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Everything posted by jzygayle

  1. This episode was so well done, but it seriously needed a tissue box warning. I was practically sobbing by the end. While I can see the obvious shipping for Lt. Armitage and Morwenna, I hope they just become good friends. I don't want George thinking that's his ticket to society. On the other hand, Whitworth is just a creeper, I could see Armitage coming to her rescue.
  2. I hope so. I like Lauren. She seems to be very much a "Behold the field in which I grow my fucks" sort of person.
  3. Yes. But I wish he was allowed to use the Lucius Malfoy accent.
  4. I think it all changed when he and Francis had their falling out. Maybe the subtle message the producers are giving (and I may be giving them too much credit) is that Francis had a humanizing effect on George. When they had their falling out and then when Francis died, George became more.....mustache-twirly.
  5. So.....Chandler's kids still languishing in Greece? Worst. Dad. Ever.
  6. Hetero female here. The Carne brothers aren't doing much for me. (though the older brother shows a bit of promise if we could stop with all the cow eyes younger brother and the governess are making at each other.....)
  7. I just figured Geoffrey Charles had done like many kids do--he'd sussed out a point that George was sensitive about (the baby looking like him) and finding any excuse to point out that the child does NOT look like George. For a kid GC's age, it's probably easy enough to just assume the baby looks more like Mom's side of the family--the part that GC is related to--and not George's--the part GC shares no ancestry with. Because I really don't see any indication that GC dislikes the child (other than its association with George).
  8. On the one hand, I was AYFKM???? On the other, I was "fuckers should all have been dead from heat and fumes about 15 minutes before they ever found the cabin anyway, so why the fuck not?"
  9. Ehem. I believe you mean White Chocolate. Edited to add: I really hope Starfleet Medical hurries up and "discovers" the effects of circadian rhythm disruption and work efficiency. As a night shift worker, I can't even begin to imagine the problems this ship has with people falling asleep at their posts, what with the dark lighting.
  10. Murtaugh's middle name was Fitzgibbons--he was related to Mrs. Fitzgibbons (the housekeeper at Castle Leoch for Colum MacKenzie) in some way that I can no longer remember from the books. So in much the same way that Jamie will take on (I think) Alex MacKenzie at Helwater, they had Murtaugh take on Fitzgibbons at the prison.
  11. I've thought that, too. But given Murtagh's age and his years in prison, it strains credulity that he will survive (as he has to) through the not-very-safe ocean crossing and then 14 years indentured servitude. This is one point in which I think the books had it right at the beginning. Murtagh was a beloved character, but given the times and conditions, it's just not likely (other than the script writing him in) he's going to be around by the time Jamie and Claire get to the Americas.
  12. So.....has Chandler just abandoned his kids in Greece? Or did I sleep through him evacuating them before he took up with Giorgio?
  13. I've only seen REIGN on Netflix and I call it "Mary Sue, Queen of Scots" but it is a lot of fun :) I kind of like the anachronistic part of it, but WILL should have decided what it was to start with. They're all over the place on if it's a fun romp or torture porn--I suspect that's what killed it/killing it in the ratings. Also it takes a bit of dedication to let this series come into its own and while I still watch each new episode before the next one airs, it's taking me longer and longer to feel like I want to spend the time watching it. A bit like TIMELESS, actually, where I still have the last 5 episodes recorded on my DVR, but I haven't watched them.
  14. Kazons = Really Tall Brown Oompa Loompas.
  15. Usually, I'd be right there with you. I work nights and have to leave for work before 10pm, so I don't get to see the outcome of the final vote. This season, though, I seriously thought Tai's nonsense with Brad and telling him about the idols basically handed the whole thing over to Brad--because who KNEW the dumbass would actually take Sarah to FTC??? Anyway, not me, so I turned off the TV in disgust and left early for work. And then got on here last night to find out--much to my surprise--that Brad's a bigger idiot that Tai. And apparently more obnoxious, so I guess at some point this weekend I'll watch the last bit of the finale. I'm not really much of a Sarah fan, either, but I'll take her over Brad every damn day.
  16. This. I didn't think anyone could top Tai's stupid move of telling Culpeper that he had two idols. And then Culpeper chose Sarah instead of Tai--snatching defeat from the jaws of victory.
  17. Well, I went along with the changes in the first 4 episodes, because they didn't detract too much from the original stories nor from Anne. Even when they Mary Sue'd Anne into knowing how to battle a house fire better than all the residents of PEI, who surely have battled house fires before now. But, okay. I was willing to put that aside a bit. However, the bits with members of a small community not even KNOWING the Cuthberts, Jerry getting beat up and robbed and then the Cuthberts welcoming (unbeknownst to them) the robbers into their farm is just too much Michael Landonization (see Little House and how they blew up the town in the series finale) of the Anne of Green Gables story. I get that this adaptation wanted to delve into some dark corners but this is STILL the Anne of Green Gables story--where there's some darkness, yes, but the POINT is that there's a (mostly) happy ending (sorry, Walter....). The melodramatic add-ons don't add on. They detract from the story. And for me, they jumped the shark.
  18. Caveat: I noticed this only because I've done Mariner's Compass quilts before. She had her color blocking wrong on the two compass points that pointed up and down. One side was "clear" (outline but no color in the middle) and the other side was filled in with the outline color. And she had them reversed so that they didn't match up with the coloring throughout the entire compass point.
  19. You're all right, but Eliza Dushku, so YAY!
  20. No, you're right; I confused EJ with Paula.
  21. And Tony/Kate/EJ[not EJ--Paula--Thanks, betsyboo!]/Ziva. And Bishop/ex-husband/dead-guy-dating. Divorce or death. Those are the options.
  22. Dear NCIS Spouses: Divorce now. Your only other option is death.
  23. Okay, everybody say it with me. Music is not just art, it's math!!! Music is MATH! MUSIC IS MATH!!! How have all these brainiacs made it as far as they have and don't know that music instruction IMPROVES math scores. GAH!!! And how did Hannah not feel the box crate moving with the ocean?
  24. So if, "Into Every Generation, A Savior is Born" is how they're handling the Savior, can we please just cut to the chase, get Buffy and the Scoobies in here and end this?
  25. It's the one hotel in DC that doesn't take credit or debit cards to pay for the rooms, so there's no way the bad guys could track her. What? That makes JUST as much sense as any reason the show might offer.
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