizza during the right time of day and the staff on duty doesn't happen to be a bunch of morons who can't keep up with the call-outs of what they're supposed to be making.
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