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Everything posted by LoneHaranguer

  1. Not a good comparison if she deliberately took the opium (which seems the most likely scenario). If you voluntarily get drunk or high, you're considered responsible for your own actions; nobody says tough luck about that guy you ran over, but you were impaired at the time, so it wasn't your fault.
  2. They do, although you have to shop near a big city or online to find them. I didn't notice, but the wardrobe department should have done a better job. Unless it was one of the four publicized in the Hobby Lobby controversy that can cause an abortion, you're right that it would be too late for a contraceptive.
  3. College student living off campus is one possibility.
  4. Didn't the TARDIS have the opportunity to simply refuse to cooperate when Clara wasn't on board? Just because the Doctor sets the coordinates for Clara's living room doesn't mean he can't wind up at a crisis across town and a century away instead.
  5. We didn't see her go out the door, so she may have picked up something she had off-screen in the room first. Sheldon may consider the scarecrow scene too frightening if he saw it in a theater.
  6. It was established in The Doctor's Wife that the TARDIS has been taking the Doctor where he "needed to go", which I guess means she's been playing God, using the Doctor and the "strays" he travels with as agents to implement her grand plan. The danger is an illusion because she needs him, so she won't be putting him into any situation destined to be fatal. What happens to Clara is another matter, but the TARDIS needs to be mindful of how the Doctor would feel about whatever happens and Clara's potential part in future tasks. If Clara is getting back for her dates on time, it may be because the TARDIS thinks she's useful and doesn't want her to walk away.
  7. For the salary she's getting, how could she say no, unless it would be OOC for Penny (which it's not)? They were correct to delete it. It would have been inconsistent with what happened to Marty in BTTF1.
  8. I don't get the one in the car either, where they put in a bunch of stuff, then wait a week for the smells to go away before doing their "test". Of course, even if they tossed in a dead skunk, some people will say the right things to be on TV.
  9. Most people would call whether Schrodinger's Cat makes it out of the box alive a matter of luck. I'm sure there's some impressive technical terminology that means the same thing, but why go there unless you're trying to feel superior?
  10. I expect she'd have something suitable on hand to inject. There's any number of things she could claim it was and Jane would have no way of knowing. If she didn't want to risk side effects, it wouldn't be as effective as a pill, but it beats taking a 20% chance of being ruined. At least Jane won't have to worry about money; bad enough to make a mistake like that without choosing to do nothing about it. The doctor's insurance company is going to be itching to settle.
  11. A suspicious person might think her attire in that scene was a blatant ploy to keep more viewers tuned in. Not that I'm complaining.
  12. No, but there was a relevant Storage Wars episode (not sure if it was original or Texas).
  13. I presume the original telenovela was done before anyone invented emergency contraception. It took me right out of the story to hear the voice-over say there was nothing the doctor could do after immediately discovering her mistake.
  14. Since the guys found they were still being distracted without the girls around, were the writers really saying that the relationship focus of the show isn't to blame for any perceived deterioration of the show? It could just be the writers are getting stale and the change in focus was a failed attempt at rejuvenation.
  15. If the bar was substituting no-name brands for the stuff this show is always pushing, and nobody noticed, what does that say about the "value" of those premium brands? While it's a disservice to customers to quietly do a substitution, the episode failed to show anybody was getting ripped off because we don't know what the customers were being charged. I think Taffer crossed a line instigating a big bar fight and trying to somehow blame the establishment for people being endangered/hurt. The security was no worse than at any other places that have appeared where he hasn't said a word. There are better ways to say "if we turn this place around, you'll have to hire more security to handle the crowd".
  16. How do you know it didn't? We've heard the guys talk about adhesives, so they ought to know what kind of tape to use so that a little solvent from the chem lab would take it right off.
  17. The book must be pornographic; some towns require them to be sealed while on display. You can't see the interior of a house that's currently considered unsafe.
  18. Shouldn't the explanation for why nobody but the victim could see the mummy mean that for those seconds, nobody in the room should have been able to see the victim either? What about Mickey Smith?
  19. Sasha will be fine working for someone who wants things their way, and will very likely hand her sketches. That will also keep her from being frozen with indecision about what to make (when she has too many ideas) or bringing back something too wild.
  20. Bob must have a contract the producers couldn't break; that looks like something they set up to make him want to leave. I like the humor in having the person losing the weigh-in go out through a (wide) set of double folding doors. Or, at least, I presume it was meant as humor rather than an insult.
  21. It was a bit incoherent, like old anti-drug ads used to portray how you'd see the world if you were high, so it needed time to get across what happened (but still didn't quite make it). Did Elsa do some editing, or was the person with the camera drugged too? The show must have a darkroom to get the film developed so quickly. Smoking actually does have some health benefits, but the potential harm wasn't known at the time because that relationship wasn't as obvious.
  22. Depends on the class. Some teachers don't mind because it means somebody's paying attention and they're not just wasting their time. And the other kids won't mind if somebody shows up a teacher who's being an ass.
  23. On this show, their specialty to come up. They're confident that they can impress the judges doing the one thing they actually know how to do, and don't seem to grasp that the judges want someone well-rounded enough to turn in work that's at least respectable every other time.
  24. I don't know about Sasha's school, but around here there's a definite difference between schools that prepare students for college vs going directly into a profession. While I'm sure she would have learned about famous works of art, concentration would have been on the practical aspects of doing similar work herself, rather than going into detail about their background and influences.
  25. Your body knows what it needs vs what it already has stashed away, so that's not a bad thing if you're eating the carbs because you really want them, rather than out of habit or convenience.
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