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Everything posted by swanpride

  1. Some of us like the "all is connected concept". They never specified when Victoria Hand was born. The fall of shield happend towards the end of 2013, though, and she was at least in her 40s during that period, possible older. It isn't far fetched that she was a young agent in the mid 1980s.
  2. . Nah, I think it was all about Cora, not Jiaying, it was just worded confusing. So...the finale.... What I didn't like: No explanation for the snap but I guess I go with "it happened around the same time they were busy taking out Graviton and it was just never mentioned in the show because the focus was always on something more pressing". You could interpret the "so many are lost" line that way at least.... Also, seven season and there is still one big plot point unsolved. Well, there are a couple smaller ones, too, but we still don't know what happened to the Inhuman on the bottom of the ocean. Granted, I didn't really expect them to squeeze that in the last two episodes, but still, for a perfectly wrapped up ending, this is kind of missing, which is odd, since usually the writers don't just forget about plot points. Also, their finale twist sadly didn't work. The fandom figured it out way, waaaaay in advance. Nice try, AoS. What I liked: Pretty much everything else!!! They really gave everyone the perfect ending, but left also a lot of room for fan theories. In my mind, Mack and Elena are still together and are kind of parenting Flint. And Daisy, Sousa and Cora aren't jut travelling space, they are also travelling time, which might or might not have involved a mission during the battle of new York. It's kind of the happy ending after the bitter-sweet one. And how fitting to end the last episode just like the first one: With Lola!!!! And yes, it was kind of snort-worthy that they basically ended on a Zoom call. Favourite scene: All those Shield agents in the bar. I mean, it was a little bit odd that they all just accepted what as happening without question (yes, they are agents, but THAT was a little bit much), but it was still great to see them all. Hey, and if you want, you can imagine that Gareth survived after all (kind of feel bad for him, he was a little shit, but it is kind of harsh to get betrayed in every reality). Loved to see a softer version of Victoria Hand. Still trying to figure out if the old guy with the late bus was meant to be Fury's father or Triplets Grandfather. I have to watch that scene closely again. Just too bad that they couldn't get Peggy or Thompson or someone else along the line for that scene…. Small timeline count: 1. The MCU timeline 2. The 1932 or 1955 Split, when the Cromicoms derayled everything (I kind of assume that what they did in the 1930s was more a ripple and not a wave). 3. The 2012 split when Loki escapes with the tessaract 4. The 2014 Split where Thanos vanishes out of one reality (also the perfect place for all the "infinity war never happened" fanfic AUs....) 5. The 2018 Split where Graviton destroyed the earth and the Kree took over 6. The whenever Cap went back split, in which Cap decided to be with Peggy. There is also a possible split in 1970 where Howard, inspired from his talk to Tony, ends up being a better father…. Anyway, my finale judgement is that the show still is damn impressive. Seven seasons, 136 episodes, and I can count the bad episodes on one hand and still would have some fingers left. I can't even do a top ten of "meh" episodes (I can do a top nine which I will publish soon, though).
  3. I don't think that it is possible to be worse than Perlmutter. I have to take your word for it, though, I don't read websites which don't allow me to opt out of cookies.
  4. Perlmutter wasn't particularly hands on with the Marvel TV shows, with the notable exception of Inhumans. And we all know how this ended. And Loeb apparently did a pretty good job managing him.
  5. It was shortsighted to push AoS aside due to those power struggles. I have no idea who at Disney kept insisting that the show kept getting renewed, but that person got that AoS plays an important role in the MCU. There are fans who ended up watching the movies because of the show, not the other way around, and fans who kept up with the movie due to the show, too.
  6. Honestly, I partly blame the writers of AoS, too. Okay, they didn't get ANY information for Infinity War. Why the HELL did they even do a tie as specific as "Thanos is in New York"? Season 4 was so super-tight written, the entire second and third pod basically happened within a week, and then you had the time jumping fifth season directly after it. Why not for once say "okay, we make sure that our season ends in 2017, before the events of Infinity war and then we see where we go from there"? At this point the movies themselves kept jumping around in time, too, nobody would have been angry if AoS had dropped the "this roughly happens in step with real time" routine. On the other hand, Marvel studios could have told them that it would be better to do that and then worry about dealing with Infinity War later on. And for the "who should have vanished" question: Davies, Piper, Deathlock, it's not like there aren't enough characters the audience cares about which aren't part of the main team.
  7. I actually think that some of the tie-ins were the best episodes...some where also the worst, but seeing the Winter Soldier impact from another perspective made it special, the Age of Ultron tie in was excellent and if anything I would have liked further exploration of the impact of the accords, not less. And they better tie this back to the MCU, or I will get really, really angry!!!
  8. I hope for something as legendary as SOS.
  9. Yep, and that was also the moment the audience started to turn around on her.
  10. Chloe Bennet was genuinely the weakest of the actors when the show started, though that was less about her being particularly bad and more about all the others being particularly good actors. She needed some time to grow. Otherwise the main problem was really that the writers kind of held her character up like an unwanted kitty screaming "like her! Like her please!" Ironically once the show treated the ensemble more like an ensemble and not everything seemed to be about Skye anymore, the fans started to like her way more. Also, Coulson's explanation why he wanted to keep her wasn't pretty clear. When he said "do you know how rare it is that Shield knows nothing about someone" I was misunderstanding it as Skye being such a great hacker that she could even hide from Shield. I only realised later on that those Shield agents were the ones who "hid" her and that Coulson mostly wanted to keep an eye on her to figure out what the mystery surrounding her was.
  11. Really? I thought the runway was pretty great overall, though I think not on the same level as the other denim runway was.
  12. Should they have allowed the Chronicoms to f... up some time-line?
  13. It actually wasn't Deke who brought up the Butterfly effect, that was either Mack or Daisy. Deke was the one who explained that nope, that isn't quite correct, and explained the ripple vs wave theory. And Deke actually IS the resident expert in this subject, he introduced the notion of a multiverse back in season 5 and is living proof that he was right.
  14. Too bad, I thought that Boa had more to offer than Ilona, but that lip sync...urgh. If she had only done a little bit more, she could have easily won. But nope. And yes, as I already noted last week, her leotards were getting REALLY boring. As far as parodies goes, this was better than usual. I at least got some laughs out of it, usually I get none. The story with the Bachelorette Party...what the hell? I wouldn't even get the idea of touching someone else without permission, entertainer or not, and I certainly wouldn't slip my finger...there. That's sexual assault! Honestly, I don't really "feel" Rita. I would like to, but I just don't connect with her. Currently Jimbo and Priyanka are my forerunners.
  15. Well, depends...like, this nonsense with the door in Titanic? Never had a problem with that, because in the movie you can see Jack trying to get on the door and failing. I don't give a flying f... if in real live he should have been able to somehow fit onto it in real live, in the movie it is established that he can't and that is enough for me. My biggest problem I have with the current storyline of AoS is the ever-looming question of in which timeline they are in and what happened to the snap.
  16. I dislike the idea of the writers that Steve existed in the main timeline not because of the question if it makes sense or not (it kind of does for the record), but because that would be hell on earth for Steve. Just imagine him having to sit on his hands for decades while Bucky is tortured and people die.
  17. I am a sticker for logic in time travel and so far, the show hasn't broken it. The multiverse theory is a thing, you know….
  18. Harry Potter also says that you CAN change the past, but then you might erase yourself from existence. Hence while the movie more or less falls into the second group, in the book it is suggested that time travel is dangerous unless you make sure that you DON'T try to encounter yourself. Regarding the show, another way to solve the problem is that they encounter eventually versions of themselves in the changed timeline, and then jump back into their own.
  19. There are basically three time travel theories… Number one is the Back to the future one, where changes in your past influence your presence. That one was always pretty iffy though, because in such a scenario the time traveller still remembers the original timeline, not the one which was changed for him. That's why Harry Potter takes it to the next level by pointing out the danger of destroying your own existence by meddling in the past. It is easily my least favourite, because it is just piling paradox upon paradox. Number two is the one Fitz used to subscribe to, in which past and future has already happened. Meaning if you travel back in time whatever you change has already happened, and your time travel was part of the timeline all along. That's the most restrictive one, but it was used pretty successfully in the first Terminator movie (and then blown up in the second one). And Number three is the Marvel version, with the multiple timeline. Which has two subcategories - the version in which EVERY change no matter how small creates a new timeline, and the version where only big changes do so (while small changes might lead to the time-line joining back together). That's my favourite one simply because it neither changes the past of the characters, nor ist it necessarily too paradox. At this point though I guess the only way to solve the timeline is going back to 1955 and hindering the chronicom from approaching Malick.
  20. If they don't connect the show back to the main time-line, I'll riot!!!
  21. Jemma totally has a daughter already. One she left behind and feels guilty that she had to. This episode felt a little bit like the "okay, we now mention everything we couldn't incorporate into the story" episode. And it was pretty much the epilogue to the larger one. Which AoS better nails. On the finale hinges the question if the two additional seasons were truly worth it. I really don't see how they intend to fix this timeline while also explaining how the whole show now ties into the MCU at large in one episode, even if it is a two hour one.
  22. Doesn't mean that there won't be any flashbacks, though….
  23. It's not a handout to give back what was stolen. If anything, it will always be too little too late. Some things can't be corrected, no matter how much money you throw at them. But at least, you can do better than you did in the past.
  24. There are currently rumour that ScarJo has signed another long term contract with Marvel, hence I guess we have to wait and see if her movie will really be the final good-bye.
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